
Sciencerules's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sciencerules's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yes, we totally should. We must protect our children and especially infants. 1,674 dead children in a year in the US alone. This is absolutely devastating for a family. Do your part vaccine, wash hands, n95 mask up, and push through laws that make it compulsory for others to do so.

Supporting Evidence: 91.8 per million infants die of covid (

Female genital mutilation occurs in many religions, including white Christianity. What is absurd is it took to 2021 to federally outlaw this act. In 2019 fgm was completely legal in 21 states, ouch. What took so long?

Supporting Evidence: Reuters FGM white Christian. (

Yes, torture.

"Prisoners were subjected to “rectal feeding” without medical necessity. Rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force”. The report highlights one prisoner later diagnosed with anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and “symptomatic rectal prolapse”."

Supporting Evidence: Rectal feeding is torture. (

I agree that droughts contribute to wild fires. Climate change causes more severe droughts. Southwest North America had the driest 22 yr period since 800.

Supporting Evidence: Nature megadrought 1200 years. (

Yes, of course climate change make wildfires worse. High temperature plus low humidity + fuel of forests = fire.

Supporting Evidence: Global warming causes wildfires. (

"that there is strong evidence that such ideas are not spread by random processes, but by deliberate intentional actions,[2] that "evolution" of ideas is more Lamarckian than Darwinian"

I agree, that religion is deliberately spread. A virus implies no intelligence behind the spread, but humans are intelligent and spread the idea. There is so many religious literature brochures, pamphlets that just appears, televangelists, Christian radio, churches, and more.

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia viruses of the mind. (

Yes, Gothard created the Duggar family. That didn't end well.

"Josh, by then a father of seven, was convicted of possessing and receiving child pornography, charges for which he is now serving a 12½-year prison sentence." Meredith Blake"

Sciencerules(592) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for clarifying. :) What happened to Bronto anyways?

I agree with the basic premise that we need to increase taxes and cut spending. As for handouts, student debts have reached diminishing marginal returns.

"The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis noted in 2019 that investment in higher education has reached a point of diminishing marginal returns."

By continuing to lend to students we are creating a moral hazard situation. Without revealing too much about myself, I know people who have graduated from college and regretted ever attending. They felt mislead, moral hazard by college admissions staff.

As for increased taxes, we need to close tax loopholes that let the ultra rich get richer. Taxing the rich is incredibly difficult and probably won't pass though. musk-jeff-bezos

That's why I ask tax who?

Supporting Evidence: Higher education bubble diminishing marginal returns. (

We could really use more undocumented Americans to help with the national debt crisis.

"Research shows that undocumented immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy/contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms' incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services."

Supporting Evidence: Impact of undocumented immigriants. (

Hmmm, I don't think illegals are exploiting us. If anything massive conglomerates are exploiting them.

""You’re talking about people who work for very low wages and are excluded from nearly all social services. It takes a real act of will to say they're exploiting us.""

Supporting Evidence: Illegal immigration cost. (

No, I don't care about the fly that just landed in flypaper. Praise whatever you believe in for flypaper because flies are totally annoying. Like omgosh have you ever been woken up over and over by a fly landing on you?

Factory farming on the other hand is despicable.

I think the problem is a lack of new users and search engine algorithms. Blaming createdebate is the easy answer, but it is possible Andy did nothing wrong. I've seen plenty of websites basically die off from drive by malware attacks and bad luck.

To make an analogy imagine you have a thriving mom and pop store. Then, suddenly a massive big box store opens up next to you. Due to leverage they can sell at cheaper prices. Unless you do something extraordinary you are going out of business.

The Internet has changed, even if the people haven't. I think this website makes money off of advertisement. Yet, ad revenues have decreased for a long time now. Which results in less money to remove spam accounts and bots.

Just look at all the news articles behind paywalls that were not in 2015. Furthermore, AI has gotten better and cheaper. Meaning more spam bots.

Believe me there are plenty of people and topics people want to debate on. I consider myself a liberal but there are many liberals that we disagree with just about everything.

I blame the search engine algorithms, try searching the name of a debate from website and see if you can even find createdebate. I can get an old debate to load but still like no 10 on search engine.

