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This personal waterfall shows you all of Probama123's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

Christianity is pretty bad too. This kid in my school got beaten up really bad and ended up breaking his legs, because he was muslim and all the christians hated him. I have to keep explaining to kids that im Hindu, not Muslim, when people call me terrorist, and American hater. It's annoying, but i deal with it. Christians look down upon others too, I've had a christian walk up to me in the mall slip me a brochure and say, if you don't convert to christianity you will burn in hell forever you sinner. They look down on me, but oh well. After saying that i still do not think Christianity is a religion of violence, there are just some nutcases, like there are in Islam. Most Muslims arent violent just the crazies, as with christianity.

2 points

"Any man who lays with a man as though he were a woman is an abomination, and should be put to death"

Christianity demands we kill all the gays. All the books were written in a different time, and therefore should not be taken too literally. If we do then lots of religions are violent. I mean what book demands we go around and put gays to death?

1 point

Trust me the music thing is bad. My friends and I did an experiment where they locked me in a room, and blasted RHCP as loud as they can the same song for three hours straight. I came out and puked for the next few hours. Now imagine that for several days without sleep or food.

1 point

patriotism - love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it; "they rode the same wave of popular patriotism"; "British nationalism was in the air and patriotic sentiments ran high"

Theres the definition. I would say Liberals are more willing to sacrifice for the country, because we are attempting to bring home our soldiers who are fighting a pointless war in Iraq, which wasn't a threat to us in the first place.

1 point

They're both clearly bias, but Fox News takes biasm a bit too far. I mean i've seen Bill O'reilly start screaming at some kid who last his dad in 9/11 because he didn't agree with the Iraq war. He kept telling him that his father was going to hate him from heaven, and all this terrible stuff. At least maintain some professionalism as opposed to shouting at this kid about his dead father.

3 points

Well, you see gay couples getting married doesn't hurt anyone while the rest of your examples do. A father and daughter getting married, then the kids are usually deformed, and that is hurting their child. Three men or four women, is polygamy which is illegal, because some of those in the marriage could be hurt emotionally by it. Also this is your religious belief with the insitution older then civilisation itself stuff. Seperation of church and state should always be remembered.

2 points

Worst on the best team, because then at least I control my ability to improve. If I practice and stuff then I can get better, and at least the team is winning. With best on the worst, you have no control over winning or losing, or anything.

7 points

Yes a set uniform should be banned, because your caging children. However there should be rules as to what you can wear, e.g no curses innuendo, references to drugs and alcohol, or any of that.

1 point

Yes I do. If I believed that the other persons policies, and beliefs were better and the correct ones, why would I have my own. I am speaking purely of political, and social beliefs however, not religious. With religion, believe whatever you want it is not my position to judge you on that.

1 point

No Barack wants to help 95% of Americans. McCain does not want to help all Americans, because he keeps the bush tax cuts in place, which only help the rich. That is a fact, the bush tax cuts are for the rich, not the poor. And do you really believe that McCain is going to continue to fight the Iraq war, cut taxes on 100% of the population, and get the country out of debt? Yeah, not happening.

1 point

I do think it is extremely unmoral, and unethical. I do not agree with this law at all. However I think rather then turning the law over they should make a federal law making gay marriage lawful. That way the power of the vote is still there yet proposition 8 does not hold any power as it is a state law.

1 point

F1 for sure. There are faster speeds, and the cars actually turn around corners as opposed to making one giant left turn in ugly cars.

3 points

well stuff in the bible hasn't been proven true either. Under your philosophy, accused criminals should go to jail without trial, because we cannot prove that they didn't commit the crime. Sorry bud the world doesn't work that way.

6 points

I don't believe in God, because there is no proof. And please don't say well there is no proof he doesn't exist, because under that same theory all criminals should just be sent to jail, because there is no proof that they didn't commit the crime, why don't we just forget about free trial? I refuse to believe in God until proof presents itself.

1 point

Absolutely they should be banned. There are almost no cases where an innocent person has defended themselves with a gun. And sure guns don't kill people, but the death rate would definately go down if people did not have easy access to weapons. I mean look at the VT incident. A college kid, with a clearly bad background record, managed to buy guns and ammo. We outlaw gun's and stuff like that does not happen

1 point

Well If you know for a fact that two kids are going to die because of the x person, and he knows something that can stop this. Well we never do know that now do we? And also, there are several cases where muslim men, who were not citizens, yet did not have a criminal record, were put into Guantanamo Bay, and tortured mercilessly. They were waterboded, which is a simulation of drowning, tied up and attacked by dogs, and had their religion defamed and disrespected. I regard the religion part as torture, can you imagine if a devoted christian was trying to pray in jail, and your jailer comes in and pisses on the bible, and rips it in half taking it away? That is torture. Also how would you feel if every american soldier who killed an innocent in Iraq was captured and tortured for no reason?

1 point

Hard work no question, this doesn't even have to be debated.

1 point

I agree that it's stupid and irresponsible to get pregnant, considering safe sex is possible. However no matter how dumb the girls maybe i refuse to have a say in what she does with her body. I simply cannot command someone to have a baby, or to get an abortion. It's her and her parents choice not mine. It's really none of my business to be able to vote pro choice or pro life and possibly end up forcing a young woman to have a baby.

1 point

No, that states that somehow gays are inferior. It's segregation, as the other person pointed out blacks were allowed to drink at water fountains just not at the same ones. And if were going to give gays the same rights whats the big deal about calling it marriage?

1 point

Adults most of the time give kids a fair share. Whenever I'm angry at an adult it's always either my fault or something i could've controlled.

4 points

Well, Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of the country, and raising them for the 5 % of the super rich. I think it is good of him to support middle and working class families.

1 point

Okay time to disprove you. McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time. Yes he will make the same foolish decisions, if he agreed with him then why not now? I would not call that change. Does Barack Obama know how many soldiers died? Yes that's why he's pulling out. He also knows how many innocent Iraqui civilians were murdered (over 100,000) which is why he is organizing a systematic pull out. Also I personally am pro life, but i would never force my view onto a woman, and force her to have a child, it is not my place or my right to do that. Also i respect McCain immensely for his service to our country, and am greatful to him, but we cannot judge how good of a president he would be, by how good of a fighter he was.

2 points

Does he mean good or bad change? Are you kidding me? God save us from people like you. I don't think the stupidest of all people could even partially agree with that statement. Also Obama differs, on Iraq, health care, abortion, taxes (which he is cutting for 95% of the country), and NAFTA, to name a few things. So get your facts straight before spouting rubbish.

2 points

Change as in, make a time table to pull out of Iraq and focus on the REAL terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Change as in, make tax cuts for working and middle class Americans who struggle to put food on the table rather then cut taxes for the super rich. Change as in, attempt to find an alternate energy source rather then depending on foreign oil. And why would this change disintegrate? I feel that you are just yelling with no proof.

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