
SanaDingley's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SanaDingley's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In England, a fag is a cigarette. Nice try, dear. .

0 points

That is not true. I have been banned from here, SodaHead, and some con site back when I was a con. Hardly all over the internet, and stop acting like you respect Prod. Prod is a fucking genious, that is why I respect him, not that you know what respect is, being the typical con.

1 point

I am not harassing you. I am not harassing anyone. More slander. You will stop harassing me on that other site.

1 point

Liar. I have not done anything to deserve being reported to Interpol. I was threatened with rape, that person threatened to rape my mother, kill my family and me, you have slandered me beyond what should be expected of any human to tolerate (no animal killing, no Satanism,), you stalk me on other websites, another person stalked me on another website, even when I stopped attacking people, other people started drama anyway. you yourself made a troll account to impersonate me and disseminate false info on me, you have been warned multiple times to stop stalking me on, Hellno called me a pedophile (not true), publicly named the disability program I was in to make fun of me, multiple people including you trolled, spammed, and otherwise went off topic on my debates even when I behaved, you threatened to pay money to have me banned (extortion), and I am the one with the problem? Oh yeah, Big Ben, run with that. Fucking run with that. I have documented evidence of abuse against me, so really, don't fucking go there. As to the Hell thing, see you there. My punishment will probably be to deal with you for all fucking eternity. Besides, I am not the only who has made troll accounts. Downvote and Upvote were made by other users to troll, and Andy knew about it, and tolerated it. Sounds like corruption to me. I almost shit bricks when I had a chance to rate this website. Like I said, karma. My friends think that you are a twelve year old boy, and I can see why. You wanna play the prosecution game? Fucking bring it. I will be forced to tell the world everything I have said here, so fucking bring it.

1 point

Due what is right for you. That's all I can say. .

1 point

Most of the time, yes. I would be dead without mine. .

1 point

I was thinking last night, and I realized that both sides are insane. You are smart though, Joey, that's just my belief. ;)

1 point

I would be dead without Paxil. LOL. .

1 point

God will judge who is right and who is wrong on Judgment Day. .

1 point

That is not Islam. Those pigs hijacked and perverted Islam. .

2 points

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This site aint shit without you. I like to read your debates.

1 point

God visits people's iniquities on their heads especially if they bully. I did it on SodaHead and now I have to pay. If you do something wrong, God will punish you eventually. This is not a threat, but a Biblical [attern of justice. Hey Interpol, if you are watching this, I am not threatening harm.

1 point

Yes you sure do Dana If I suck so bad at debating, why am I still on Lol you're the real bully around here Correction. I was a bully, now God's wrath is being poured out on my head. This is all punishment for how I behaved as a conservative, and before you ask, I am not blaming conservatives. I am blaming myself for bullying and earning a just punishment from God. I did some bullying on here too, and feeling the pain from that. I am not saying I deserve it all, but i deserve some of it. I am not angry at you anymore. I brought this on myself. Oh, and pretty please call me Sitara, as I intend that to be my legal first name soon.

1 point

I am teasing, Joey. ;)

1 point

Karma just means that you reap what you sow. When I was a conservative, I bullied people just for the Hell of it, and look at me now. I do not want you to go through what i am going through. God will visit His holy wrath on you if you continue to bully people. This is not about me, it is about doing what is right and saving your ass. Don't do it for me, do it for you. I shit you not, karma is real.

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