
Nicephorus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicephorus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Looks to me like right wingers understand that they are allowed to disagree with each other and the party. Left wingers do not seem to grasp the concept of not towing the line like you are in a cult playing as the cult party's plantation slave.

2 points

Oh heck. This is my state. Thanks for the info. I'll be voting for Oz now.

1 point

Mandating an injection is worse than both, and you supported it, so no one cares about the left's hypocrisy from that point forward. You gave the world open permission to say screw your body and your choice. Remember? What, you thought we forgot that you bellowed on and on about how our bodily choice didn't mean dick to you? Nah. We didn't forget bro.

2 points

Alaska has more oil than the Saudis could ever dream of, but the left are virtue signaling on the climate, so no digging allowed because reasons.

1 point

Yeah, but nothing will be done about it. It's quite the nice little fraud scheme. Do the dirty deed, drag it out past the election, and even if you are caught, it's too late. No court is going to just hop up and overturn an election after the official has been in office for two years. And even if they did, it would just create chaos and civil war while the media stoked the flames.

2 points

Seriously defend the border, and I wonder how much would stop due to no supply from our friends down south.

3 points

It's fairly basic psychology. Look up depression, anxiety etc, and the ways to overcome them is by things like being, grateful, having a positive attitude, not partaking in substance abuse and the like. Leftist ideology teaches the opposite of all of those things. How could one possibly be happy when they think their country sucks, racism is everywhere even in looks, smiles, lack of looks and lack of smiles via "micro aggressions"? How can one he happy when they have mild to severe anxiety and/or depression and abuse alcohol or drugs? Faith is another component of happiness. White leftists especially tend to be Atheists, so any "privilege" they assume they have is canceled out by their having no objective meaning or purpose in their life. Leftism by default is the recipe for the perfect storm of misery.

2 points

Biden isn't particularly bright and has never been. He made up nonsense like some kind of habitual lunatic even when he was younger and not in cognitive decline.

2 points

No one will miss Biden including Democrats. This guy has single handedly made noticable demographic shifts in voting. The media monopoly can't shovel propaganda fast enough to cover for this guy, and minorities are starting to realize how racist, elitist and psychotic and totalitarian the Democratic Party is.

2 points

Explain why migrants being shipped to liberal sanctuary areas is a bad thing

Hello B:

Uhhh, cause it's a crime called Human Trafficking.

So when Biden shipped migrants, it was human trafficking. Here's where you disappear from another debate. 2022/06/09/biden-admin-to-ship-migrants-from-border-to-us-cities/amp/

1 point

We don't debate videos remember? You could formulate an argument, but you can't. You don't want the migrants. You want virtue points for pretending you do.

0 points

Leftism doesn't believe in objective morality, so lying, distorting, leaving out context to them is fine, so they do just that. It's why they'd rather shout you down than debate you.

0 points

You can always tell the people who use emotions over logic when it comes to a creator. They are obsessed with the idea of a creator and can't stop talking about it or trying to convince themselves that one doesn't exist. Imagine spending all day talking about and studying the magical squid of Uranus as if you have nothing else to be into. And Dude, no one is gonna respond to a 10,000 word essay. It'd be like someone handing you a book to debate against. No thanks. Make a point or two, and you'll get a response.

1 point

I don't care who's President as long as it's not one of you deranged lunatics on the left. Probably why millions have changed political parties.

1 point

Most of the US military's arsenal and equipment is stationed somewhere in a red state. What's your plan when our governors don't give you access to that equipment or let your military personnel into our states, much less our facilities? What exactly do you think a civil war in a country with 370,000,000 people and 50 states looks like? I'd like to know.

1 point

I dunno where you come from, but the LEFT is MORE than a few Disney execs..

So condemn Disney for taking gay scenes out of its movies to appease the ultra religious, and explain why they don't take the same action with the religious in America. Or you could just admit they are simply a greedy, grifting multi billion dollar corporation who has tricked the American left into supporting them via their wallets by pretending to support the politics of wherever they think the cash will come from in a given region of the world.

1 point

I dunno where you come from, but the LEFT is MORE than a few Disney execs

Are you condemning Disney's move? Of course not. The woke ideology trumps all.

Look.. I'm vulnerable to the truth..

You think a media that called the Hunter Biden laptop fake news and misinformation and convinced you Biden would be a wonderful President is a media that can be trusted and is surely a conveyor of truth.

that's a hallmark for liberals

Are you for real dude? I almost spewed my drink out when I read this. You are literally required to ignore facts to be a liberal. If you did nothing but repeat facts in public, the left would dox, threaten and attempt to destroy you. Hell, they tried to destroy a far left liberal for the sin of saying "Day without white people" was evil and racist and that he would not participate. Then they tried to destroy his wife. Both were fired for being real liberals by the old definition. And people like you won't side with him, now will you? Of course not. You're a collectivist, so you are required to bow, and we both know you will. And stop saying you're a liberal when your party supports censorship, mandatory vaccines and lockdowns, and applauds the FBI knocking down peoples' doors for having the "wrong politics".

1 point

Isn't this kind of the point of the Supreme Court allowing the states to choose for themselves? You're celebrating a state choosing as was the right's point in the first place why?

1 point

One of those statements is true, and the other is not.

Explain to us the difference between the two sentences there Einstein. We gonna be waiting for an answer for eternity again? Yes, we are. Here's where you vanish because you don't know the fucking difference seeing there isn't one.

1 point

So show us the evidence of Trump committing a crime. Here's where you run off again with no retort because you're stupid, stupid, stupid and don't have to respond to anything you don't want to. No shit there Genius. You don't have to respond. You are fully free to retreat like you did in Vietnam.

1 point

Gonna be a cold day in hell once again before the left shows us evidence of any crime. Meanwhile, Biden's boys' emails show him doing worse, with evidence, than anything Trump is even alleged of doing without any evidence.

Nicephorus(223) Clarified
1 point

And now you're getting it fixed up, expanded and the gaps closed, right?

Yes, and the left called anyone who supported it a racist. Now the left are finishing said "racist wall" with no rebuke of its "racist" nature. They're either racists or slanderers.

3 points

right wing women HAVE wombs too

And are pro life. That's why they are right wing.

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