
Shira907's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shira907's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

at least you're honest and upfront about your racism. Most would just dog whistle and tried to hide it like the pussies they are. I can appreciate an honest racist more than a cowardly one.

1 point

Ive never heard a more convincing argument in favor of Bernie Sanders by someone who is right wing.

1 point

Im talking about actual leftists. Not virtue signalling dipshits who only care about social issues to promote themselves. I do find it rather humorous however you listed Universities though. Yeah facts and reality tend to have a left leaning bias oof.

1 point

You can be against a certain type of speech and not support legislation to stop that speech at the same time.

Obviously im talking about the people wanting to ban that speech. No duh. A person would still say they support that persons right to burn the flag even if they disagree with that type of speech or expression.

Leftists want them removed. No more black logos because of the left.

Weren't you just saying that you can be against a certain type of speech and not support legislation in favor of it? Why cant you apply that same idea to those supposed leftists who want it removed?

Then why don't you have your minions burn down Yale Univesity since it's named after a slave owner and slave trader?

Or Yale can rename their university? Anyways I dont really care much about the statues either way and the same goes for certain buildings and what not named after slave owners. This is irrelevant to me.

1 point

The Fascists fought America and its flag.

They didn't fight a piece of cloth. Furthermore trying to ban flag burning is un american and trying to get rid of freedom of speech and expression is one of the key components of fascism and authoritarianism.

You really need to get better.

If I need to get better, then the person im debating needs to learn the basics.

1 point

Flag burners are known for both.

And people who are against flag burning are pro authoritarianism and fascism. I can play this game too.

It's your standard being applied, not mine. And the left is already banning art, from statues, to movies, to books, to any old African American image used by companies as logos such as Aunt Jemima on syrup and Uncle Ben on rice.

You literally just tried to make the argument freedom of expression isn't freedom of speech. So its actually your standard.

What a company does with their logo of their product is their decision. So if they wanna change it they can. Also chalking up the whole taking down statues as "banning art" is insanely disingenuous and has so much more context than that. You've already proven to be dishonest though sooo

1 point

If you didn't have an annoying personality to the point of it being like fingers on a chalkboard, you'd be harder to spot...but you do...

You're not a very entertaining troll.

1 point

Cool. Seeing the left controls almost every megaphone and system in America, I suppose he unknowingly feels oppressed by a system controlled by leftists. Maybe he should burn it.

Trust me I wish this was the case.

2 points

Welcome to the Republican Party.

The same party that fucks over workers and shits on them while promoting capitalist business owners by handing out corporate welfare and promotes corporate socialism? The same party that has blood on their hands from killings tens of millions of innocent civilians in countries all over the middle east? The same party that wants to get rid of a womans right to decide what she can do with her own body? The same party that would promote a theocracy and wanna get rid of secularism which is what this country was founded on? The same party that wants to roll back protections and rights for gay and trans people? Yeaaaaah no thanks Im good. I despise the democrats as well but at least they're closer to my values. The republicans are too far gone in my eyes.

Obama used free speech to call ISIS the JV team. Soon after they had taken over countries and vast spreads of land throughout the Middle East and North Africa. They also began infiltrating Europe and the U.S. and committed terror attacks in mass. Theoretically this speech led to the Boston Marathon bombing, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, the Bataclan, the London bombing, and the list goes on and on.

Many Democrats use speech to demonize the police. Cop killings are on the rise and so are cops killing citizens.

Speech defending illegal aliens has led to gangs multiplying and killing people in the streets.

The point? By your standard, I could silence every leftist on planet Earth, and no one could stop me because "speech is violence" and speech can theoretically lead to violence... I could say that about any speech I dislike or that comes from a political opponent.

I wish the democrats were leftist trust me, but they aren't. They're more like a centrist party. Anyways again its pointless to bring up Obama. Obviously the dudes a piece of shit and I'd never defend him. My point is that when you talk about things like the "white replacement theory" and talking about "white genocide". You don't think thats going to cause people to act out in violent ways? Do you think what I say and what I promote is gonna lead to violence compared to someone who is far right right and talks about how white people are being replaced in their countries and language like that? What do you think is going to happen as a result of that?

1 point

I brought up the fact she was in favor of the patriot act cause its weird you would defend someone who wants to take your civil liberties away.

1 point

1) You're absolutely right. How ableist of me.

