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This personal waterfall shows you all of TheAshman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Your correct about Oedipus Complex but what makes you think Norman Bates is gay? Where has he been portrayed this way? I've seen the films, the TV series and read the books there has never been any mention of him being gay, lots of mention of an unhealthy obsession with his mother and murdered father though.

It's closer to Oediepal

1 point

You truly are a moron

2 points

Islamaphobia is as bad as any other kind of intolerance be it racism, sexism, Homophobia or whatever, if you judge someone and discriminate against them purely because of their religious beliefs then you are a bigot. I judge people on their actions and deeds not their beliefs, race sexuality, sex or whatnot.

4 points

I like the system we have in the UK everyone has access to "free" (you don't pay except for prescriptions when you receive the service but a portion of your taxes funds the health service, for those who may not know!!).

It may not be the best in the world but due to disability I have to use it regularly and I have had to use the emergency side as well and it is a bloody good service and I wouldn't change it for the another system.

1 point

What I find interesting is that from what I have read Moore did not actually call snipers cowards he said his uncle was killed by a sniper and he was brought up being told that snipers were cowards, a totally different statement. Interestingly I watched Inglorious Basterds the other day which coincided with the big push of adverts on TV for American Sniper the first thought that went through my head was similar to Seth Rogens tweet (wisely I kept that thought to myself)

1 point

There were Northern generals quoted as saying that if they believed the war was being fought over the right to own slaves they'd switch sides immediately. History is written by the winners and because slavery has become a dirty word the Civil War is now seen as a war over the freedom of the slave with the north portrayed as the gallant slave freeing heroes and the south the evil slave traders, reality is rarely that simple. At the time slavery was not seen as the big issue because of the opposition a lot of people did not think the ban was going to be implemented nationwide. Hence the generals comments about the war not being fought over slavery

1 point

In that case in any country were being a Christian is illegal, Christians shouldn't be complaining about persecution because by breaking those countries laws they are also breaking God's laws which he has commanded them to obey himself. So they should be good Christians and obey God's rules stop sinning obey the law of the land and stop being Christians if that's the law!!

1 point

It can't be because if the bible is to be believed God created everything on this earth, I think God's gotta be a stoner just look at the Platypus, either that or the Bibles wrong.

2 points

For me it would depend how the assumption was worded, I would just correct them, tell them I was just opening the question up for debate if my stance on the matter was neutral and if I had a particular stance which they had got wrong I would explain were they had gone wrong. After that if they still did not get it, it might be best to ignore them them as they probably won't ever understand!!

1 point

I will forgive some things, I won't forget.


1 point

If Heaven exists I think an Atheist who has been a good, kind person in their lifetime will be getting in because they did those good things with no expectation of a reward in the afterlife because they were not expecting an afterlife, so they were just a decent, kind person, that to me carries more weight than someone who did good things just so they would get a reward in the afterlife, or worse played the role of the good religious person but then enjoyed the torment of others or did nothing to help anyone but themselves in life.

Just look at Christianity, Matthew 25: 34-45 teaches us that it is our actions not faith that will lead us to salvation and the kingdom of heaven, this supports an Atheist making it if his actions in life are good and heaven exists!!

2 points

It doesn't mean you support the position but if you don't make your stance on the issue clear some people will assume you do.

We shouldn't make assumptions as we all know what happens when we do but that does not stop it happening

1 point

So your saying the Rock wasn't Black enough and looks too white to count as a black man even though he's mixed race, his father was black and his mother was Samoan but Obama who is also mixed race, Black father & white mother looks black enough to count as a black man, now who's being racist?

2 points

Talk to a doctor they will explain to you that black people can suffer from some illnesses that whites don't get, i'm not talking about people from different social backgrounds etc I'm talking genetics, I can't remember what it is but there is something in the genetic difference between blacks and whites that causes this. That's not racism that's race it doesn't make black people inferior to white people it just means doctors may have to treat certain symptoms differently or would that be racist as well?

2 points

Talk to a doctor they will explain to you that black people can suffer from some illnesses that whites don't get, i'm not talking about people from different social backgrounds etc I'm talking genetics, I can't remember what it is but there is something in the genetic difference between blacks and whites that causes this. That's not racism that's race it doesn't make black people inferior to white people it just means doctors may have to treat certain symptoms differently or would that be racist as well?

3 points

Recognising race and that there are differences in races does not make you racist it only makes you racist if you think those differences somehow make you superior to someone else. I know what is Dana getting at when she says there is no race we are just one human race and really to most of us she isn't wrong because most of the racial differences I can think of are biological differences which really make no difference to most of us the only people who have to think about that stuff are the doctors and scientists. The other differences are mainly cultural and most of those I believe should be celebrated because it's these differences that make us interesting and make me want to travel and meet people.

So yes race exists that in itself isn't a bad thing that is up to you.....

3 points

I don't know a lot about wrestling but I think it's gonna be hard to pin a racism tag on WWE when you look at the history of the champs you've had an Iranian, South Americans and if the Rock doesn't count as a black champ because he's half Samoa, then America still hasn't had a black president because Obama's mother wasn't black!!

I think because WWE is entertainment they want to give their audience what they want and the majority of wrestling fans do seem to be white teenage boys so as an entertainment company they supply the kind of champs white teenage boys want to see. I'm sure if their demographic suddenly changed and the majority of their fans were teenage black boys you'd get a black champ because I think the only colour the guys that run WWE really care about is green.

2 points

It's not a right if you want me to treat you with respect treat me with respect or do something to earn it, too many people expect to just get treated wit respect even though they do nothing to earn it and act like pricks

2 points

Maybe the aim shouldn't be enlightenment, I always believe the aim should simply be to be the best person you can be. Concentrate on improving how you can be a better person and put your energy to work that way and enlightenment should be a by product, a prize if you like

1 point

I don't actually support a side in this argument so I flipped a coin and this side won, I don't think either side is best, both religions have their flaws and both have their good points. You can blame both religions for some pretty horrendous acts of barbarism, genocide and terrorism throughout history and if we as a species keep on with this ridiculous notion of trying to prove that one is right or wrong or better than the other this is not going to change. It is time we as a species grew up accepted our differences and learnt from each other.

I judge people on their actions and the kind of person they are not the religious gang they belong to, so come on people it's time to work together

3 points

But it was Jesus that said judge not lest you be judged was it not? Is that not one of the basic tenets of Christianity, alledegedly do as you would be done by. One moment you want everyone to follow the teachings of Jesus and the Bible but he used to hang around with gay prostitutes, so homosexual's obviously weren't a problem to him (its in the bible) but then you say you want everyone to be anti gay (unlike Jesus) and that Jesus' words are crap, you seem a little confused

2 points

How the system works in the UK should work in the US if implemented correctly because the size of the population is irrelevant, a portion of everyone's taxes goes towards the national health service but obviously not everyone's sick at the same time, so while your healthy and working your taxes pay for someone whose ill and when their better their taxes pay for you when your sick. It's simple maths not rocket science

1 point

Obviously someone was stuck for an answer so downvoted me instead of debating

1 point

That still does not explain why it won't work

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