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Thames(216) Clarified
1 point

"federal branch"? clarify

the rest is solid--you point to the Supremacy Clause very specifically

3 points

Great reference to Dunning Kruger effect! However, stop reacting to the "adults" who come into the debate.

3 points

Believe it or not, there aren't many sites to conduce anonymous online debates. They're used to online evil and idiocy. Glad you're with us.

5 points

Just looked over at this. You don't have much to say, do you? Starting off with "twat" talk is lame. Apologize to the youth I teach or I will block you from this enlightened debate.

8 points

Not a bot. Go to wu tang clan name generator. this is a high school class conducting an anonymous debate. You are welcome as long as you can stay on topic and be chill.

1 point

Option 3: Stay Out of Russian Affairs

With the Cold War over, the U.S. should put its national priorities back in order. Attending to own domestic problems and fighting terrorism (along with global warming) will keep our hands full.

1 point

Option 2: Declaw the Russian Bear

The power of the United States' cold war enemy is in the hands of Russia. The interests of the U.S. and Russia will inevitably contradict.

1 point

Option 1: Make Russia a Partner

The United States should work to anchor Russia as an equal partner in the international community.

1 point

REPUBLIC, NOT A DEMOCRACY! The founders were unanimous in their hatred of democracies!

2 points

Your claim would be stronger with a reference to the Declaration.

2 points

Nice analogy! You are ignoring the elites problem, though. You'll need such large legislative districts the closer to the land common folk are, the less they'll be heard in the federal capital. Once the government is centralized, you're telling me that the representatives of all the people (327 million today) will be able to fit under one roof and make decisions that are best for everyone. Nay. They do what's in the best interests of those who can afford into the club.

2 points

No one has brought up the Second Amendment? Nevermind, BC just said they did somewhere. But this claim would be strengthened by a reference to it.

2 points

Great point! Where is the main source of power of the purse (POP) in the Constitution?

2 points

You're kind of dogging militias, but the Constitution kept them around and minimized the role of a standing army. Can you reassure me that militias aren't going away by pointing to the Constitution?

2 points

Can you share what soft power is and how the U.S.'s may be diminishing?

1 point

States are not responsible for passing federal laws. By their definition, federal laws are passed by the federal, that is national, legislature which is now in Washington D.C.

1 point

s Section 8th, Article 1st.--THE WHOLE THING?

Where in the declaration allow THE DECLARATION?!

1 point

In the Articles of Confederation, a unitary system of government consisting of a single house legislature which represented each


1 point

You are confusing the clause with the branch and the office within it that can act quickly, especially militarily.

1 point

The Constitution was an addition to what, now? "a very similar mindset in regards to matters like this" What matters, exactly?

2 points

Two claims. Support or at least explain. He is danger to our institutions is a more provable claim.

1 point

Good. Now you can go into whether this was an intended consequence or not.

1 point

Where was our trade before the agreement. Oh, and $14.5 million is not much money. It will build a bridge over a small river....

1 point

But didn't it take jobs with it? Increasing trade may be good for consumers but bad for workers (who are the same people....)

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