2) I didnt say Ann Coulter caused terrorist events, im saying her rhetoric has the potential to do so. The christ church shooter was influenced by Candace Owens for example and her rhetoric is similar to Ann Coulters.

1 point

Im not really all that interested in proving myself to you but if you really wanna know I was a user that went by the screen name of "animedude639". (cringey ass name but cut me some slack I was 13 at the time)

1 point

I have no clue who that is. I was a user on here 5 years ago and left. This is a new account of mine. Quit wasting my time with this bullshit

1 point

Pretend I don't know, and tell me what it symbolizes.

It could mean either dissatisfaction with your government or even further to your overall country essentially.

Being against something speech and...freedom of expression...

Okay now I realize who Im dealing with here. You're either very dishonest or very stupid. Perhaps a combination of both. Pick one or both. Now I know not to take you seriously though you fuckin clown.

So is punching a leftist in the head. Now what?

I didn't know burning a piece of cloth was equivalent to punching someone and thus causing harm to them. Very interesting. Love these false equivalences. I guess its fine if we outlaw certain art since its not "speech" in your book either.

1 point

Cool. I didn't realize a political label garnered the relinquishing of free speech. I say you're a white nationalist. No speech for you.

Ooooh comin out with the strawman arguments I love it! My point was that I dont feel sorry for her because her rhetoric has been proven to cause terrorist attacks. Furthermore I said I wasn't in favor of the government silencing her speech. So what point are you trying to make?

So were Democrats. Guess who wasn't. Me and Donald Trump.

Okay? Im not defending the democrats? I dont even know why tf you even bothered to bring up the democrats. My point is that she was in favor of it. Good for Trump he's correct on something. I dont care about that.

I say Soros, Pelosi, and Schumer's speech leads to death. No speech for them either. Don't you love when your standards are applied to the left?

Again you're strawmanning me. I dont wanna silence anyone's speech through government force. Also you bring up those folks as if Im in favor of them. Which leads me to believe you have no idea who you're talking to. Though I am rather curious what sort of things have those people said that led to deaths.

1 point

You know damn well as much as I do its the symbolism of flag burning which is whats being debated here. Thats clearly what Trump is against. Also freedom of speech also means freedom of expression you do realize that right?

1 point

Also Coulter is literally a white nationalist and also supports the bullshit conspiracy theory of "White replacement" and "White genocide" and was in favor of the patriot act. Considering her sort of rhetoric leads to right terrorist attacks, I think that's pretty justified. In b4 "Bu....but that's not free speech". For one im not in favor of the government silencing her. In fact if I found out tomorrow the government would be silencing right wing opinions id be against it but additionally again her rhetoric is dangerous and leads to innocent lives being killed.

1 point

I did link it. Its the sites fault and not mine. It just doesn't work with links in regards to linking the actual video in the description of the debate. My god you really dont understand how websites work. I cant just magically make a link work if the website doesn't allow it. Clearly I put the link in. What else was I suppose to do?

1 point

aaah Candace Owens. You mean the same person who openly talks about the white replacement theory on how immigrants are coming in and genociding white people. Candace "You know hitler wasn't such a bad guy" Owens. Candace "You know George Floyd was a terrible person" Owens. LAUGHABLE

Shira907(18) Clarified
1 point

Aaaaah so you chose option C. To pivot to the left LMAO. My god you people are easily predictable. Also I sent the video here so you should see it

Trump being anti free speech
1 point

There's four options you can go about here if you are a Trump supporter.

A: you can blindly ignore reality and pretend this doesn't go against the first amendment (Even though it factually is and even the supreme court ruled previously it is)

B: You can try and argue against free speech. (Which would be a fun argument to have actually)

C: You can cowardly pivot to the left without addressing the point.

D:You suck it up and own up to it

Have fun

1 point

You didn't read my comment clearly. I said we have to be careful going about it. I believe right now is not a good time to have a revolution obviously and to get rid of capitalism.

1 point

There's definitely quite a bit of antagonism towards the cops and the police as an institution, and for damn good reason. People have every justified reason to hate the cops.

1 point

we have to be careful going about burning it though. What will rise from the ashes is something that will either be better or worse. Fascism right now is a likely possibility for example. I generally agree though.

2 points

Mmmm is that why Biden is way ahead of Trump right now in the race and most agree he's handling this situation insanely poorly? Stay salty Trumptard.

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