
ProAgressive's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ProAgressive's arguments, looking across every debate.
-5 points

Kleptocracy and no opportunities for the lower classes to rise in status .

Thank you for your time but I still haven't found a good cuntanese translator.

Sorry, I couldn't find "Cuntanese" in google translate so I won't be able to read that.

It was never "masculinity" per se that was toxic. Only a couple warped offshoots of it.

John Cusack replied to one of my Tweets once. I was a little bit starstruck for about two weeks afterwards.

I know how you feel. K-Rino responded directly to one of my youtube comments once.

What, is everyone too much of a pussy to check this out? .

never gonna walk down no aisle

True, I don't like the concept of marriage. I don't need a certificate or ceremony to make a relationship official and I DEFINITELY don't need to get legally robbed if a divorce happens.

You have piles, a bad hairstyle

Have piles of what? On what planet does "have" and "hair" rhyme? Also I don't have a hair style, I sort of just let it run wild and grow long then get it cut really short once a year.

stretch marks

I don't have stretch marks and why is "stretch" in bold when it doesn't rhyme with anything?

Your intentionally stupid response is barely worth waving a stale bagel at.

ProAgressive(70) Clarified
1 point

I wreck styles with lyric projectiles

my rhymes left piles of organs that stretch miles

He's ignoring me at the moment anyway. Probably because of some pack of lies you told him.

Shut up you little hamster-fisting measels spore. You lie constantly, CONSTANTLY.

Its the politically corerrect neolibs that are obsessed with other people's identities

9/10 times when I see a debate or thread on any forum about trannies it is made by a conservative. This is because conservative news and other forms of propaganda have lumped in the entire left with the most radical pro-LGBT stances in much the same fashion that they have convinced you that modern Social Democrats are full blown Marxists or Socialists. I am a former Socialist, current Soc-Dem so I know the difference. Even as a full blown Socialist I was not one of these hyper-PC types and that was never what the left or even far left was originally about, it's just sort of an authoritarian manifestation of certain elements of being a left winger that have to do with egalitarianism, but can manifest in irrational or overly sensitive ways.

They are peddling their insane narraitve in schools and lobbying laws which will make it easier for faggoty "educators" to subvert teenagers into making life-altering decisions which will ruin their mental and physical health.

Yeah, I personally find the tranny/drag queen story hour thing kind of creepy. I also don't think young kids should be encouraged or influenced when it comes to those things, and they should just grow up as they naturally are and make decisions about surgery/hormone therapy etc. when they are old enough to handle decisions like that. At the same time though there is both obsession and deception at play with how the right addresses these issues, and tries to make you think that the entire left side of the political spectrum wants to give 5 year olds sex change surgery. Assuming any random left winger happens to hold the most radical stance is no different than assuming every right winger wants to stone transexuals in the street.

Conservatives are calling them out on that, and they are right to do so.

Sure they have the right, but that doesn't mean it isn't becoming extremely boring and repetitive.

2 points

Excon, after having posted this over a hundred times, only for you to ignore it every time and call me an anti-Semite

Why would you repeatedly post something to someone who has already ignored you a hundred times unless your motive is to make that person look bad to others rather than actually convince them? This is merely another one of your sociopathic tendencies.

2 points

Yes and yes. The stereotype is that leftists are the ones with an unhealthy fixation and outlook on trannies etc. But when I go to debate sites and other forums, it's almost ALWAYS right wingers who constantly talk about LGBT things more than left wingers. You can argue that "you aren't a woman biologically just because you think you are" etc. but I think it's more unhealthy and "weird" to be so obsessed with other people's identity, and telling them what they "should" identify as than it is to have a "weird" identity like that. Biology is biology, and part of that whether the right likes it or not is that some people have a brain that is wired differently than what is reflected in their genitalia, and they shouldn't be told they are freaks just for having a brain that doesn't correspond to the genitals they were born with.


Not very far, the real question is what makes you think they were ever a good thing?

My DNA says that I'm 3% Hindu .

No .

ProAgressive(70) Clarified
1 point

You are a retard .

supporting evidence

Obviously no they aren't. They are omnivores.

An idiotic assertion, considering the fact that when you look at the actual ratios of plant to animal foods which qualify an organism as one of the 3 they actually overlap. Making it so that many omnivores would be more accurately described as carnivores or herbivores even giving giving you the benefit of the doubt. To classify as a carnivore is an organism needs to eat ONLY 20% MEAT or more. The thing is, you have to look at the PREFERRED source, meaning that an organism might supplement it's diet with meat/plants even if it's a herbivore/omnivore but all animals technically qualify as one of the two and the "true omnivores" always have a preferred source.

That idiot you are impersonating almost died because of his insane belief that staring at the sun is all the body needs for nourishment.

He was a vegan when he believed that, stupid. His beliefs now are totally reasonable, you are just going along with the crowd like a robot by automatically rejecting them. You already suspect that the universe is a simulation based on what you've said in the past, you said that holographic theory is what you think is most likely etc. When you consider the possibility of a flat earth in that context it's actually MORE likely. So humans are carnivores, and if we're in a simulation it's perfectly possible and even more likely the earth is flat.

Thanks for once again proving my point.....................................................................


LOL you literally just did what I said you do, thank you for proving MY point.

Bagels contain phytic acid and lechtins that inhibit digestion, give you cancer, and damage your DNA because humans are carnivores and grains were introduced as low class food that was only fed to slaves in the past. You should stop eating bagels and instead eat a raw buffalo testicle.

Because fools will never address those truthful words

I stopped reading here, because whenever facts get dropped on you, all you do is IGNORE

It's sick that the Democrat Party and their LGBT base have made it their goal to force every business to bow down to this LGBT hysteria.

Why do you repeat the same bullshit constantly? How many times have you said that exact same sentence? Probably multiple times. It's truly like you're a robot repeating your programming. Human beings capable of thought don't behave like you do.

And a business that wants to make money can never do anything good?

It is more naive to assume they want to do good than to assume the opposite. A corporation is legally bound and entitled to put profit before all else so long as they don't make any legal violations they can't cover up or bribe their way out of. That is the contract between the legal entity (corporation) and it's shareholders, that's why there is a concept called the "bottom line" which as I'm sure you know is referring to profit. It means that profit is more important than anything else in the corporate world, that the number one priority is maximizing the amount of profit flowing in the shareholders' direction.

corporations like chick-fil-a don't care about being good, they care about using cheap government subsidized poisoned food that is legal because the FDA has been bribed into oblivion, lying to you about it's quality and making it convenient so you will give them money.

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