
NowASaint's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of NowASaint's arguments, looking across every debate.
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You're on your way to Hell. I guess you don't care that you need to be saved.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

You're a hater. Why don't you just admit it. In one breath you say you don't hate and then you try to destroy my character which is the same as murder in your heart. You post bold faced lies about me. I have seen others say you do the same thing to them and because I see you do it to me, I tend to believe them. You're a hater and you think you are exonerated in death and free from punishment and you are a fool and I've tired of trying to tell you how you can be saved and live forever in Heaven.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Whatever. You follow your feelings, I will stick with the word of God.

I do not uphold any teachers who are in disagreement with the Bible. You uphold them.....and I'm sure you are inventing lies about a person when you say they are teaching men to treat their wives like children.

You let your emotions rule and you don't care what the Bible says about things and it tells me what to do so I'm doing it.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

A real Christian, according to the Bible, understands that they are incapable of doing what Jesus and the Bible says we are supposed to due. We are sinners and will always fall short of what God wants us to be which is like Him, sons of God like His Son who is God incarnate. To be a real Christian, you have to be born again, born of the Spirit of God. You will not understand what a real Christian is except that you get saved and become a real child of God, born of His Spirit.

You're on your way to Hell fighting against the only One, God, who can save you. You are fighting against Him, His word, and hating His people who want nothing but for you to be saved from Hell.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You are a real dying person, subjected to death. That is objective truth. You need to be saved (which should be common sense obvious to a dying person).

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You can't do as Christ taught, you can only try. You will fail. You need God's mercy to be saved, you have to be born again. If you are not born again, you are on your way to Hell, dying, stuck in death with no way out. You are in the first death now and need to be saved or you will be in the second death with no end when the first death ends your time here.

1 point

The term "Christian" was given to Jesus' disciples by people who did not understand what it is to be born again. If you are not born of the Spirit of God, you are not a Christian according to the Bible. The dictionary does not tell you how to be a Christian or what one really is, the bible does.

Many people, especially Catholics which mask paganism with biblical characters and concepts, call themselves Christian and the world not knowing what a real Christian is accepts their claim.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points

Didn't you read the OP? Is part of the religion of atheism demanding you be obtuse? Why are so many atheists beligerent buffoons with no manners?

It's clearly stated that this discussion is about atheists, not for them, so take your garbage somewhere else if you still have time outside of Hell.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You're a hater, that's why you try to spread lies about me. I speak nothing but the truth, you are a liar and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire which is the second death. Enjoy your time dying in your first death old timer. Things won't be getting better for you in your rebellion.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Your name is repulsive and your manners are deplorable. Get yourself cleaned up a bit before you think about coming into my house.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points

you're a weak minded drug addict fooling yourself into thinking you are smart and strong. So smart and strong and a slave to weed.

Smoke another one, slave boy (weed makes it's abusers emotionally stunted so they never mature....never grow they remain slaves with the bodies of adults and boys and girls at heart. Just go smoke another one and try to forget about your dying and hope you are right in saying you have the right to exist outside of hell with your dope.)

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
2 points

Con, your mind is so twisted from weed that the stink is in your words and I really tire of reading your stuff.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You're not being honest. They crucified Jesus because He was an "extreme fundamentalist" who boldly and and publicly named their sins and told them they were on their way to Hell. Jesus said the world would hate me the same as they hated Him, and you are proving it by singling me out for your hatred and trying to justify the evil of your own heart.

You do hate the Bible, you want to change it into fiction. You hate the Bible, you hate God, and you hate anybody who stands on His word. You want God, His word, and His people to be silenced because you find them "unbearable". You are a murderer at heart and on your way to Hell.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Bronto, you are a dirty mouth sorry excuse of a Christian abusing God's grace as if you have a license to act in disregard of His word.

I tried to show you from the word of God how and why you should be holy but you think you have an excuse for not being holy and I don't want you in my discussions with your attitude.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Banned for bad manners. I'm sorry your parents did not teach you enough manners to disagree civilly.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I'm going to ban you since you threw out about ten red herrings in your efforts to deny your hatred of God, His word, and His people...and then, if your post is clean in speech, I'll send you some answers which you probably don't want. For the sake of others who may read, God gets the last word in life and if you prefer, you can take your words to Hell in your dying. You are choosing for yourself against God and getting what you deserve...banned.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You are a hater, admit it. That's why you post this rambling want to justify yourself and you hate Christians for agreeing with the Bible in that only the fire of Hell can justify the existence of sinners.

1 point

I don't know what your problem is, but your parents or whoever raised you apparently failed to teach you manners.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

I guess I put enough time into trying to help you. Go ahead and idolize and promote heretical teachers like MacArthur. I'll do what the Bible tells me to do and I suggest you look up this passage and educate yourself a bit about obeying God according to His word.

Romans 16:17-18

Go on with your perversion of God's word called NKJV or any of the hundreds of others like NIV, NASB, whatever.....all divisive and all changing God's word while cults like Mormon, JW's, and homosexuals uphold them as authoritative. Go on with moneygrubbing heretics like MacArthur who quote Catholic mystics as if they were Biblical Christians; using them to make himself sound super-smart so that people will look up to him and send him more money in his "Grace To You, Money To Me" ministry. You get so much love, help, and guidance from the guy, you should pay him at least a few bucks each month.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You don't want to use your brain I guess. Just go with your emotions and change God's word to suit your emotions. We must all appear at the Judgement seat of Christ and we will be judged by His word, in perfect accordance with His word. You can go with your fraudulent imposter books which twist God's word, I'll go with the Bible. One thing I will not be held guilty of is using books which change God's word.

And promote heretical teachers and bury your head in the sand regarding Biblical doctrine.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Hey, if you disagree with the word of God, the problem is yours. Few people you know care enough to tell you the truth; they would rather let you continue in error with them so they feel good for holding your hand making you feel better walking in error. The truth is not ignorant of error, allowing for ignorance is apathetic and hateful toward the people in error.

You go on thinking you are smarter than the word of God if you want to, and promote yourself above His word. You answer to God for your words and actions and will be judged by His word.

I do not hate you for using the NKJV, I hate the lies which have deceived you into thinking the NKJV is God's word, and I hate the NKJV which is a tool of the devil used to confuse people and hinder the gospel by which they can be saved from Hell.

Your brain is scrambled by emotional dysfunction and the NKJV will only prolong your confusion.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Won't you be surprised when you wake up in Hell and never get your hoped for nap, sinner boy?

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

He's pretending to be nice to you because he sees you are emotionally weak so that you are not standing firm in faith. If you follow Jesus as He taught, He promised the world would hate you as they hated Him. If an anti-Christ like this big mouth hater does not express hatred for you like he shows against God and His word, then you are not following the Lord but rather placing your own feelings and ideas above His word.

I'm telling you the truth in love. They go hand in hand and the truth is not always pleasant or easy to take.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

The phony hates real Bible believing Christians, he says he loves his Baptist daughter but he hates her faith. He loves his sinner daughter, he hates the new creation she has become in Christ and will never admit that his daughter is a new creature from the faith of God.

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