
SpiritOfWank's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SpiritOfWank's arguments, looking across every debate.

All of the correlations between the politics of CD conservatives and Hitler.


I would totally bang an alien. I'm actually serious about that. It would be cool to be the first man to have sex with an alien.

SpiritOfWank(49) Clarified
1 point

There are no good guys

Well, there is no objective good and evil but the question is are they cancer to civilization or not? I say yes, but once again it goes back to the order VS freedom debate. You would say that civilization depends on "benevolent tyranny" to at least some extent to even exist but I say that true civilization is when you are free but still co-operating with the rest of your kind rather than infringing on their freedom or taking advantage of them. Is that possible? With the right collective mentality it is but not with the way humans are currently conditioned to think. My way does not require brainwashing because it is inherently logical and in everyone's self interest but the tyrants need to lie and silence those who see through it to stay in power.

in a world where some are powerful and none, even those totally exposing every detail of how obvious they are, can stop them

The only thing that gives them power over others is the superstitious belief that they have wealth and authority based on made up social constructs. In order to change the system, all you have to do is show people the truth and manage not to get silenced.

I think in all societies from the top of reality down to us, most end up being 'good enough' and the real scumbags end up outcasted.

I think you are wrong, because there are plenty of scumbags who are at the top of society and plenty of "good" people who are outcasted.

I guess it all depends what God truly is or wants though. What is the single most powerful being sided with? That's the issue, she's one neutral monster and laughs no matter who wins.

If she was real, I don't think she would be sided with anyone, but instead just allowing things to unfold for her entertainment.

Here's a question just for fun, what do you think God looks like? Does she have boobies?

SpiritOfWank(49) Clarified
1 point

If the Illuminati are the good guys, why do they constantly lie and kill people?

SpiritOfWank(49) Clarified
1 point

I looked up the logos and after looking them over I see a lot of the symbols you're talking about but plenty lack them. It seems the would-be Hebrew 6 is stylized to look like a rocket contrail. A lot of them look nothing like the 6, some of them look like an I or just an arrow (the I shape however is close to another way to write the 6 in Hebrew).

SpiritOfWank(49) Clarified
1 point

No I don't.

Why not? Weed is like super good. (by the way I'm still waiting for you to accept the Webby vs K debate on DA. If you really think Webby is a better rapper why do you feel the need to alter the context of the debate?)

I am addicted to caffeine

Me too, I drink 4 coffees or more a day.

the Pagan company of Monster which has the Hebrew symbol for 6 repeated 3 times to make its M, a cross that also has a curve that makes it into a trident as its 'o' in Monster and has the slogan (which matches its 666 logo) as 'unleash the beast'. :)

I never noticed that before. What significance does 666 have according to your religion/worldview?

The same 'swoosh' 7-looking symbol that is really '6' in Hebrew, also known as the AVA symbol, is in every single NASA mission logo and every single space agency logo and military corp logo on Earth.

I'm going to have to look that one up.

Do you smoke weed too Mingi? You sound like you smoke a lot more weed than I do.

Yes, but only because I smoke so much weed. .

The fact that there is climate change that is not caused by humans does not disprove that climate change can be caused by humans.

I'll make you tap dance with a banana up your ass while I fuck a jar of mayonaise. Then I will make you a sandwich with the mayonaise and you won't be able to tell because jizz looks like mayonaise.


Do you have a job? .

Your child is your property just like a pet until they reach a certain age.

You are the state's property unless you are an extremely wealthy investor, banker or CEO.

2 points

Why the fuck, should anybody believe ANTHING about the Jews that comes out of a Jew haters mouth?

Because anyone who doesn't hate Judaism or thinks their DNA cares what religion their ancestors practiced is an idiot.

It's not my party going Communist Con.

Because Communism is totally when the state controls everything and all your rights are taken away, because right wing blogs and fascist dictators are totally more of an authority on Marx than the writings of Marx himself.

My party looks about like your party did before Soros and the Commies reconstructed your ideology for you.

Have you ever wanted to poke someones eyes out with a screwdriver and staple their own dick to their forehead?

Notice. Conservatives rarely have violent marches, start riots, or shoot anyone.

But I thought the Muslim extremists you hate so much were right wing?

Are you anti founders?

He should be, because they owned slaves and murdered your ancestors and built their own country on a foundation of lies so that rich people could rule it.

2 points

Both are Marxists.

Shut up you subhuman worthless piece of trash. Do you have some sort of deranged paraphilia for completely inverting the truth? The Rothschilds and Soros thrive on capitalism and take advantage of it in every way possible. You know what your problem is? Do you know why I can't take you seriously as a living organism and view you as a sub-sentient speck of filth upon the face of the earth? It's because you whole heartedly support the very system that keeps you under the thumb of people like Soros, yet you accuse him of being the very thing which was designed to remedy everything that gives people like him power and avoid it like the plague. I want to cut your fingers off, shove them up your ass, duct tape your face to your butt crack and feed you your own dick before I do it so that when it comes out the other end your mouth will be right there to intercept it again along with your fingers.

Not true , you would be shot anyway on account of being an insufferable prick

Stop being such a filthy little Jew.

No, Wank. Marxism is NOT the next step, it's an imperfect disaster, as is "unrestrained capitalism"! BOTH have SOME good points. The trick is to take the best of BOTH, (and some others), and make "a more perfect union" out of ALL!

Can you answer one simple question...what is the central principle of Marxism? If you fail, then you will be forced to admit that nothing you just said has any basis in reality if you have any intellectual honesty whatsoever.

Marxism is the next step in socio-economic evolution. Join us.

2 points

Well, I've always been popular

Popular people are always either very charismatic yet dishonest or they are stupid. Most people are disgusting and stupid so if you are popular you are either exceptionally disgusting and stupid or you are a manipulative sleeze ball.

Huh.. I didn’t expect you to be pro-border security. .

Right wingers are not pro border security, they are anti-third world children you dirty little anal biscuit. Not letting you rape and murder and pillage my land is not the same as not letting you move into my land.

Let me put it this way, if you moved into my neighborhood, I wouldn't bother you unless you bothered me. But if I moved into yours, you would want to shoot me just for being there.

2 points

Not really. If your race wants to hit the ocean, go right ahead. We'll do just fine without you. Go ahead.

You adopted the religion and political ideology of the people who murdered and raped your ancestors. Does that not make you feel at least a little bit like an idiot?

It's what Marx wanted.

Marx never said that, you wet, greasy butt plug.

SpiritOfWank(49) Clarified
1 point

Hello Nom, how have you been?

Well I've been absolutely darn spankin' dandy FactMachine. Glad to see you're back.

Oh look, it's two squabbling wanker holes. Did you ever stop to consider that you both may be mentally ill and need psychological help for your own various reasons?

You Lovely Jewel

If I was a woman and you kept calling me that I would put an internet restraining order on you.

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