
Norwich's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Norwich's arguments, looking across every debate.
Norwich(1576) Clarified
2 points

Well said, and difficult to disagree with your evaluation.

Everything has to evolve or die out.

In my opinion, based on the site's recent activity, or lack of it, CD needs to fine tune its format or become extinct.

0 points

I feel that social media has reduced a lot of the time we once spent watching television but has not taken over, or even infringed on other recreational activities such as sporting pursuits or hobbies.

Our cyber interactions with our fellow human beings represents a more positive use of our free time and enables us to hone our communication skills and increase our literary abilities.


Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point


Well, we've addressed some of the problems attributable to the demise of the forum which was once buzzing with heated debates but we haven't identified any definitive reasons why its failure occurred and how we may re-establish the site back to its former glory.

Was site's achilles heel the ease with which members could acquire alts enabling them to ''down-vote'' opposing opinions into oblivion?

Had the site too great a % of participants who developed irrational loathings for certain individuals with whose views they disagreed?



Si tout est fini, avoir une bonne vie.

Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

What you're saying is that in the main the nature of people's responses and terminologies should be regulated and restricted to the terms & conditions as defined by the sponsor(s).

In the absence of the existing pre-determined parameters being enforced many participants, me included, try to bulldoze their viewpoints through any opposition by using profanities and mudslinging.

I guess, as you say, that when given carte-blanche, people tend to get triggered, go off topic and focus on personal abuse.

Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

Would it be constructive if we tried to analyse why the forum has reached nadir?


Too much of an unregulated free-for-all.

Interactions involved more personal insults than rational discourse.

Participants just became indifferent to the topics presented for discussion.

I am of the opinion that the subject matters dredged up from a few years ago are of greater appeal that more recent themes.

1 point

Keep the illegals coming here to our land of MILK AND HONEY, we'll accommodate them, feed them, give them free medical attention and education while telling our citizens to go and yodel up the canyon for their supper.

When did the loony leftists start thinking that America was infallible and it was acceptable for them to stigmatize the entire nation with their reckless policies of adopting the dregs of the failed nations of the world?

In my books these low-lifes are the worst type of criminal.

1 point

I predict that the leftists and Wokes such as A.O.C., THE IMBECILE and his loony leftist handlers will opt to kick the can up the road and try to borrow even more.

We are at a point of borrowing whereby we can barely afford to pay the interest charges on the borrowing sum never mind reducing the gross debt.

People shout for transparency and to be be told the facts, but they can't handle the truth when it's set in front of them.

1 point

To start to repay our eye-wateringly enormous debt of $ 31.5 trillion we would have to enter into a long period of austerity, increased taxes and reduced public spending including cutting the crippling benefit handout expense.

Our time is up, it's either shit or get off the pot.

1 point

Defaulting on your just and lawful international debts, or any debts is the pathway taken by a country of gangsters.

Read a book entitled, Colossus.

1 point

We've all tired with the character assassination of Trump by the F.B.I., and the endless stream of gaffs of Biden and Camala.

So, it really is time to move on.

2 points

Topical subjects are pretty well non-existent while personal put downs have lost their shock value.

2 points

It's encouraging to see you stretching your vocabulary and literary prowess to their absolute limits.

Stay committed to increasing your word-stock along with improving your writing proficiency and in no time at all you'll be able to pen such literary masterpieces as War & Peace and For Whom the Bell Tolls.

1 point

Although roast cat is quite tasty, (a little like chicken) especially with some ketchup, in the main people tend not to eat their pets.

Meat eaters such as myself along with most of the world's population find easement of conscience, perhaps mistakenly so, in the belief that the animal we're eating was reared caringly and slaughtered as swiftly and painlessly as possible.

The human race has been hunting and killing wild animals for food since time and memorial when, due to our species survival instinct, consideration for the animal's welfare did not enter our life or death quest for food.

I'm certain that when Inuits hunted seals for food and fur they did not, nor indeed could not deliberate on how to minimalize the animal's pain or distress.

The African Hadza tribe can still be described as 'hunters and gathers and I would once again doubt that these hunters give much, if any thought to their prey's wellbeing.

Throughout Africa and other less ''civilized'' nations many people can only survive on bushmeat which involves the killing of bats, monkeys, snakes and rats.


Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

Yes, point taken.

But on this occasion the offending party was a feral black correctional officer who was accompanied by her white boss who did nothing to have her lowlife subordinate colleague retract her racist comment nor apologise for her conduct which was likely to cause a breach of the peace.

When two black police officers attended the incident they were most abusive towards the white visitor who remained calm and polite throughout the disgraceful incident but were dismissive of his complaints of his recorded racist bantering from the offender.

