
Sherlock-'s Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sherlock-'s arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You’ve still never won a debate though have you?

If "winning" was determined by being correct then I would always win, but on most debate sites there is some form of voting system. On this site there is no such thing as winning though because the voting system is easy to abuse and both parties always walk away feeling that the other person is a retard.

Sherlock-(92) Clarified
1 point

Must make you about 34, right?

It was a great record.

I'm 23, but yeah it was. I think the very first one I heard was "Marshall Mathers" because he dissed ICP and in my early teens I was a bit of a juggalo.

1 point

Classic. That was one of the first Eminem raps I heard and it made me go super saiyan when I was 15.

1 point

Some post modernist ideas are valid, but when you are too post modernist it enters the realm of retardation.

2 points

It's a stupid over simplification to say everything would be equal. There will always be differences, what equality really means is that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. That isn't possible while some people are born into poverty and others are born with a silver spoon in their ass.

1 point

How do they "get in my" in a capitalist economy?


1 point

Just tell him you’re an authority on whatever you guys talk about. That should win it for you. If not, just tell him he isn’t as studied as you. Bet that will work.

Have you even read a single book written by Marx? I have read the Communist Manifesto, the first volume of Kapital, and multiple articles he wrote. Plus I have found a lot of good videos on Marxism and read books about it from other people. I have legitimately studied Marxism, and you have not.

0 points

With which one of your accounts?

Do you think you might have your first ever debate win on here?

Not on here you dolt, on his podcast.

1 point


You can't even type in english and you want to diss the Nom? LOL.

1 point

Here let me write your reply for you.

"What's this? You don't want to refute the same fallacies over and over again? You are an intellectual coward and I have proven you wrong because confirmation bias!"

1 point

This is becoming pointless now, no sense beating a dead horse. Of course we will both walk away thinking the other lost but at the end of the day I am a student of Marx whereas you are a typical American who has been saturated with capitalist propaganda.

1 point

Look.. You used a straw man suggesting that left wingers are cultural Marxists

The whole point of this debate is:

A) Democrats are not cultural Marxists

B) Democrats are generally not even left wingers because they won't even allow a social democrat to be nominated democratically.

0 points

Hitler quotes that prove he was right wing and anti-Marxist

"There are no such things as classes: they cannot be. Class means caste and caste means race."

"Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows—at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example—as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews."

(Note: if Hitler believed that race was the closest thing to class, and Hitler brutally suppressed people on the basis of race, thus creating a caste system based on race while claiming there is no such thing as class, how can he be a Marxist given that Marx wanted a society without class and believed that class struggle was the basis for all new socio-economic systems?)

"Everything I undertake is directed against Russia. If the West is too stupid and blind to grasp this, then I shall be compelled to come to an agreement with Russia, beat the West and then after their defeat turn against the Soviet Union with all my forces."

"I absolutely insist on protecting private property. It is natural and salutary that the individual should be inspired by the wish to devote a part of the income from his work to building up and expanding a family estate. Suppose the estate consists of a factory. I regard it as axiomatic, in the ordinary way, that this factory will be better run by one of the members of the family that it would be by a State functionary—providing, of course, that the family remains healthy. In this sense, we must encourage private initiative."

Fake Quote

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

This misattribution is sourced from John Toland. In Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography (1976), it is attributed to Hitler in a speech of May 1, 1927. It is actually from Thoughts about the Tasks of the Future by Gregor Strasser, published on June 15, 1926.

Quote about Hitler

"The fact that the capitalists and entrepreneurs, faced with the alternative of Communism or Nazism, chose the latter, does not require any further explanation."

-Ludwig von Mises

1 point

Yep, the communists and Nazis hated each other. Hitler saw Marxism as the greatest enemy of Aryan supremacy because it is based in the ideals of egalitarianism and thus fundamentally goes against the Nazis strict hierarchical philosophy.

1 point

dunno.. You make a right wing post, and I'm supposed to KNOW you were kidding???

What about my post is right wing?

1 point

Uhhh, cause the dems AREN'T cultural Marxists.. Dude!

Back away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain.

What the hell makes you think I watch Fox news? I know they aren't cultural Marxists, that's the whole point of this debate. I am trying to get right wingers to realize how stupid they are.

1 point

Most materialists do not hold your view that concepts, and their effects don’t exist.

It's not that concepts don't exist, it's that they are a subjective reflection of physical neurochemistry and electricity in the brain.

It does not dissuade materialists from studying and formulating a vast array of conceptual and social frameworks.

Marxism is scientific, it deals with social constructs and their relation to reality but it doesn't socially construct anything.

Answered incorrectly as it turned out.

But that's just the uneducated opinion of a porch economist who was taught to hate communists from a young age and has never actually read one of Marx's books.

Their theories are more a justification for this hope than an exercise in empirical science. Any Marxists left have abandoned science altogether in favor of this lost hope.

It's true that Communism was seen as the favorable outcome and that it's culmination is not an inevitability. But if you look at all the factors at play there are really only 4 options for the future.

1: RBE

2: Fascist Technocracy

3: Human Extinction

4: AI take over followed by human extinction.

If you understand where technology is heading, and understand that our current socio-economic system is a primitive type 0 civilization system, then that statement should seem obvious. But of course you don't understand those things, so you think we will be the same forever and capitalism/republic is the epitome of socio-economic systems.

Value doesn’t enter the economy. There is no human action, and thus no economy without value. Economic activity presupposes the existence of value.

Value is like energy, everything has potential energy, but force is required to use that energy. Labour is the force that pushes value through the economy, and thus all the value that circulates in the economy depends on labour.

Communism is an attempt to correct the supposed discrepancy.

You have no idea what communism is. You are getting way ahead of yourself.

1 point

How many times do I have to explain to you that a right winger wouldn't pretend to be a leftist, unless his Nazi minions were leftists?

How many times do we have to explain to you that Hitler tried to appeal to both the left and the right and Nazi propaganda is full of doublespeak?

Sherlock-(92) Clarified
0 points

How has he convinced Andy to unlock his main account again?

Andy simply dislikes swearing, communism and rap lyrics. As long as you don't post any of those things he will forgive any transgression. He always let's the worst trolls slide, like Mingiwuwu who hacked the site several years ago, or Bronto who abuses the point system and spreads right wing propaganda, or Dermot and Antrim who are both open white supremacists.

1 point

I looked at the link. It's from 187 days ago.

Once I looked at his waterfall in recent times, it looks like this.

You know how I got to that page? By following all your alt accounts there.

1 point

2: Blues

3: Soul

So you DO like black people music...or are you just saving face?

3 points

I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds.

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