
Saurbaby09's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Saurbaby09's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


You is ams a nazi! Go backs to da Germanies you skins heads!

1 point

Dey ams no believes in da Liechtenstein Country! HOW DARE THEY! They is ams so dumbs to not understandables the great Liechtenstein Country, it is ams da REAL DEAL!

2 points

Yes I doo believables in da so called miracles! Every times I is ams lookings at da Great Liechtenstein Country I is ams remind of what a miracle we ams!

0 points

Da school says many teachings for me to learn! Dey says too me how to count. Dey says too me how to write. Dey says too me how too read. Dey says too me how to praises da Dear Leader. All sorts of learnings!

3 points

Dees "four corners" ams not sa dey say, "real." I tooks da train from the Liechtenstein Country to these corners and when I shows up all der is ams dis circle.

1 point

I is ams smokins' da Liechtenstein Kountry Kush!

1 point

Dats questiongs ams nots da questions! Dis "young peopls " ams fucked... analy! Dey must ams deals withs da Green Party!

2 points

Ams dis meanings dat dis "supremecy courts" ams goin to deportinations me backs to da Liechtenstein country?

1 point

Dat ams mores ofs dis "Communist Party" da? BUll fecals! Dat ams da communist orgigy!

2 points

Ins da Liechtenstein Country it is ams da POLITES to smokes a joint ons your anus holes. Dat mas ours traditigonal cultures!

2 points

Da Liechtenstein country ams say dat dis guy is ams da REAL DEAL!

1 point

Dat ams sa dey says "charitably" n'all, but why does we ams nots gives dem Swiss Franc? Dats ams da REA DEAL papers currencysafoi!

2 points

Why does I ams says des words even dose dey ams da tough? Cause dey must be saids - Abraham Lincoln

And des words musts be pronunciated ats dis Chaffy! Dis Pressidential ams a cloner, he clones and clones des accountses to ams makes dis his ams da world. Chaffy, says "my doody is ams to makes da CreatesDebate da CreateChaffy so dats I cans makes more of des account!"

Dis ams a emergence!

You is ams gots da to take actions againts da Chaffing President! He is ams dildos!

Saurbaby09(50) Clarified
1 point

Dat ams not as dey say "factuals" in da mind ofs the smarts! If dats is ams how da brains function of yoors says, den you gots de problems.

2 points

Is ams smoksins da marijuana on alls da day cycle!

Weed is ams da REAL DEAL!

2 points

Da Liechtenstein Country is ams gots da most effecietive, so da Peeople's Republican of Ching Chang Chong ams nots do superior!

1 point

Ams da postiton dats you ams gots on da Obama, ams its da doggy stylez or da 69, Liechtenstein is ams da curiouses!

1 point

Dis ams da whips givings to da africa men? IS AMS RACIST!

1 point

Ams da female ejaculagistions of LSD da "usual" fors da world?

4 points

You ams getsin da votes dat go downward? IT IS AMS A CONSPIRACYS! Calms da testicles sir.

4 points

You plays with da football with da handses, dat ams stupid.

If you ams was nots da obese den you woulds nots required to haves forklift to walk.

4 points

teaches us sports and how to play them the proper way.

Dey says dat you plays da foootball with da none feet, da ams proper?

helps us to stay active with our bodies

Den why is ams you fat?

2 points

Whys da ams fornification does it is ams likes "none peoples from da Liechtenstein Country is ams watch da video" dis ams bullshit!

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