
TheGhost's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TheGhost's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You are Nom

No he isn't you paranoid, schizophrenic retard. I am Nom. You are an idiot who abuses hundreds of different accounts and, purely because of that fact, you assume everybody else does it too. But nobody else is that pathetic or unhinged Bronto. Just you buddy.

1 point

Because if you are stupid like you are, intelligent people seem stupid because you're too stupid to understand them.

But that is a banal logical fallacy known as Freudian projection, named after the great psychoanalyst who first discovered that idiots tend to project criticisms about their own personality back onto the accuser so they don't have to confront them.

Which is precisely what you have just done.

2 points

Medical Expert Confirms Unborn Children Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions

Bronto, you are a lying, fucking retarded idiot. Explain to us how a fetus is able to feel pain before it has developed a central nervous system you ignorant, half-witted ideologue.

Take your fake news sites and jump off a bridge, you pathetic little twat:-

A factual search reveals a few mixed claims as well as a false claim by an IFNC fact checker and another false claim in 2017. LifeNews has also been accused of fabricating news.

Overall, we rate (Extreme) Right Biased based on story selection that always favors a Christian Right perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to use of poor sources and a mixed fact check record

The current editor is also Steve Ertelt, who is President of Colorado Citizens for Life, a statewide pro-life group, and a member of the board of directors of the National Right to Life Committee.

0 points

Liberals become more conservative when they drink. Why?

Because drinking turns people into fucking idiots.

-5 points
1 point

He definitely isn't Brontoraptor because Brontoraptor is mentally retarded. Fact Machine is actually pretty smart. Also, he's honest. He doesn't cheat or lie, hence another reason why he can't be Brontoraptor.

12 points

Hi Brontoraptor.

I believe the correct terminology for that trash is "neo-Nazi propaganda", hosted on the website of a fat, disgraced misogynistic fascist pig who was thrown off the air:-

The Rush Limbaugh–Sandra Fluke controversy began on February 29, 2012, when American conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh's remarks about contraceptive mandates included statements labeling Georgetown University Law Center student Sandra Fluke as a "slut" and "prostitute". Limbaugh was commenting on Fluke's speech the previous week to House Democrats in support of mandating insurance coverage for contraceptives. Despite disapproval from major political figures, Limbaugh made numerous similar statements over the next two days, which led to the loss of several of his national sponsors and Limbaugh apologizing on his show for some of his comments. Fluke rejected the apology as dubious and inadequate.[1][2][3][4][5]–SandraFluke_controversy

0 points

Let's look at this from more than one angle.

Translation: let me begin rambling on like the narcissistic, mentally ill nincompoop you have come to know me to be.

The universe, the full extent and complexity of which is still to be discovered, must have been created by some form of hyper intelligence.

AHAHAHAHAHA! Priceless. So "looking at this from more than one angle" is, to you, making arbitrary statements of fact completely absent any form of evidence to support them? You're hilariously mad. The extent of your mental illness is quite jaw-dropping.

Time has a direction and it goes forwards. As it goes forwards it adds stuff to what was there before. There is nothing mystical about that process. It's just the way the universe is built and it has nothing to do with a creator. Nobody has to "create" volcanic eruptions, tectonic plate shifts or anything else in the natural world. They happen because of two things: probability and time.

2 points

I've already explained to you why linking the waterfall is dumber than dumb

And he's explained to you why telling barefaced lies about him and calling your own Facebook profiles "proof" is dumb. When you offer dumb, you get dumb back. People who aren't dumb understand that, so I guess that leaves us with only one possibility for why you don't.

0 points

You believe that uinverse created itself.

Do you have any evidence that the universe did not create itself?

Then shut your incredibly stupid mouth please. You're not funny and you're not rational. You're a dangerously mad idiot who somebody -- in an act of malignant spite against the species -- has decided to permit access to the internet.

1 point

It's demonstrably false

Based on?

Demonstration you stupid Nazi halfwit.

2 points

Anyone who fears Government over reach should be voting for the GOP.

Yes, vote for the government which gave us two illegal wars and declared a state of conflict against an abstract idea. What could possibly go wrong?

2 points

Using a poll from 32 years ago.

Do you have a poll which contradicts it? Then shut your stupid mouth.

You're a damn genius.

Finally, you say something truthful. He is. You are correct.

1 point

Hootie has a mild form of mental retardation

Banned for being Joseph Goebbels.

1 point

You should see how many people come after me on facebook

I'm absolutely shocked that Facebook permits you to keep a profile. They frequently purge their platform of fascist idiots like you who use it to spread hate.

Mind you, they usually go after the leaders, not the scrubs.

then change their mind after 5 minutes of discussion

That's an interesting way of describing the process of lying to and manipulating people to recruit them into fascism.

because they'd never heard most of the truth backed up with links.

You literally sound like Brenton Tarrant. You are an astonishingly dishonest idiot who has just spent the last week trying to convince members of this website that the Nazis were left wingers. You do not care one iota for truth. You are a mentally ill troll and a pathological liar.

A few are political hacks

So you should get on great with them, given the fact you spend your entire pathetic life spreading vile Nazi propaganda on the internet.

They can't go full nom because they know or can see I'm brown

Ahahahahahaha! Oh, you ridiculous twit! Yes, I'm sure buddy. A brown person who hates brown people. Makes perfect sense. Can they also see that "I have no legs"?

You are mentally ill pal. It's that simple. You and FoamWithin are both unstable, but at least he's that way because of religion, not because he's an actual genuine neo-Nazi.

Do the entire world a favour and shut your astonishingly stupid, filthy lying mouth.

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