
Mors777's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mors777's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yeah, like no one's going to be biased or subjective in this debate.

Over my extensives reasearch on a majority (one) of debating websites, I've found that the best one, of course, is CreateDebate.

(Can I have triple points for this?)

1 point

I only said the "LETS HAVE GAY SEX" thing to piss you off and to make Srom look wierd, because I, Chuckhades, wanted to have a laugh.

2 points

I'm going to own up to it now. I'm actually Chuckhades' alternate account, created just to taint the name of Srom.

Srom has never had an alternative accounts.

Please stop ganging up on him.

1 point

Actualy, Srom only gets so many comments because his arguments are both intellectual and inspring to so many others.

1 point

What about America defeating Britain in the revolution? Britain is weak.

2 points

I still don't understand your previous comment to me.

1 point

What are you talking about? And how do you know I'm a fundamentalist Chrisitian?

0 points

I don't do that. Making alternative accounts would be untruthful.

1 point

I believe that we should get double points, this would make createdebate a better and fairer society for all.

1 point


1 point

Actually, France had a strong resistance building up while under Nazi control, it is likely they would have successfully revolted without need of British intervention.

1 point

Love what?

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