
Sv3rige's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sv3rige's arguments, looking across every debate.
Sv3rige(170) Clarified
1 point

1) Humans are predators

2) throughout human history, humans have prayed on othr humans

3)the illuminati are the best predators on earth and they kill and molest and eat humanbabies

4)they see you as a different species and want you to be their prey, so just like a cow who is fred on grains they feed you unnatural food to make you weak and stupid

5)veganism is an illuminati agenda

6)the same who promote veagin promote population control and andagenda 21 and global warming

7)there is no global warming on flat earth

8) the earth is flat just like the world in a video game is flat

9) the world is like a video game, it is a virtual dimension

10) our purpose in this virtual realm is to ascend to higher realms, they way we do thyat is by doing what we where designded to do, which is being the apex predator and reproducing and making sure our bloodline and our self surcive and stay healthy by being the best predator and therefore obtaining the best nutrition.

1 point

The left thinks the world is overpopulated, so it calls for planned parenthood and population control, the right thinks the opposite, they think they can just breed forever and we will never have a problem. The solution? Natural selection is whats missing now adays, the problem is human society is designed to make you weaker and stupid slave and let the weak keep reproducing, if we where natural living these woulfn't exist

Sv3rige(170) Clarified
1 point

80% of americans are not christians, they are robots who believe whatever they are program with without thinking, and if you don't except christ out of free will you cant be called a "christian" right?

1 point

You are trying to twist my brain with such confusing statements.

1 point

does your really believe that? I don't know what thats true

1 point

Put the mint down and pick up an omega 5 vitamin. You are vitamin idione deficient and you cant best feed

Sv3rige(170) Clarified
1 point

The sun was definite designed, but not by no gods necessarily, it was unknown if you truly admit it you don't know. But I know that the earth was flat and that this is just one level of reality designed as a phase of the ladder of spiritual evolution. The sunis the there to give us energy and raise the frequency. When the frequency rises or bitch ass better be on the frequency or you will fry like a potato.

1 point

Sunshine make goods for the vitamen D. If you donut get the sunshine your infertile and the third eye is close. You should must sungaze at the sun to open your third eye

Sv3rige(170) Clarified
1 point

The soy has estrogen, you must have a lot of testicles if you not become more girly from it. Some people have good gene, this is the only explanation for the rare vegans who are healthy because most vegans are very unhealthy. The soy makes cancer for women and low T for men, but some just have the balls of steel or have good gene enough to resist the soy on rare ocasion. The monsantos GMO soy especially is loading with the phyto estrogens and hormone blockage.

Sv3rige(170) Clarified
1 point

Why are you guys so angry to eachother?....................

1 point

Did you watch the video? You might be scared when you see but I am living proof it is safe.

2 points

let me tell you directly

If you actually did tell "directly" to my face you would pee your pants and run away afterwards.

I like to be ethical and decent (unlike you).

I believe the natural circle of life and the food chain is ethical as it keep natyre in valance. Now go back into your shell you littlle hermit crab.

some animals NEED to eat Non-Veg food to remain alive. Humans, are however NOT involved.

Ah but there lies where you are mistaking, most human DO need meat and only some can adapted to be healthy as vegan.

I said that we weren't supposed to KILL animals, I didn't say we were not supposed to eat animal products such as milk and cheese or butter

If you refuse to kill then something would kill you in nature, only pussy human society lets you think so weak and stupidly. If you are vegetarian that's better than vegan but thats not optimal at all even so.

aw nuts, seeds, legumes, grape seed oil and flaxseed oil contain F vitamin

Just like I told the "factmachine" guy, these are incomplete source and have a ratio of fatty acid which is backwards to what human need. Plus who wants to eat loaded with antinutrient and phytic acid when you can just eat the fishy?

.poor little nincompoop

I have money more than you i bet. And I am 6'1 and mave muscles. ANd I don't poop on any nincom whatever that is.


Thes is not a word, even I know this and I am not very english.

