
SubwayZombie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SubwayZombie's arguments, looking across every debate.

My very own religion is Voodoo. This is not bad, as most people seem to think of it, but it is actually very interestin. Everyone, keep it clean please!

I personally think that the best rapper would have to be Twista. The dude is fast, very good, and has a smooth voice.

Most men would have to agree, but I am not most men. I personally prefer the ass over the other body parts. It usually feels nice, you can use it to pull them closer, it's nice to stare at, and it makes an excellent headrest!

There you go usin Biblical terms once again. It's better to keep your mouth shut (in this case, fingers still) and let people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth (once again, move your fingers) and remove all doubt.

Even heterosexuals, more heteros than homos, actually, hate sex. Well, at least don't like it. And she's right. Many homosexuals don't like to have sex. I personally love sex, but that's because I'm just a freak. And cuz I'm good at it. Haha. But like I have said, many people, heteros and homos alike, don't like sex.

But you're not the same as everyone else.

No one is the same as the next person. Everyone is different. Learn before you teach.

They become brainwashed into thinking homosexuals are normal human beings.

They are human beings, but no one is "normal".

I wasn't talking about your actual dreams....

Nor was I.

I will ultimately go to heaven just because of that.

Are you really and truly that ignorant? How much of the Bible have you even read? I thought you weren't a Christian? Which lie are we suppose to believe?

Gays have the right to marriage. Gays have the right to adopt children.

Gays do not have the right to marriage. They do have the right to adopt, but still. Many people see it as "wrong" when there is absolutely nothin wrong with it at all. What I can't stand is people who say one thing and mean another. Marriage is to someone you love, not someone of the opposite gender. If you look back in time, marriage was already ruined when royal families were forced to marry either in the family or to another royal family to get more power. That is wrong. All we want is the right to marry who we love.

You're asking for extra rights where you want to 'marry' somebody of the same gender.

Do you agree with interracial marriages? Or are you against those too? Because black people have the right to marry someone, but not anyone different than their own race. Now, they can marry whoever they want, because they have equal rights. The same with womens' rights. They have the right to vote and everything else now. Are you against that as well? Women worked hard for that. They have equal rights, which are called womens' rights because they had to fight for them. First women, then blacks, now us.

A homosexual relationship is not normal or healthy

How are our relationships anything but healthy? Many homosexual relationships are actually healthier than heterosexual ones. It may be slightly out of the norm, but what is normal? No one is the same as someone else. No one.


This is not a choice. This is somethin we were born with, somethin that we have to deal with. We're attracted to the same sex, it's not our fault. We can not ignore those attractions.

KKK ignore black people??????

Anti-semites ignore jews?????

Yes. Ultimately they leave them alone and ignore them.

But you're trying to create your own gay little world and have gay little families with little gay kids with big gay hopes and dreams. Gay tv, gay movies even gay foods, gay rights of gay 'marriage' and gay adoption - you're just making it one big gay world - which DOES affect me.

We want what everyone else has. Don't watch the gay TV or movies. What gay foods? Please tell me this. Not all of our dreams are gay. Very few are actually. I'm trainin to be an OB/GYN, which is not gay. Just because parents are gay don't mean the kids will be. Most gay people come from straight parents. We're not tryin to create a gay world. We have to keep it secret because of people like you.

I thought you said you were born gay. Obviously you were not created equal then. FOOL. You should be allowed straight rights, just like everybody else, but the fact that there's gay rights obviously shows that it's not equal treatment.

Just because we want to be equal? We offend you because we want to have what you have? We want to be able to marry, and we can't because of stupid people such as yourself? The mindset you have is the same as people had during the Holocaust. Hitler was Anti-Semite. So you're sayin if we put all of the homosexuals in concentration camps and ended their lives that there would be no more? So you're sayin that people who create new medical cures were created different from people who run large companies because they're different from each other and they're not equal?

Thank you. That is very nice of you to say.............. :-)

I love this song. It's one of my most favorites. :-))))))))

"I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes. I am the ghost, that hides in the night."

"Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom. One push is all you'll need. Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom. It's a philosophy. Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom. We watch with wounded eyes. Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom. So I hope you recognize."

