
TheScarecrow's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TheScarecrow's arguments, looking across every debate.

Nothing caused anthropological global warming any other times, because it has only been going on since the industrial revolution

You've shown zero data to even prove it's anthropological in the first place, so your statement is pointless. For all we know, it's just a part of a climate cycle, like all of the millions of other dramatic climate shifts in world history.

Why do you think so many old cities are under water? What caused that Nom? Carbon emissions? Do tell.

but not the effects of warming on our own climate?

The sun making us hot is a constant variable that never changes.

The climate changing is an ever changing, complex event that has caused 7 ice ages.

So does the Sun. Obviously this proves there is no warming going on. Doh!

I don't claim the climate is changing because of man, so your statement doesn't logically follow. Both are the same as my childhood proves my point, not yours.

How so? Have you ever been there?

I can see its effects. The climate looks the same as it did when I was a kid, and the same as my father when he was a kid. They actually claim it used to feel hotter.

You rely on a consensus of scientists to tell you whether the Sun is hot.

Nope. People realized the sun was hot 10,000 years ago when its appearance made it hot and its disappearance made it less hot.

So let me get this straight. We have proven the Sun is hot, which is 93 million miles away, but we can't prove the planet we live on is hot because it is "a complex equation to figure out"? Is that what you're telling us?

None of that was said. We know the sun is hot because getting closer to it makes it hotter.

-1 points

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

0 points

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

0 points

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

0 points

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death." Theresa Mayshould_retire

He never has an answer on this one. He just avoids the point all together.

0 points

Because apes have a billion times more hair, hands for feet and weigh as much as a car. Monkeys swing from trees. Humans are none of those things. We also have organs that they don't have, and apes walk and run on all fours.

Here's video of Obama mocking CNN and MSNBC. Of course this was before Trump.

We need to RID ourselves of this sonofabitch before he DESTROYS us all..

Of course, because Scalise and 4 others being shot wasn't because Bernie said Republicans were going to kill millions of people.

I almost got destroyed. We almost all got destroyed. If only Bernie hadn't called Republicans the enemy of the people. But he's not a Democrat.

There it is. Excon's all seeing eye that only sees in one direction.

6 points

As civilized beings, we follow a set of rules. What happens when leaders VIOLATE the rules

Your President winds up sneaking Iran 1.5 billion in cash behind Congress's back.

-2 points

I remember Fox extending offers for airtime to Bernie and Hillary every week. I guess they just wanted to preach to the choir.

0 points

That's your sign of totalitarianism, when the government feels the need to shut up the masses.

2 points

It's operable from sea to shining sea. In my view, publicly CELEBRATING our Constitutional rights is one of the most PATRIOTIC events a citizen can participate in. He is anything but a traitor.

Your exact logic can be applied to the KKK, which is sick.

I'm here to SAVE my country one debate at a time, and I don't care what you think about it..

Better start by getting the mass influx of Communists, Lenninists, Marxists, and Alinskyites out of your party.

"I'm not here to make people happy."

-Donald J Trump

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