
Smorfy's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Smorfy's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Why are you calling Obama "President 'INERTIA' Obama"? Inertia is defined as "a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force" by Merriam-Webster. President Obama was hardly the same as President George W. Bush! For starters, Obama had no Supreme Court trial like Bush V. Gore. His win was not very controversial (especially compared to President Trump's!). Obama stopped our Great Recession, which George W. Bush CAUSED. Obama was also the first black president! Your nickname President 'INERTIA' Obama makes no sense. Obama did anything but keep our country the same! While I cannot deny we will see fewer illegal immigrants, we will also see a sharp decline of legal immigrants, who help keep our economy going. Illegal immigrants can also be upstanding non-citizens. Next, President Trump wants to drastically increase our military budget. If the 20 billion dollars President Trump wants to give to our military don't go there, then where will they go? Next, I would argue that imported Asian goods also stimulate our economy. Nobody would buy Asian products anymore if there was a significant import tariff imposed, which would make Asian leaders mad at us. Diplomacy is one of the keys to prospering. Getting Asians mad at us is NOT the way to "Make America Great Again". A reduction in corporation tax would not stop most American companies from relocating overseas. Other countries have different laws that are more advantageous to the companies. Other countries also have less strict labor laws, and cheaper labor. A reduction in corporation tax would definitely not attract companies to return to America. I don't think President Trump will establish a points system for immigrants. Everything he has done so far has shown that he wants nothing at all to do with immigrants. Enlarging our border fence, canceling our refugee agreement with Australia, and banning travel to the USA from seven countries for 90 days help show this. Next, many illegal immigrants come here to escape from the horrors of their country! Many of them also try to gain citizenship, but our citizenship process can take several years. You need to legally immigrate here, then wait in a legal status, then get a green card, then, after 5 years of holding a green card, they can become a citizen. Also, in a survey, when 1,000 U.S. citizens took America’s official citizenship test, 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president. Seventy-three percent couldn’t correctly say why we fought the Cold War. Forty-four percent were unable to define the Bill of Rights. 6 percent couldn’t even circle Independence Day on a calendar. We hold immigrants to a much higher standard than ourselves! Why should they be sent to a different country after they gave up their life there to come here? Why should they be kicked out of America after they know more about it than 40% of Americans? I cannot debate about the free trade arrangements, those do sound good. According to Merriam-Webster, ingratiate is "to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort". Ethnic groups are not whining, they are complaining because the ones who are complaining are put a distinct disadvantages. Racial bias still exists. They are still the minority. Many of them have to fight to get a good education and future. Their ancestors were put through immeasurable hardships, which they are still recovering from! The KKK still exists! They should not have to ingratiate themselves with white people. Instead, white people should ingratiate themselves with them! Also, for the record, I am white. Next, the road back to recovery from what? Also, when has President Trump EVER kept his nerve? One of President Trump's hallmarks is that he is unpredictable! I would argue against President Trump's manifesto, but I do not know exactly what it is to you. Therefore, I would like you to define it. President Trump's current approval rating is 37%. His approval rating is the worst in 72 years. I highly doubt he will go down as "the best President the United States ever had", especially with Lincoln, Washington, and Roosevelt holding the top three spots. Thank you.

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