"I'm on the front line, don't worry I'll be fine, the story's just beginning. I say good-bye to my weakness, so long to the regret, and now I see the world through diamond eyes."

Diamond Eyes by Shinedown

Make up your mind. Are you a gayboy or a pansyboy (who's straight)

I've already told you people. I'm bisexual. I like guys and girls, but mostly guys.

The reason you shouldn't get these rights is because your a faggot.

So just because we're gay we shouldn't get rights? How is that fair? "All men are created equal." Ever heard that statement before? Obviously not. This is part of how my country believes. If you don't believe it, then maybe you should ignore it. The KKK is still active, but they ignore black people. Anti-semitism is still goin on, but they ignore the Jews. Maybe you should learn to shut things out and mind your own business. We don't push it in your face, we just do what every other single human being does. How is that wrong?

That's because heterosexuality is normal people. Humans are supposed to be hetero.

There is no "right" way to be. You can't be wrong by bein who you are. People are born this way, you don't choose it. It's not somethin you can control. Yes, you can control your urges, and we do better than heterosexuals.

This song reminds me of both Rachel and Billy, and that just sucks......

Their technologies are the same actually.

Blackbeard is just one example. And this is because pirates are brutes. Ninjas are trained to fight face to face. I know he's not completely real, but Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe is a surprisingly good example. True ninjas are just as he is. They are fast, not lightning fast as in speed, but have greater reflexes. They are stronger. Not super strength, but stronger than most people. Their weapon skills are mastered from the years of brutal trainin.

Most pirates are not ex-Navy. Only the famous ones are. Such as a leader. Most pirates are just thugs who decided to rob on water.

Ninjas are still around, but by yet another name. They are now more commonly referred to as assassins or contract killers. Many contract killers have expert hand-to-hand combat trainin, better than most Marines, and yet they kill without bein seen. This is not a display of cowardice, but of their skill. They can do that because they have the ability.

Actually, ninjas, although goin by a different name, were around way before that, in the times before the Qin dynasty and Great Wall. Pirates have always been around. They're just thugs who who on water. Ninjas are highly trained.

I just wanna say one thing. Who ever says, "That was pirate!" No. It's always, "That was ninja!" Enough said.

"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I wear my crown of horns and pull the knife out of my chest."

Hear Me Now

"I'd like to keep cuttin, I'd like to keep cuttin, but I can't stand to watch myself bleed."

Mr. Owl Ate My Metal Worm

This song makes me cry for more than one reason...................

I point is that illegal immigrants are not "suppose" to be here, they're not here legally. Homosexuals who are born here are.

Don't do it in public.

Heterosexuals do it in public.

Don't go on the news.

They're on the news all the time.

Don't go on cinemas.

They go in and on cinemas.

Don't go on television.

They're on television all the time.

Don't have your parades.

They had parades to get their rights (blacks and women).

Don't apply for extra rights.

They have those rights already, so why shouldn't we get them? Why should heterosexuals get rights that we don't, just because we're slightly different? Homosexuals work, we pay taxes, we suffer in the economy, we go through all the stuff that everyone else does, so why shouldn't we get these rights?

What song is this???????????????????????????????????????????????

Some people are just stupid. They don't get it. If one person of a certain "color" or gender or race is bad, doesn't mean they all will be. Stereotypin is probably the worst thing that has happened to this country. If a girl wears a revealin shirt, is sh ea whore? If a white man hangs around black people, is he a wannabe gangsta? If a man from Iran or Iraq came on an airplane, is he instantly a terrorist? This doesn't make any sense to me. Not all homosexuals are the same way, and only a very small, and I mean very small, percentage of anti-homo people in America will result to violence. I have many heterosexual friends who support homosexuals, and then some friends who are homophobic and are surprisingly nice people. Prejudice is horrible, but that doesn't instantly make the person horrible, or all people with that characteristic. So, no. Not everyone is the same as the next person, even if they look the same. Twins are almost always completely different.

Families are torn apart because of money all the time. You know how often poverty tears apart two people who love each other? Never. Money would be nice, so I could give my kids what they want, but that's just it. Money isnt' needed for love. Love is one thing you cannot buy. Lust is, and is often mistakin for love. People mix those two up all the time. Oh, and yes, I've had very, very close family torn apart by money, and others who are still together and in poverty.

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