
PaulJWatson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PaulJWatson's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Shut up you fucking illiterate retard. Your obsession with Muslims borders on a psychiatric illness.

Your lack of an argument will have to stand as your argument. Epic fail.

1 point

The obvious thing in your statement is you don't deny the claim.

Stay on the porch Nom. You look like a bloody fool.

0 points

Nancy Pelosi whines that a Border Wall discriminates against People Entering Illegally !

So did the fence she supported in the past and laws she helped pass.

Pelosi is trying to hold Trump to standards that she doesn't apply to herself because Democrats are the party of deception and political expediency over logic.

1 point

Everyone that's a genius in something is a bafoon at other things.

2 points

Are tan lines sexy?

It totally depends on whether the person with the tan lines is sexy.

5 points

We get a weaponized FBI, packed courts, and a party that normalizes violence.

1 point

Sure, cancer patients have a safe space, but it's because they are dying. School safe spaces aren't designed to simulate death or near death. And unless you are on disability or unemployment, etc, you have no time to run to a safe space. You are your own safe space in real life.

2 points

You can't run to Alcoholics Anonymous every time you become weak. It's the same type of thing, an imaginary place to run to that can't usually be run to at work or while paying the bills, you know, real life?

2 points

I am Paul Joseph Watson from right wing Info wars, and I approve this message.

3 points

Took Jesus out of everything and waved Islam in. Yeah that was pure stupidity.

0 points

Women want equality. They then need facial hair and penises. Women with facial hair & penises is bad.

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