I do love that this website allows you to post anonymously your most wild ideas without fear of cancel culture.

Sciencerules(592) Clarified
1 point

Hmmm, Bronto's alt army could you clarify? You only joined 166 days again and I don't remember any Bronto nor army. I do remember Dr. Batman and his alts.

I remember linking to a video of Walmart the high cost of low prices. Monopoly and monopsony, I can't even find that argument anymore. Too much spam from people trying to sell stuff.

The company store was a vile historic example as the song below shows.

Sixteen tons song. Monopoly and monopsony company store.

You are more likely to get hit by lightning than have a serious detrimental effect from vaccines.

"you are 333 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a serious adverse reaction to a vaccine."

Supporting Evidence: voiceforvaccines lightning quote. (
Sciencerules(592) Clarified
1 point

There is some wisdom in your words. In the sense that Webmd and clones often endorse quackery. If you want quick easy answers on what causes nausea Webmd is great.

I try to strike a balance between quality and speed. The main problem with the peer reviewed process is it it slow. Since lies are faster than facts often by an order of magnitude by the time the truth gets around lies have already done their damage and made good science irrelevant.

Supporting Evidence: Terrible link from Webmd showing how credulous they are. (

Rebelnews is a questionable source.

"Overall, we rate Rebel News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor sourcing, and several failed fact checks."

So many extreme bias low factual websites no wonder there is so much polarization and fragmentation.

Supporting Evidence: Rebel news questionable source. (

First, there are multiple schools of thoughts in feminism. Some do contradict each other but they all have the same goal of gender equality. Just as there is the theory of abiogenesis, with multiple mutually exclusive ways abiogenesis could have occurred but all supporting the abiogenesis hypothesis.

One example is some feminist focus on the sexual revolution and see slut walks as good other see them as sexual objectification and as a step backwards.

Personally, I focus on economic equity and the gender pay gap. Why are cashiers which are more likely to be female paid less than usually males who stock the shelves?

Older women really get hit hard when they have less social security and retirement money. This is why we need more babysitting services and government health care.

Supporting Evidence: Gender pay gap rationalwiki. (

If you have an argument in there it is lost in all the irrelevant ad hominems.

"It has been shown that, due to the nocebo effect, warning patients about side effects of drugs can contribute to the causation of such effects, whether the drug is real or not."

Nocebo effect is for lots of different treatments.

Supporting Evidence: Nocebo wiki (

The old myocarditis myth.

"COVID-19 itself is much more likely to cause myocarditis that the mRNA vaccines:"

This is a cherry picking fallacy.

Supporting Evidence: Covid-19 causes myocarditis. (

"(“nocebo responses”) accounted for 76% of systemic AEs after the first COVID-19 vaccine dose and 52�ter the second dose.

Meaning This study found that the rate of nocebo responses in placebo arms of COVID-19 vaccine trials was substantial; this finding should be considered in public vaccination programs"

No more anti-vaxxers hiding behind their testimonial evidence. Vaccine hesitant are more likely to have a nocebo response.

I hope somebody reads this takes a while to hunt down peer reviewed articles.

Supporting Evidence: Jama nocebo vaccines. (

Autism varies greatly in degree. On one end of the spectrum autism is a severe disability. On the end autism is almost negligible, maybe even an advantage.

"Fringe groups continue to promote a bleach-based treatment to cure autism. However, medical experts say ingesting bleach can cause serious health problems."

Parents wouldn't resort to such harmful methods if autism wasn't severe sometimes.

Supporting Evidence: Bleach therapy for autism is child abuse. (

On a similar subject there is even more sex abuse cover ups in the news.

" The investigation uncovered the extent of the power and authority the clergy used to exploit the trust of children, saying: "They told their victims the abuse was God's will. Some threatened that the victim or the victim's family would go to hell if they told anyone. "

Christianity needs to go. If that was not bad enough people have tried exorcisms on autistic children.

"An autistic 8-year-old boy died while wrapped in sheets during a prayer service held to exorcise the evil spirits that church members blamed for his condition."

Supporting Evidence: child sexual abuse and leadership's efforts to cover it up. (

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