
Ramshutu's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ramshutu's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Really? This is what you’re going with?

How do you think you look to other people? Do you think you’re portraying your side in a good light?

Do you think you sound intellectually honest and reasonable?

Are you saying this just because I’m not sinking to the same level as you? With your all caps rants and repeated nonsensical diatribes that repeat a handful of old lies - whilst ignoring the repeated issues on your own side.

Do you think you look good here with this sort of response?

1 point

So back to 6 years old - and really the original “lie” that the fact was based upon was even older than that.

Do you think this lie is better or worse than Trump saying, that he was going to repeal Obamacare and replace it without something amazing with better coverage and is cheaper?

1 point

Wow! Georgia State senator!

This conspiracy goes right to the top!

This thread has gone on for nearly 30 posts, and you have posted maybe 6 examples, of old and largely irrelevant examples.

How many serious republican lies - where they have lied to undermine American democracy - do you think I could bring up in 30 posts?

1 point

Bronto isn’t insane; and the only reason he’s here is that I got him kicked off DDO. Bronto is just the logical fruition of the republicans deteriorating political weaponization that started with Gingrich and is currently moving on with Trump.

Bronto wants it all to be true, but knows it isn’t. He’s flooding forums like this due to his own insecurity and desire to convince himself.

Bronto knows I am smarter than him, and that I’m write; hence why you see him copy the sort of argument formats that work successfully.

Every smart and intelligent reply shows everyone else - including bronto - how dishonest he sounds. That knowledge that me being smarter - and right - must infuriate him, and that is enough for me.

1 point

Repeating the same lie 18 times does not make it a new lie.

You’ve already mentioned this one.

Have you run out of examples of Democrats lying?

Why are you unable to confront examples of

Republicans lying.

Do you not believe they do? Or are you just trying to score troll points by ignoring the fact that your team lie in order to undermine the United States constitution.

2 points

Every time I respond intelligently, with facts, logic and reason that he has to deny. He is confronted with a leftist who is smarter

Than him, more reasonable and with a better argument than he does.

While he’s a troll, with authoritarian sympathies and does not care about democracy or the United States as whole - while he may or may not troll in response - it most assuredly is like nails on a chalk board to him knowing that I am better and smarter than he is.

2 points

That story is over 3 years old.

Thus far, you’ve pointed out possible a dozen lies by democrats.

None of them seem as serious as the recent lie that Trump used about the citizenship question - where he claimed it had a legitimate purpose whereas revealed documents showed it was intentionally pushed as a means of maintaining political power through erosion of democracy.

Do you think that lie was more or less serious than embellishing a story to make yourself sound better.

1 point

9 year old story.

Anything more recent?

Like in the last 6 months?

1 point

It does not sound like you have a great case when you’re forced to pull up a 9 year old story, as evidence of Democrats lies.

I keep mentioning it though, but as you’re so interested and outraged by leftist lies would you also condemn lies on the right too?

It’s obvious by your foaming at the mouth all caps pant-soiling rants that lies only matter when they come from the left. And that’s the problem. This entire thread, like almost everything that comes from you or Bronto are ridiculous exercises in hypocrisy and faked outrage, mainly to get yourselves worked up and angry.

1 point

I have a little bit of a problem with the lying left.

I have very much more of a problem, with the incredible, repeated, malicious, and manipulative lies told by republicans.

The reason is that some of these lies are currently being carried out by republicans to undermine democracy fact. In some cases explicitly through the erosion of democratic protections and occasionally blatant abuse of power and legislation to erode the power of their opponents - and in some cases to gaslight the intellectually vulnerable in order to drive vast swathes of the population into a carefully controlled ideological bubble.

Those lies are very much more serious - as you demonstrate with your ideological deterioration over the last three years - you present an existential threat to your own country as you appear disinterested in upholding democratic principles.

2 points

When people vote for their government / its colloquially called democracy.

The ability of Americans to chose their government is itself enshrined in the very constitution you’re using to ignore the point.

Do you care about the examples I gave of Republicans attempting to undermine the ability of Americans to vote?

2 points

It’s a constitutional Republican - where individuals vote - making it inherently a Democracy.

That you care less about people on your side genuinely undermining individuals right to vote in order to gain political power - and more interested in stupid and irrelevant arguments - I can only surmise that you don’t actually care about the ability of Americans to vote for their government: or care only so far as people you want go into power.

