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1 point

If it was a loop then energy must remain constant. Universe is not loosing any energy, so it can be loop .

I don't think you understand your own brain.

Deep in human brain there is a primitive simple part as a residuum from our lizard is a small part, very small part, incapable of thinking nor talking. It is like a wash machine, it just follows steps.

You can train monkey to use language, monkey Moya knew more words than you do yet it never asked a single question, because even so advanced animals like monkeys with their big brains do not have "Theory of though" which means the monkey does not realise that You could know something that the monkey does not know...

Monkey brain is several hundred times larger than lizards' brain... so No, lizards cannot speak, never could, never will.

1 point

Yes, we can. We know the universe had a start since it's not a constant thing. It changes. It cannot change by itself. Something must act upon it. ...something must act upon it???? Why? Please try to differentiate your personal wishes and real world....

Never said it had to be. So if your gods are just dumb force like gravity, why should we even care...?

1 point

I assume that you have some serious mental issues. Because I said no random Google searches...

1 point

We know something created the universe

You cannot know that.

This something would have to be great in power

Even if it could exist it does not have to be conscious, it could be "dumb" force like gravity...

1 point

My point is a universe is a cycle then it has no begining. To make it simple consider this scenario:

I am a mad scientist and I create a strange device. I turn it on and it creates a black hole that eats whole universe then became unstable and explodes into a big bang where planets and creatures evolves and then me building the device.... over and over again, does not matter far back or forward you will look. You will be always inside the system ... so no begging at all...

How do you know talking animals actually existed? What if a deity just created a universe and didn't care what happened?

Lizards' brain is too simple...

1 point

Time is only constraining in our universe. Outside of the universe is unfathomable....*

There is no outside the universe... by universe we mean a set of things that exists, therefore things outside the universe from definition cannot exist.

If there is no time outside the universe then time isn't required for events to occur. If there is no time then nothing is happening. Imagine that I shut you in room without oxygen, would that mean for you that you do not need oxygen to live any more?... I don't think so.

1 point

It feels like talking to a wall.... WHERE exactly is the "research paper"?

1 point

God created our concept of "time." He is outside of time, ...and people created gods is a perfect circle :D :D

1 point

where exactly are those "studies"? (as usual, no religious webpages and or wikipedia)

1 point

I don't know, nobody does. Big Bang is a real thing, there is no doubt about it... if there was something before, hard to say, whole universe could be an infinite loop... so then there would be no beginning... but no one knows.

Only cowards cannot admit that they do not know and hide behind stories about talking animals, wizards, magic and stupidity...

1 point

I don't know where it came from... nor do you, nor did rednecks in stoneage whose story you defend here.

1 point

without time, events cannot happen, nor thinking. It is like staring on paused movie... there is no space for wizard or wizards. Those would be too complex, they would require time.

1 point

what about critical thought about talking snake? man made from mud? talking bush? bible is full of shit and you are just another brainwashed zealot.

3 points

You are brain dead religious zealot... so no matter what people show you. You will ignore it. If you were Muslim you would already exploded in some nursery.

1 point

depends on distro, Ubuntu, Mandriva or Fedora is really easy .

1 point

Practices makes you mindless robot blind to anything new .

1 point

All soldiers in Crusades where wearing crosses and who could afford it had a flag with a cross and men in front line were carrying huge cross... all of those people were Christian and before battle they have prayed and had motivational speech done by Bishop and commander telling them that who dies for Christ goes strait to the heaven... They could not have been any more Christian...

1 point

I have scored in IQ tests 175+ which defines me as a "genius". I can solve complicated abstract problems that would not make you any sense but to be honest I am not good for anything else.

3 points

Please link me some Atheist suicide bombers ...

1 point

this may be shocking for you but Google search result is not an evidence...

1 point

Universe by definition is a bunch of all things that exists and logically if you are not in the universe... nobody knows how it happen and definitely not people with skill set of stone age goat farmers...

1 point

I don't know where big bang comes from but what I do know is that primitives that lived thousands of years ago did not know neither...

1 point

I don't see the usual fake accounts created by creatards... where are they? :D

1 point

I don't know where big bang comes from but what I do know is that primitives that lived thousands of years ago did not know either...

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