
TimCast's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TimCast's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The right has tried to shrink the power of government the left has expanded it. What did you expect from a political party that supports censorship, freezing bank accounts of people who are convicted of no crime but say things they don't like, likes investigations of political rivals and FBI raids on their opponents' homes? I would expect cameras everywhere if I were you. Social scores and wrong think punishments are already here. Can't wait to see what the authoritarian left gives us next. Organ harvesting? Welding people in their homes during Covid? The Chi Coms do it, and leftist politicians keep telling us how great the CCP is.

0 points

Let it be noted that Silly was unable to disprove the claim or form a formal argument for the defense. Also let it be noted that Silly pretended to copy and paste from mediabiasfactcheck, and that what he or she posted in bold did not match what was actually on the mediabiasfactcheck site. For example, Silly posted

Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

The credibility rating on the actual site was "MIXED" and not "LOW" as Silly falsely transcribed. The rest of what he or she put in bold followed in the same way.

2 points

I'm a liberal, and the link links to a liberal named Tim Pool. I, Tim Pool, attended Occupy Wallstreet.

1 point

When I saw it was the Tim guy, my LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE, alarm bell went off..

Care to demonstrate which statement in this video or any past videos was false?

1 point

In terms of this journalist, it's my view that he was searched, NOT because he was investigating Biden, but because a lawful search warrant was issued..

The NAZIs in the 1930s and 1940s issued warrants. What exactly was the warrant for do you suppose?

1 point

A strawman is to intentionally recreate your opponents' argument and attack an argument they never made because it's easier to debate against your version of their argument than their actual argument. The sentence used in this case is called a question.

1 point

Wondering more why you're ignoring this.

1 point

Project Veritas has never lost in court against anyone. Not one single time, and Snopes is a far left "fact checker" site that has had to delete many claims due to defamation and false information in court.

In the link you provided, nowhere does it disprove the person in question having actually said the exact thing Project Veritas claimed they said. Snopes saying they don't like this or that does not erase the person actually saying on video, "yes, voter ID would cut down on fraud, and we plan on bussing people to the voting booths."

2 points

It's not a court case, so don't need a charge, but let's go with insighting an insurrection by bailing out ANTIFA members who attacked federal buildings and took over city blocks while armed.

2 points

You didn't watch the video or read the article. The man in question, John Sullivan, broke into the capitol building by force and begain giving instructions to others to follow him and gave them instruction on what to do. This isn't speculation. He's facing prison charges for insurrection, amongst other charges. He was paid $35,000 by CNN and $35,000 by NBC, equaling $70,000. His identity and political persuasion have been proven in court. He goes on livestream videos as ANTIFA and is known for it. He also holds ANTIFA rallies.

2 points

At first, they blamed ANTIFA for the riot. Now, they EMBRACE it. Said it was GOOD.

You've said on this forum that you are the resistence. One would think you would applaud resistence if you really were the resistence.

-2 points
1 point

Far Right Tear Gases Peaceful Protesters.

The D.C. park police aren't related to the right in any way shape or form, nor are they political. They are park police in a city with almost no Republicans.

No one was tear gassed. Fake news.

2 points

You are welcome to try to convince the average citizen that leftists burning down their own cities and locking people in their homes is Trump starting WW2. Good luck.

1 point

It was being reported as fact by media outlets in China and Japan that the 36-year-old dictator was dead. Other sources said he was on his death bed in a vegetative state with no hope of resuscitation after botched heart surgery. Because of the nature of the ultra secret regime in North Korea claims of Kim Jong-un's death are very difficult to verify before an official state announcement.

1 point

Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won. The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end. The coronavirus outbreak in the US is likely to peak in two weeks.

1 point

In my honest opinion Anakin was simply just the best Jedi ever to have lived, and this is why he won. I mean come on man; he could fix robots and racers as a child.

1 point

As the virus brings activity on both coasts, which overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, to a grinding halt, the demographics underscore how Democratic areas are being more heavily impacted than Republican ones.

And while low-wage workers of all stripes will likely bear the brunt of the economic hardships caused by the spread of the virus, it is black and Hispanic workers, and black women especially, that stand to be negatively impacted the most.

According to Pew Research, black and Hispanic voters overwhelmingly lean Democrat. Over 60% of black voters are registered Democrats compared to just 3% that are registered Republicans. The gap among Hispanics is smaller but still significant: roughly 40% of Hispanic voters are Democrats, while only 14% are Republican. They will soon see that their Republican counterparts are doing well while their liberally led homelands are destroyed. They will inevitably ask themselves why?

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