
MrsHellno's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MrsHellno's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You're lying, I'm not rude to people.

2 points

I'm just too popular, I want to see how being not popular feels like. Though it can't be that great because everyone wants to be me and I'm popular.

MrsHellno(77) Clarified
2 points

Oh golly, I hope that doesn't happen. If I hinted that I was you then it was completely unintentional. I was just concerned that people here were being a bit harsh, I know some of the boys can be a bit rude now and then.

2 points

Those are all things we don't need, I myself am a liberal and our liberal ideology states that healthcare rights is bad for our freedom.

If we have free healthcare then we don['t have the choice on what hospital to choose, we will end up being prisoners of the state and that will infringe on our human rights.

1 point

What on earth are you on about dear?

1 point

OMG Andy has an puppet account!!!

1 point

LOL! Such a blatant lie, you are and alternate account.

1 point

Go Girl!

We're all about diversity and change here at CD!

1 point

I only have one account as well! I hear through the grapevine that lots of well known users here actually have several accounts (shame on them).

We should start a group, maybe call it the single-account group.

16 points

I don't know who is in this 'Mic collection' but I'm voting this side.

Now all my fangirls vote with me!

1 point


1 point

So you don't have anything to say?

MrsHellno(77) Clarified
1 point

I just did...

1 point

Title has very little to do with the actually debate and is actually a perverted lure to try provoke people into commenting.

Introduction is very unfriendly and does not specify what the debate is talking about.

Argument sides are far too opinionated.

Arguments are just random comments from idiot users.

Overall, this is clearly another spam debate set up by the infamous Joecavalry to try rack up a few more points. The loser obviously has nothing better to do with his time.

Debate Rating: 1/10

0 points

That's a shit joke, downvote for you!

1 point


1 point

That's because they're stupid, dear.I'm actually Hellno's wife, he was so interesting in the site that I thought I would join in too.

-2 points
1 point

Hello Ella, welcome to CreateDebate! I hope you can fit in well and have a good time.

3 points

Yay! Everyone join the party!

1 point

Of course we know it isn't you, silly. Only a complete IMBECILE would think that I'm another one of your accounts.

0 points

You lied! In the following debate: troll

You said to Prodigee "You are the troll Mic", clearly you ere denouncing him as a liar, but it is YOU who lied!

For that you shall be banned.

0 points

Hi dearest, so why didn't you believe Prodigee in the first place? That is the big mystery we're investigating tonight.

2 points

Prodigee is clearly right about the 'doctor' why will noboy believe him?

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