
Saurbaby's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Saurbaby's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

I'm definitely not. I don't think my body could handle it anymore. The trans is better than me anyway. ;) I'll protect you!

0 points

Did you? Haha how are you? :)

0 points

Same here. Kind of. Haha my knees hurt now. But life is good. Good to see you're still causing trouble.

1 point

Absolutely. I kind of feel that if you don't respect someone when you meet them it says more about yourself. You're already assuming that person didn't deserve it. I give it until someone gives me reason not to. I like to expect the best from others. If they don't follow, I have no problem changing that though.

0 points

Oh, my. Things have certainly changed, haven't they? I'll try my best to behave Andy. But you know that's a little hard sometimes. ;)

2 points

Have you ever heard a song by Beyonce? ;)

2 points

I'd say mostly parents, they set the tone for the future. However, I do believe resturaunts should also give healthier options

Saurbaby(5581) Clarified
2 points

I just randomly logged in yesterday. haha

I've been up to a lot, nothing I'll get into here. How about you?

Saurbaby(5581) Clarified
2 points

My life still wouldn't be what it is now though. For all I know, knowing what I know now could have completely changed the course of my life. I may have thought that the other choice I could have chosen would have been better, when in reality the one I picked was actually the better option. I only know the one outcome still, knowing what I know.

2 points

I'm not glued to my phone, or make time in my day to specifically go play, but there's no shame in my gaming. I enjoy Pokemon Go, I'm sure part of it is because nostalgia, but I'm totally excited about the Sun and Moon release too, and once I beat that it'll fade as well. What I'm saying is it didn't fail, but the hype has died down.

1 point

Nothing really, it's a scary thought thinking that this life wouldn't be my life if one thing was different. I went through some low points for a reason, and I'm hard-headed, I promise that my struggle was the only way I would know. Not just being told.

1 point

I'll cover my walls with your old CD posts and make daily videos with them mourning you, and I just cry about you. ;)

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