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The0bserver(141) Clarified
2 points


There are already plenty of options for clean energy, the problem is the status quo is built around primitive energy sources because that is what the establishment is financially invested in. The thing to understand is that there is no need to rely on any one specific primary source, what we need is more of a balance and mix of wind, solar, fossil fuels, geothermal etc. But instead oil fuels the global economy because of financial interests that have nothing to do with what is more efficient or practical. I implore you to research the petrodollar system.

Definitely the Dwemer. They built giant death robots that shoot steam at you.


What kind of progressive?

I always considered myself to be outside and beyond the entire political spectrum but according to online tests I'm a democratic socialist/libertarian

Politics in general is about holding back civilization by allowing scientifically illiterate power hungry professional liars and manipulators make decisions that impede scientific and social progress.

The older theists get the more the more gay they become.

The older atheists get the more likely they are to become theists because they are afraid of dying.

Harry Potter is classic literature. It is sometimes underrated and sometimes overrated but it is still one of my favorites. When I was a baby my mother read the first book to me, so I have been a fan since before I could walk. I would give the series a solid 6/10

0 points

Believe what you want there mingi boy. Yeah it was inspired by flat earth theories but I am not trying to imitate or mock you specifically, if you want to believe that be my guest but you are wrong.

0 points

Hellno is Nomenclature .

The0bserver(141) Clarified
0 points

Don't be silly Prodigee, I am not trying to imitate your logic, I am simply exposing the truth. If I wanted to imitate you I could facilitize that modality of function most assimilatably into my behavioural patterns.

That reminds me of the time I took acid and tried to peel my dick with a knife because I thought it was a banana.

Most people can't because a squirrel is too small, but for you we can make an exception since your wank is squirrel sized.

4 points

Is it wrong that literally no one cares?


Yes, you are just wrong in general. Your entire existence is wrong.

You're the one denying proven science that NASA is covering up. Deep down inside you know that the earth is an inverse 6 dimensional hyper cube and the iguana people seeded us here.


There are flying iguana people on the moon that track us with giant surveillance satellites. The Jews are part Iguana people. And all iguanas on earth are related to jews. Sometimes jews and iguanas mate to create iguana people on earth who then wear giant cyborg suits and take the place of incompetent human world leaders when they step out of line. The zionist space iguanas are peaceful, but they sometimes are forced to send floods and tsunamis to stop the human race from destroying the earth. Everything I just said is 110% proven fact.


You can't be racist against white people. White people invented racism.


Yes, because you are a lazy virgin.



Did you here about how the mexican olympic pole vaulting team is being trained to get over Trump's wall?

If free will doesn't exist then how could you choose to create this debate? Shut up you idiot.

Shut up. Amarel is a good person, so what the lives of poor mentally challenged people and rare genius chimps mean nothing to him. You don't have the right to compare him to Kim Jong Un because I said so.

The0bserver(141) Clarified
2 points

The problem is, the moderators and referees would probably end up being the biggest wank bags on the whole site.

0 points

We should abort all "special needs" babies. Even the average functioning human being is little more than a parasite, what makes you think we have room for retards on top of the 7 billion disease sacks that are already polluting the planet? You are directly opposed to natural selection, which is entirely bypassed by the human species since the few of them that actually use those big homo sapien brains of theirs have managed to produce the technology and medicine and infrastructure that allows the common homo sapien to skate along through life thinking they are superior to everything else when they are in fact a pathetic, superstitious, weak animal that would never survive in nature. The last thing we need is to coddle and protect the most inferior among the most inferior, especially when they haven't even been born yet and are barely sentient.

Here's five more.

1. Jesus was a real historical figure (There is no evidence of this, in fact the character Jesus has changed over time and was probably based on several older fictional characters.)

2. Thomas Edison was a great inventor. (He stole 90% of his "inventions" with patent fraud, he was a good businessman, but a mediocre inventor.)

3. Nomenclature's alts have been banned. (He still has 30 active accounts)

4. Isaac Newton invented calculus (Calculus existed in ancient greece before their civilization was destroyed and the egyptians, sumerians and people of ancient india where doing "borderline" calculus before that.)

5. Nom is gay (Nom is a transgender woman, which means his obsession with wanks is technically heterosexual.)


Actually jews hide their rampant elitism behind cries of "anti-semite!" whenever someone points out the rich jews who refer to goyim as "beasts of burden" and "animals" while they run our economy like a mafia.

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