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This personal waterfall shows you all of Somebody's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Oh. That earns a report because we are supposed to debate, not trash talk. I won't take anyone having outlaw-like comments here. outlaw is enough of a disgrace here. STOP.

1 point

It's a non-binding agreement. Nuff said.

Since createdebate doesn't allow under 50 words, here is the continuation:

CA is doing something states have been doing for a while now, and that is writing a non-binding agreement. It doesn't break federal law, because it doesn't force CA to do anything at all. If is contains any mandatory term, that agreement will be automatically abolished. Understand?

P.S. Enough with the view names. That is very misleading in that the name assumes that this side thinks CA can override the feds.

1 point

Ahem, wrong topic here...

Anyways, our "rights" are what we give each other. There is no objective "right" that you have as a human in the universe, but we choose to have compassion for our own kind and write a code of ethics. Again, we are in the wrong space here, so I'll leave it at that.

2 points

I believe that Christianity, and Islam, and every other archaic religion did. They evolved, though. The people who didn't evolve with their religion are called fundies. Nobody likes them, mate.

1 point

Because you only ever hang out with retarded conservatives, that's why. There are smart conservatives and smart liberals, and there are stupid conservatives and stupid liberals. You only fought with the retards.

1 point

What business does the US have to do in Latin America, or SE Asia? Supporting their allies that we knew full well were authoritarian regimes? Wow.

1 point

Oh, and that also describes the Christian fundies. Fundies go together, I guess.

1 point

"Depending on how far back you're talking, they did; almost exclusively, in fact. And, surprise surprise, they were much healthier than when mass-agriculture came into being." - Explain how the lifespan at that time was 4 times shorter than ours.

1 point

"most civilized culture in human history" You mean racism, sexism, religious discrimination, and bigotry, compounded with the tendency to stick your nose in other countries' business? Civilized indeed.

Also, whites cause less violence, but they cause more of different crimes, like fraud. This is more divided by economic status than it is by race.

1 point

One could argue the same about Christianity. Same crime (homosexuality), same punishment (stoning). I don't see the difference here.

2 points

Well, according to your description, I'll assume "war" here means conflict.

Then, conflict is the natural state of things, because we have a million different opinions, and are very determined in protecting them at all cost.

1 point

We simply don't know.

And we will never know.

Assuming there will be a creator: Who created that creator? Then who created the creator of the creator? And so on... Even if you say that there must be an uncaused cause, then can nature be the uncaused cause by itself? Or, if the universe is a loop, then who put that loop in motion in the first place?

It seems like the argument is an endless rabbit hole.

1 point

To start off, inborn traits can't be chosen, religion can. You can't choose your race, or change it in any manner (unless you're Michael Jackson, of course). However, religion is only your opinion, and it can shift over time, so we shouldn't give it the same level of protection that race or gender merits.

1 point

James Comey pretty much killed Hillary before the presidential election by restarting the email scandal. Note that this is a debate on their policies, not any activities that Trump or Hillary does, so please stay on track.

1 point

Well, the same-sex couple would be effectively "married" and they can adopt children just like straight couples sometimes do. Same-sex adoption is good, as children need homes and same-sex couples can raise children just as well as their traditional counterparts do. As with remembrance, we have photos to deal with that. Regardless, a truly loving family doesn't need looks to remember the others.

Somebody(46) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, Obama was useless, and the majority of the military isn't really horrendous or anything, but that doesn't exonerate the War on Terror, because it was so damn inefficient, and it was the perfect excuse for secret intelligence agencies to exploit it.

1 point

Well, I do wonder what Muslims are thinking...

as I do with any other person. Don't discriminate and make stereotypes based on religion, because that's unfair, and in the 1+ billion Muslims in the world out there, only a few thousand are ISIS fundies.

1 point

No. It depends on each person.

Now, there might be a possibility that a certain gender have a genetic tendency towards common sense than the other. It changes basically nothing, because human intelligence are mostly determined through growth and experience.

In short, you learn common sense through life experience, not gender.

1 point

Sexual identification can shift over time, there are straight people who then identify as gay, and then there are gay people who then identify as bisexual, and so on.

There are epigenetic, genetic and hormonal influences as well, but you can't count out society and environment. Environmental factors covers some, but not all, of the sexual orientation.

Supporting Evidence: Study that finds gender orientation fluidity (
1 point

Well, if that happens, the German in this scenario would be considered guilty.

However, the same cannot be said for abortion, only in some very specific cases, like if the baby was going to die and kill the mother anyway.

1 point

Well, people start wars, massacre other people, abuse them until death, etc.

They also lose what is left of their kindness and empathy.

All because of this GREED.

The answer cannot be clearer.

1 point

Look. A greedy person is not going to share his/her money to anyone. His/her intentions are to get as much money/belongings as possible, and (s)he may go to extreme lengths to do so, so why share it?

1 point

Problem is, outlaw60... the Right use this too!

In fact, nearly all Americans like capitalism [no citation needed]

Also, it drove the USA to the spotlight in the first place, so your complaint would just be a minor downside.

Somebody(46) Clarified
1 point

Ahh... since many people asked about this, I would like to clarify that what I meant by saying that animals have homosexual behavior is that homosexual behavior is completely normal in nature.

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