
Uspwns101's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Uspwns101's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

The Jews tried to stone Jesus for blasphemy. Why? He claimed he was God, their views on God are tantamount in many ways to the Muslim view on God. He is one, and any who claim otherwise deserve death.

1 point

Abortion sickens me, I can see no good ethical reasoning for a mother to kill her child. Having the potential to become life is good enough for me, regardless of whether or not the fetus is actually a human.

1 point

Big government and overly powerful corporations go hand in hand. Corporations in many ways control the government using bought out officials. They create new regulations to stifle the competition and increase their profits. If we decrease the size of government we actually decrease the power of big business.

2 points

One thing I have to say, Marriage is in my opinion explicitly tied to religious tradition. I have absolutely no problems with domestic partnerships, my understanding is that in a domestic partnership a couple is treated legally the same as a married couple. They just aren't officially "married".

1 point

Ron Paul is my guy, I have yet to find anything in his platform where I was like, wow that dude is wrong.

1 point

This is my experience in school, teachers give homework and then don't fill up their class time. I have had hour upon hour of downtime even following the completion of a homework assignment. I see no problem with the idea of homework, but I do feel teachers need to "teach" more.

1 point

Good try......


1 point

So, it still destroys the "there is evil, God is perfect, therefore God must not exist" argument.

2 points

Ok, so get on a different debate...The question is Christianity or Atheism there is no third option.

1 point

The site also addresses M-theory, however QLG doesn't appear to be on there.

2 points

This addresses the idea that God "has no more gaps to hide in."

Supporting Evidence: GOD and science (
0 points

Magic does not solve it...God is not magic...Just like we are not magic.

1 point

He said "true", not that people don't have different standards of morality.

1 point

Yes but in order to institute a classless society it must come from the top down, hence government.

Uspwns101(444) Clarified
1 point

Ok, but its unclear how which is what I meant.

1 point

Well considering time is viewed as being linear, for God to exist outside of our time, or infinitely, he would have to be rather than in a line of time where everything has a cause and effect, in a plane of time, where this is not necessary and God can move about as often as he likes and wherever he likes. I always imagine a x axis as our time, and the addition of a y axis, as Gods time.

1 point

His men were terrified of elephants not Indians. After having fought a battle in which a small number of elephants 30-50 were mustered by the Indians (and winning) rumors of thousands of such creatures coming towards them compelled them to retreat. Any man or at least most men who had never encountered such beasts and were then forced to face the prospect of battling thousands of them would opt for the same thing.

2 points

I agree, actions speak louder than words, if you truly want to convert someone treat them civilly. This is what the Bible teaches and it is a principle that I have been trying to incorporate, in fact in my opinion this can be clearly seen by my remarks on this site with started out with more than a hint of anger, and I hope have begun to be more and more kind and civil.

1 point

I oppose government control on peoples lives, which is why I oppose Communism.

1 point

I hear ya, but I still think you would be happier if you were to really pursue God, Run the Race as the apostles did, Paul being a remarkable example, he found it within himself to rejoice even when he was in prison. A remarkable achievement I think.

1 point

I agree with you, I wish everyone was like Jesus myself included. But Jesus believed in the OT. Anyone who truly wishes to be like him ought to as well. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, in fact Jewish Christians were often called "Messianic Jews". Christianity is a religion, but when people say it isn't what I think they are trying to do is highlight the differences between it and other religions.

1 point

Sorry, I keep coming back to things, but correct me if I'm wrong. When you describe the virtual particles you are talking about the Higs-Boson. Energy becoming matter, because last time I checked there was no direct evidence of this...

1 point

You're right, I define success as achieving happiness, wealth is just one way to pursue that.

2 points

You're right, I really didn't have a point, I was just being contrary. Communism...I dislike it.

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