
TinyPenis's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TinyPenis's arguments, looking across every debate.
TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point

That's only going to make it worst for the blacks even though some blacks are good people. Its not fair to them when you have people of there same race doing things that are obviously not supposed to happen. But good point.

TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point

If only EVERYONE on this site was in fact "laid back". Most I've seen are either "U MAD BRUH?!?!?!" or "I'm so smart i puke trigonometry!!!". :]

1 point

Maybe some of them like to get rumped in the fanny. (DAMN 50 CAP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I KILL U DEAD!!!!)

1 point

I am sorry my friend that there are blacks out there that are making the race's name a bad one. (Not racist by the way) I just find it comical that every time i see someone getting bagged in cops (Blacks or whites) that they are all "thuggish" and always say some of the funniest things. Like "Ay yo mayn, why you gotta be jackin my shyyt niga. I aynt done nuttin wrong mayne. You got the wrong G." :P

TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point

I just like the word "SHIT". Is that okay to use????????????????

1 point

That is correct my good sir/ma'am. But if we were eaten by another animal then we would be food so aren't we made of SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point

Isn't pull a form of pushing? I mean the only difference is the direction. But then again, that's what created the word "pull". :]

1 point

I support your gay rights...................................(Fuxin 50 cap)

TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point

Let me just clarify that......Before you even take a bite of food......Isn't it SHIT anyways.....I mean, isn't SHIT all around us when we are in the grocery store or in mcdonalds or in a bathroom. I think we are all just eating SHIT. SHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

I do not man therefore,....................GAY....................................................

TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point


TinyPenis(44) Clarified
1 point


1 point

Your arguments have been dealt with - by Th3ZViru5. Whoever smelt it dealt it. ROFLMAO!

2 points

So god isn't the creator of the unobservable universe? U MAD!!?? ROFLMAYO

1 point

Definitely Scooby because you know the dawg is always High.

1 point

Flop because no matter where i go, I can not find Bunker Bombs anywhere.....


1 point


1 point

I would imagine a gay man penetrating another gay mans ass would be painful and therefor this is why gay marriage hurts others. ROFLMAYO

2 points

I love them both equal. Skyrim because its like grand theft auto of braveheart and Dark souls because the only thing better that hopping into someones hard worked game and fucking there shit up is after you kill em you can do a taunt that reminds me of a black who just got done winning a beat box battle with Eminem.

But if i had to choose between both, (which in this case i do) I would choose Skyrim due to the fact i would play this game more because the world is huge and more game time would be put into it compared to dark souls which has a straight forward campaign type gameplay.

P.S. I'm gay.

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