Anti nutrient and oxidation stress are just mere side effects

In my experience most vegan and vegatan are much better at this than you, they talk about anti-oxidant and know the difference between side effect and an organic molecule which is present in grain legume and vegetable.

Heart attack, diabetes, cancer all come equipped with non-veg food?

You have ben lied too. SUGAR causes these, not saturate fat or cholesterol. The ancient egyptians where the first to have wide spread heart disease and diabetes and they had a GRAIN BASED AGRICULTURE AKA CARB AKA SUGAR. Ketones fight cancer and carbs can be fuel for cancer, you must thinik please for oncebefore you die.

you look foolish and cruel and vile.

Not compare to your precious vegan supporting monsantos.

1 point

Woah take a chill bro, your little brother is not my fault, he probably ate contaminated shit from the grocery store. Where is your source for fatty acid and K-2? you just pull this out of the ass for all I know. The poor squid doesn't want to go up someones ass, I can tell you are a butthurt vegan with fatty acid deficiency. The truth is raw organ meats have the most nutritients, are the facts offensing to you?

2 points

You don't know me Amarel, I am not to trolling anyone. I know most pepople won't be receptive to my message but it's worth the hate from people like you to get the truth out. Go watch my documentary the NWO diet on youtube before you talk shit because you don't know what I'm even talking about. I used to be vegan and got very sick but whem I started the eating raw meat I become healthy like a miracle.

1 point

It's not so easy when you are sick from lack of nutrients.

1 point

nothing is less naturel than veganism. have you ever heard of a banana republic? have you ever heard of monsantos? the plant agriculture fucks the environment right in the back of it's butt hole. You brain has been twisted backwards by the vegan garbage, I am against the industrial agriculture as much as the vegan but I do not ignore the environment destruction that doesn't fit my agenda. I support the local organic farming.

1 point

When you cook the meats it destroy the pro biotic bacteria and the enzymes and complex vitamin

1 point

Veganism being healthy is the bighgest fucking lie in the quantum supersymmetrical multiverse of strange quark bosons. you cannot get all the you need on a vegan diet and vegetables are many poison often times, infact almost every organic poison is from plants like ricin and cyanide and dioxin

1 point

Humans are evolutionally supposed to eat meat, veganism is totally unnatural. organ meat has the most vitamins.

1 point

You are a fucking sippleton. You don't even watch the video you just parrot the same bullshit as everyone else because you are a sheep, fuck you for talking shit with no evidence to back it up bitch ass whore

2 points

Yes there is various forms off sheeping all over the world but america is relatively one of the most idiotic retard lands on earth other than perhaps north korea.

The globalist using america as there little bitch for many years, at least NK doesn't have the rothschild bank leaking the funds to israel like a hippopotamus with diahrea.

3 points

I very much agreeable with you. It is so very stupid to die and fight for the people in power to rape a third world countrys resources and tell you it is of for good. American so very very very very stupid it make me laugh, heh heh. If you are defending that is one thing but america goes around blasting peoples and says "we do this for good" but NO, they do this for PROFIT and pushing the petrodollars so the fiat currency stays afloat!If you really loved the LAND and the COUNTRY and the PEOPLE you would HATE the government in america!

1 point

You are very much mistaking. Human cannot be healthy on plant based diet, at least not as a lifetime, you need some animal product. You are focus only on the ethicals, do you even think for one millisecond about the health consequence? Vegan and vegetable people always on and on about the ethics but can never tell me when I ask them how to get certain nutrient on a plant diet, youy are so goo goo gah gah waaaaaaah the poor animals but almost every animal lives off of some other animals!

Tell me how it is to get the vitamin K-2 or the F vitamins with only plant based eating? Tell me if plant is so nutritious why are they loading with anti nutrient and cause oxidation stress to the DNA? They chop more trees to male the grains than to make animal agriculture, and the factory farming is destroy the environment because of the methodological application of the systematic processees, not for the thing in itself, if we have an agrarian society again and use the nature wisely it would not be so bad. Especially if we are going back to living close with nature and hunter gatherer, then we would sustainably with the animals, human are a predator, human must eats the meat.

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