
Polaris95's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Polaris95's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hey that's actually a good idea. Identity politics wants to stop racism, but is racist itself. I should not have to choose a political party based on something I can't decide on. Identity politics is cancer, both on the right and the left.

1 point

I think helping anyone is an act of virtue, but too many people care for themselves more than the community as a whole.

1 point

Evidence please? Leftists do not have some alliance with Islam.

1 point

Nah, that's gotta be Empire. Though some moments were absolutely brilliant, there were some bad scenes or wasted opportunities. Killing off Han Solo for one. I know that would have been controversial, but it would have added more stakes to the story. But the scene where Vader is unmasked was amazing.

1 point have to join the military for free education and healthcare in America? I think I'd rather stay over on the other side of the pond.

1 point

At first I found you to be some annoying troll, but now I just find you unintentionally hilarious.

1 point

Uhhh..... No

You can't compare abortions to slavery, slavery is much worse than late term abortions.

1 point

From the Lord of the Rings:

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

1 point

I lock my doors, just in case someone tries to get in, but it's not really necessary.

1 point

To be fair, emotional bullying can hurt you a lot more than physical bullying.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
2 points

Oh, you're right, thanks. I stand corrected.

But patriotism is still one of the main causes for nationalism.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

"FOOL! FOOL! FOOL!" Calm down toddler, no need to get all worked up because I have a different opinion...

"FOOL!" Tell your mommy to get a psychologist's appointment for you. Your anger issues are showing.

1 point

Neither is good. Again, you're making assumptions based on no evidence.

2 points

Depends in which situation I'd be in. If I was in an I Am Legend scenario, I'd probably sail off on a boat I'd somehow find in a harbor with some supplies, and attempt to reach somewhere with no zombies.

In a Cast Away scenario. I'd build myself a shelter out of bamboo, reeds and twigs, find fresh water and maybe hunt something. I'd also attempt to find a Winston volleyball. Then I would make a smoke signal and wait for a plane or poat to pass by.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

"I never said any child would be forced to pray!"

They would be if the State votes for mandatory praying in Public Schools.

"Have you ever heard prayers on national TV during important events?"

Actually no. Yeah, we don't really do that as much in Europe.

"while you do all in your power to censor any mention of God."

Isn't that exactly what you want to do with homosexuals? Censor their very existence from schools? I smell hypocrisy.......I'm fine with religion being discussed in Literature, History or Philosophy classes and the like, as long as it's not taught as doctrine.


Your favourite catchphrase. It really just makes you seem like some butthurt 5-year old. You know don't have to type IGNORE in all caps after your argument, to ignore someone? Maybe just don't reply instead?

Polaris95(239) Clarified
0 points

If you're a patriot, it essentially means you think your country is superior to the rest. This is almost childish in it's stupidity. I don't hate America. I don't hate Britain. I just don't put those countries above all others, or parade the national flag wherever I go.

1 point

I actually think it's the other way round. July 4 parades aren't turning kids into republicans, because they are already. Parades like that are meant for people who have the american flag outside their house and vote for America first. A.k.a Republicans.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
0 points

As if that wasn't clear in the first place. You act as if patriotism is good in the first place. It really isn't.

1 point

America is not a Christian nation, and therefore children should not be forced to pray at a public school, even if the community votes for it. And I will say it again, Homosexuality is only opposed by the far-right and extreme Christians in America. It is largely accepted by most of the public, and children should know that homosexuality is fine.

America is not the far-right stronghold you'd love it to be. If the far-right loses its supporters, America will live on as a better place. It will not just die.

1 point

Plastic can be recycled, but sorting the over 50 different types of plastic into different recycling bins, is virtually impossible, and putting all together means it can't be recycled. Why don't you go watch Blue Planet 2, and then see how much plastic harms the ocean and it's ecosystem.

1 point

Paper bags can be easily recycled. We cut down less trees if we just recycle all our paper or broken furniture.

1 point

Thing that to immigrants is just as insane and incredibly xenophobic. You're the human equivalent to a mouldy turd.

1 point

I guess every criminal is an alien now, by your definition. They are breaking the law.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

Replacing plastic entirely is pretty much impossible, but some plastic can be replaced. Paper bags instead of plastic ones for instance.