Even though the white victim was perfectly within his rights to be at the facility and had just cause to be on the premises the black cops ''PROTECTED THEIR OWN'' and made no attempt to ensure the white visitor could conduct his business safely and without harassment.

Black aggression and boldness is becoming alarmingly commonplace in every country they infest.

During the Coronation of King Charles a black female singer who is representing the U.K., at this weekend's Eurovision song contest described the appearance of England's Royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as ''TERRIBLY WHITE''.

THE BONGO, is now becoming the epitome of the old adage;- ''give them an inch and they'll take a mile''.

Norwich(1576) Clarified
2 points

What's this? A man with no lead in his pencil wiping out a Charlie platoon with a blunt graphite stick.


God didn't make EXCON, the High Priest of Jerusalem did.

1 point

This type of incident is why racist incidents are commonplace right across America and, along with most law enforcement agencies, the public's reluctance, or even refusal to confront raw racism helps to explain why racism is here to stay.

Keeping your head in the sand isn't going to resolve the deepening racial tensions within our country and the ensuing deadly violence which is an inevitable consequence of the type of volatile affair I have described.

2 points

This recorded incident is a frightening illustration of unfair racial bigotry and acts as clear evidence how racism is flourishing in America and how the biased and unprofessional police execute their duties in a disgracefully prejudiced manner.


1 point

The offending correctional officer made her statement of hate while being videoed and in the presence of her superior officer who did not instruct her subordinate to withdraw and apologise for her scandalous display of unashamed racism.

The two police officers who attended the verbal altercation incident were informed about the racist's provocative statement of hate but in a show of unfair prejudice decided to ignore the recorded crime.


2 points

The leftists/wokes consider anyone who is not a BONGO to be a white supremacist.

As every other ethnic group outshines THE BONGO in all fields of intellectual endeavour and achievement the blanket definition of all NON-BONGOS as being white supremacists provides them with a ''SAFE-PLACE'' in which to hide from reality and shout yah boo at the rest of their mythical ''WHITE SUPREMACIST world.


2 points

What about illiterate deaf mutes?

Successive governments, but mainly the DImocrats have swamped the country with greasers and Asians who can't, and probably never will be totally, or even partially literate in English.

If we remove the right for these Johnny Foreigners to vote they will never feel part of the community in which they live and become EVEN MORE violent and lawless.

By permitting our politicians to swamp our country with the world's filth all we can do is engage in a DAMAGE LIMITATION STRATEGY which includes granting the lowlifes the right to vote.

Norwich(1576) Clarified
0 points

The hardships facing large sections of the British population pale into insignificance when compared to the desperate poverty and public squalor of post WW2 U.K.

The monarchy in its present form acts primarily as a graphic illustration of the disparity between THE HAVES AND HAVE NOTS.

This glaring disparity breeds bitter resentment and anti-establishment hostility.

I'm afraid your romantic fairy-tale narrative is not going to end with;- And they all lived happily ever after.

1 point

If Trump shot someone other than in self-defense he would most definitely lose voters along with his freedom.

I feel that his sinister statement should ring alarm bells with most people, as such an irresponsible, bravado boast bears all the hallmarks of a deranged megalomaniac.

This is why the Democrats try to stigmatise Republican voters by describing them as ''Trump Supporters''.

Trump should hang up his gloves and invite THE IMBECILE to do the same.

We need an altogether fresh approach to finding solutions to the multiple complex problems which our nation faces.

Norwich(1576) Clarified
2 points

@ HF;-

The losers, blacks, (sorry, I repeat myself) the loony leftists wokes and the virtue signaling, sanctimonious liberals will of course go in for name calling without presenting any rational counterargument to your statement of facts.

Furthermore, because your narrative doesn't serve as an excuse for their laziness, lethargy, lack of initiative and enterprise they simply cannot afford to admit the truth.

As you have underlined, losers MUST, absolutely MUST apportion blame for their inadequacies to other factors other than where it truly belongs, THEMSELVES, they will go to their grave shouting obscenities at the messengers of truth and blaming the world on their lifetime of failures.


0 points


The duties of the successful applicant will comprise of;-

Waving from a limousine or standing on a balcony sporting an inane grin while gesturing to a cheering, common crowd of subservient minions.

As well as the above obligatory responsibilities the crowned candidate will be expected to keep the lid on the multiple scandals incurred by numerous wayward members of the Royal Family.

This position carries a salary of some $10 million per Annum, along with many fringe benefits which include free Palace and Castle accommodation, various Country Estates, free international travel and of course a chauffeur driven limousine as well as the use of any one of a fleet of top of the range luxury automobiles.

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