
NomLovesMarx's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of NomLovesMarx's arguments, looking across every debate.

Both the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, have changed. I am a centrist, and think both the right and the left, have both good, and bad.

The globalist elite are orchestrating all sorts of race wars, race delusions, and policies, at borders around the world.

Poe's Law, for you. Troll on, trolly!..........................................................................................................

NomLovesMarx(359) Clarified
2 points

I am not fully right, but the right does not hate science.......................................................................

NomLovesMarx(359) Clarified
1 point

Okay so I feel conflicted because I have some leftist ideas because I am a centrist, like healthcare, contraception, vegan/animal rights, literacy, but I disagree with leftists on other issues. Voting based on Party, rather than ideas, is wholly foolish, right or left, so yeah.

I don't believe in racial or ethnic slurs, but I do feel conflicted on this one. I am a centrist with both right veiws, and left, so i don't know how, to answer, this.

Good point! I never, thought, of that!...........................................................................................................................

Why? I am willing to consider your case, but I lean towards banning, violent anything. There is no reason to teach violence to young chinldren,, and with neuropsychiatric disorders on the alleged inrease, we do not need, to combine, the two, do you see, what I am saying? Let me know, if you need statistics, and information.

Yes leftists/Marxists, do hate religious people, like Christians and Messianic Jewish people.

Theyare hypocrites, for calling Republicans racist, and being racist, themselves.

NomLovesMarx(359) Clarified
1 point

I have a book somewhere called Neuroscience For the Mental Health Clinician, and it explains neuropsychiatry, which comines neurology, and psychiatry, and in this book, it explains the defects in the brain are a result, of genetic, anomalies.

I'm alright. I have been watching sermons, and documentaries, about Yeshua, and other people, places, and things.

I agree that God never gives us more than we can handle, but other people, places, and things, do, and the presence of neuropsychiatric disorders, can present, an issue.

You can have both. According to many Scriptures, Yeshua/Jesus, does......................................................................

Check please! I have been saying this, for years!...........................................................................................

If you want hot chocolate, good for, you!.............................................................................................................

Yeshua/Jesus said to love those that hate you, bless those that persecute you, do not evil, for evil, and in John 7:24, judge not according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement, barring, judging by skin color, or ethnicity. Shalom!

I am a centrist, and am conservative, on individual issues, and I love every skin color, ethnicity, and nationality. Case closed.

Neuropsychiatric disorders, bulling, abuse, failed relationships, substance abuse, the loss of a loved one, you catch my drift?

What the fuck is going, on? Have you been, shrooming?..........................................................................

No. My father to my knowelege was never convicted, but he was a criminal. Why do I have to die. It is between Yeshua, and me.

I support marijuan. It has medicinal benifits, and might be fun, for people, thatuse, it.

Revelation 13, will tell you everything I think about globalism...............................................................................

Good point. Allegedly Adolf Hitler and others had severe health problems.

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