1 point

Immigrants are HUMAN BEINGS. They belong to the species Homo Sapiens, and originate from planet Earth. They are not aliens.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

Plastic straws harm the environment. I don't fully support the ban, but I understand why they did it. As a society we should recycle more and use altogether less plastic.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

So immigrants are aliens? Really, are you that xenophobic? America is entirely made up of immigrants from Europe, South America, Africa and Asia.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
-1 points

So what would you like the conservatives to do to America. Make Christian teachings obligatory at school? Chemically castrate all homosexuals? You so dearly want to return to a time when everyone was Christian, homosexuals were illegal and thousands of women died in pregnancy. Luckily you're kind are a dying breed, and the younger generations don't share your stubborn ignorance to progress.

1 point

The Democrats are extremists? On the other side of the Atlantic we call them moderates...

1 point

Depends where you look. I follow the Spotify Global Top 50, and most of the songs there suck. But sometimes you'll find a gem in there. Also, Illenium is a very good producer, I'm always impressed with his work. Check him out.

1 point

So it isn't a solely Muslim ban. This does not change the fact that the ban is still racist and discriminatory. Banning travel for nationals of those countries makes no sense, especially since many of the people affected are good citizens that could provide extra money for the government.

1 point

That would be fun. Perhaps the parties would be, the Left Wing party, the Right Wing party, the Moderate party and the Independent party. But maybe left-wing and right-wing is a bit too general...

1 point

It is, mostly because people getting rich or powerful depends more on who you were born to, than your own merit. Which means we're caught in a cycle where the rich families stay rich, no matter how incompetent, and the poor families stay poor, no matter how hard working. It is rare to find someone from a poor family and neighborhood to become the head of a successful company or become a millionaire.

1 point

I don't think so. The examples you listed up there aren't divisive enough for a civil war. And if there was one, I would do anything possible not to fight in it. Call me a coward, but wars are the bane of humanity, and the worst thing that could happen in someone's life.

1 point

In terms of technology, it's a three-way battle. Japan, China and Germany are brilliant in this regard. America could be up there too, but it's mostly just Silicon Valley elevating the rest of the country.

Democratically, America sucks. It's 2 party system sucks, it's voting system sucks. It's better than all the countries with dictators, but it lags behind most European countries there.

Culturally, America is very xenophobic and capitalist (Trump embodies most bad American stereotypes perfectly). The nation's mindset as a whole is very selfish, but luckily this is changing for the better. There is no greatest country culturally, because every candidate has been stained one way or another. Germany with Nazism, Japan with imperialism, Spain with extreme Catholicism, etc.

In truth, no country is better than all the rest, because every nation has both good and bad.

1 point

Probably because the best debaters can balance out emotion and logic. Most SJW's are all emotion, and have no facts to prove their arguments. But being very passionate about something in a debate could help to persuade people.

1 point

Not the best, but his stance on global warming was great. Sadly everything he tried to do to help stop climate change, was overturned by Trump.

1 point

Not everyone who doesn't work does so because they're lazy. Many just can't find anything, or don't have the necessary skillset for the available jobs they've rounds. And the government shouldn't discriminate against those that don't work, by not letting them be able to have healthcare. Especially in emergencies, this could be very damaging and potentially life-threatening.

1 point

I didn't know him, so I'm not sure what kind of a person he was. And anyway, his stance on women's rights was quite sexist.

1 point

While I didn't see the video, torturing a suspect, who may be innocent, is wrong and illegal.

1 point

Jesus, God, religion......... I would expect most people might have similar results.

1 point

Yet you have a nickname for every frequent leftist poster on the site. Or you just call them a "crazy progressive". It's a bit rich accusing someone of name-calling when you do it yourself.

0 points

But Iron Man has his hulk-buster suit, which would give him a big size advantage...

2 points

Yet again, I do not support Islam, stop making assumptions based on no evidence whatsoever.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

I would definitely make an exception for places like Alaska and others. But in places like Washington DC or New York where everyone has access to supermarkets, it's unnecessary. Hunting as pest control is fine, what I'm against is hunting for sport. What's your opinion on that?

1 point

Yes I will. Islam is a lot more backward-minded than Christianity, and even more outdated. I do not support Islam, I do not support Louis Farrakhan and your assumption that liberals support Islam is mostly false (some do, but not many).

1 point

Yes I will. Islam is a lot more backward-minded than Christianity, and even more outdated. I do not support Islam, I do not support Louis Farrakhan and your assumption that liberals support Islam is mostly false (some do, but not many).

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

Well, I would think that maybe my thoughts were someone else's thoughts and opinions passed on to me. Also, since my whole notion of who I am would be destroyed, I would probably get very paranoid and come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories and such. But if I was in that situation for real, I don't truly know what I'd do.

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