
QuangdonsHog's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of QuangdonsHog's arguments, looking across every debate.
QuangdonsHog(23) Clarified
1 point

I would love to cover you with carrots and eat you like a salad.

3 points

I am bronto. I am nom too. I'm also ameral, excon and alofri.

Who is an Israeli nationalist with property in the West Bank and who was implicated in the Russian collusion scandal. Kushner is as corrupt as they actually come mate.

You must know something that Robert Muelker does not.

-8 points
-5 points
-4 points
2 points

You didn't answer the question because you cannot answer the question. That says it all.

and instead gives out information from the 1930s.

The debate is about the NAACP saving blacks. The NAACP was founded in 1909, so you just handed the NAACP to the right. Good work.

the parties swapped platforms decades ago

So the New Deal for African Americans, LBJ the liberal, and JFK belong to the right. Cool story bro. You just handed the heroes and accomplishments of the Democrat Party to the right.

Unless you have seriously low T, snowflakism will never appeal to you.

To be a white, male Democrat you must be vendictive, self entitled, gullable, self hating and have a feeling of low self worth.

4 points

Show of evidence of him offending. I'll wait.

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