
Pothead's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pothead's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

To expand on your first question, I would want to ask:

What can the gay community do to encourage more people to accept your lifestyle.

2 points

I don't think pedophilia is genetic.

3 points

A very interesting debate. History plays a big part but the curious part is the switch from Republicans to Democrats. Check out this video that purports that the KKK used to be the terrorist wing of the post-Civil War Democratic Party:

Is this true?
0 points

Not according to the US Supreme Court!

Supporting Evidence: The Court has decided 5-4. (
1 point

Wow, I always though of Windows Vista as bloated but now I'm starting to think about it as voluptuous!

2 points

Are you kidding me? The false intelligence was the public lie used by the administration intended to deceive American citizens. In reality, Operation Iraqi Freedom was a grab for oil. You know what?

George Bush didn't even get the oil!

2 points

Seriously, just watch her videos! You can't tell if she is attractive or not from how she writes. In full disclosure: I cannot see past physical appearance and I always judge my books by their covers.

1 point

If she can do that to a microphone, my god, I can just imagine what she could do to a beer can (I bet you thought I was going to say banana).

4 points

Julia looks real hot here making a stupid mistake on live tv. classic!

Destroying the Illusion
4 points

Actually, I think of think Asha comes out of this video (where they both lip-sync and dance like gazelles) with more hotness.

Karaoke at CES
2 points

And her lips are dub licious.

0 points

I'm not sure which Tech Titan loves himself more but I am willing to bet that Arrington makes love to himself more.

5 points

That's not quite fair because I believe Jason's ego was partially detached from Weblogs when it was bought (made lame) by AOL.

-2 points
4 points
Absolutely! Nobody should be excluded from participating in the national discussion.
3 points
Agreed. The rhetoric is incendiary to the untrained ear but, if you have ever been to a black church, I think you'd agree that its all about trying to get everybody fired up. Don't trust the press!
2 points
My nose. I have a huge honker. It kind of looks like the tip is melting too. A big turnoff.
6 points
Fox News is such a joke. It ignores all serious issues and just tries to get high ratings. They'll even resort to playing booty footage over real news. Watch this video, then you decide.
Fox Porn News
1 point
I fully support Nikki's preference for fakies or saggies. I would advise large fakies over small fakies as well.
3 points
Robot drivers or cars with sensors that could mitigate the "shockwave" effect are probably the best solution. But is there any easier, short-term solution?
3 points
There are lots of reasons to love big knockers (sucking, licking, kissing, caressing, etc) but these people probably express the reasons better than me.
Chicks & Dudes on Boobs
2 points
buy a wii. you will not regret it, i promise! the wii is freaking sweet. guitar hero III is amazing and it should keep you entertained until Rock Band comes out in the Summer.
1 point
This is a good question.
2 points
So true! Ralph Nagin is a waste!

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