People like you are very much how Dictators come to power.

1 point

It’s pretty clear that your ridiculous inability to deal rationally with facts, examples or evidence is what is wrong with your country right now.

You care less about your country, humanity, life in general, or the success of everyone: and more about calling liberals bad names.

It’s actually pretty sad; and very much the reason someone like Trump is able to exploit the insecurity of individuals like you.

1 point

Are you mentally ill? Because it seems like you don’t want to listen to any contradictory facts.

This would explain the substantial deterioration in how you conduct yourself. You don’t seem to be able to string a sentence together any more.

1 point

Most of the reason most people don’t believe Trump, is most of what he says is objectively untrue.

For example, how is that new healthcare policy where you get the best healthcare for less money?

1 point

That’s nice.

Did you listen to anything I said?

Was this lie better or worse than the examples of Republicans lies I mentioned that related to actual undermining of American Democracy?

1 point

Let’s start with some very basic facts.

Some people on the left lie. Some people on the right lie.

Hilary lied about a lot of things, this fairly low level, mostly unknown lawmaker lied about this thing.

Focusing on this, and ignoring all the major lies from the other side:

Such as the lie that the citizenship question on the census was not a blatant attempt to increase the power of white conservative voters. Of the lie that the candidate in a congressional election wasn’t engaged in deliberate voter fraud. Or the lie that the North Carolina voter laws were not implemented in order to disenfranchise black voters: or the current attempts in Florida to undermine the votes of felons isn’t for just the same reasons.

At least when Democrats lie it isn’t to cover up systematic attempts to undermine American democracy; or so frequent that the number of lies told per week is unprecedented - simply by one person.

This strikes me as more of deluded attempt at self deception: trying to convince yourself of an untrue narrative because you have some need to believe it.

1 point

Whoop! 6% gain in the last 18 months! That’s so awesome!!

3 points

According to google trends there was a massive correlation of search terms for viagra, erectile dysfunction, penis enlargement and precincts that swung most to Trump...

1 point

It doesn’t count when you’re the only one in the room.

Ramshutu(227) Clarified
1 point

So, please review your original post, and the title of this thread.

Trump has been increasing the deficit in no small part due to tax cuts that were claimed to mostly pay for yourself.

Your response was that tax revenues have been rising.

This claim is disingenuous; because it is only rising by one particular measure: the least valid measure when comparing money in two different years.

Im not entire sure why you’re accusing me of cherry picking as your data completely agrees with me. When accounting for what money is worth and how much it can buy - and the typical way two years are compared: the first year of the tax cuts revenue fell.

Revenue was also 5.7% lower than was expected to be generated by the tax cuts.

This is my point - that revenue came up short in almost all meaningful measures.

Now, you seem to be making an argument that I am somehow ignoring past data - which is odd as I’m not making any reference or comparison to any past data at all, other than covering your original claim. Whilst the accusation is cute, it’s a complete non-sequitor and largely misrepresentative of what I’ve been saying.

Ramshutu(227) Clarified
1 point

Well yes, of course it’s disengemuous - as it leaves out key contextual information that highlights that the small increase in real terms is actually negative when you apply year on year corrections that are applied to literally all such numbers by economists, and anyone financially budgeting.

Finally, it’s 5.7% lower than the amount the Budget office predicted; and the tax cut is clearly not paying for itself - as everyone said if wouldn’t.

The if I recall part, is just for the proportion of GDP, it’s in that ballpark, but I’m not interested in digging up the link to double check it.

So in this respect what you’re really doing, is cherry picking data out of its appropriate context.

Ramshutu(227) Clarified
2 points

Sorry; do you or understand what adjusted for growth, inflation, and relative to estimations mean?

Simply posting the same data that I’ve used, with no actual context or analysis is pretty disingenuous.

Like I said: absolute growth in income was 0.4% - as per the data.

Adjusted for inflation, it fell 1.6%.

As a percentage of GDP it fell 3%

It was 5.7% lower than was estimated by the CBO.

Nothing you posted appears to contradict what I said, unless you don’t understand what I said.

1 point

Tax receipts are up 0.4% in real terms in 2018.

Down 1.6% when adjusted for inflation.

Down 3% (if I recall), as a percentage of GDP

Down 5.7% compared to CBO predictions in July 2017z

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