
WackoCommand's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WackoCommand's arguments, looking across every debate.

Often times a president just leaving the executive agreement is not a reality. With the polarization and very strongly differing view points of Democrats and Republicans, it doesn't matter whether or not the agreement is reasonable. It will likely be challenged and undone if the party of the former president and the new president do not match up.

3 points

Congress has the power to declare war against other countries.

In article 1 of the United States Constitution, Congress was given the enumerated power to declare war against foreign nations when it is necessary.

The president does not have the power to declare war because that power is given to congress in Article 2, Section 2 of the constitution.

Since 1789, congress has declared war 11 times, against 10 different countries. This shows that the power is not only possible to be exercised but has actually been used in many different situations and time periods.

3 points

Congress has the power to ratify treaties that are being proposed to them, as mentioned in Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Although the President has the power to propose treaties, they still must be accepted by 2/3 of the senate and ratified.

The Enumerated Powers of the Constitution itself give Congress the rights to be able to ratify Treaties where as the executive branch can only propose them, as said in Article 2 Section 2.

Congress has the power to override treaties, which is given in Article 2, section 2 of the constitution, as is a everything for treaties.

4 points

Congress has the power to Impeach the President of the United States.

Congress can begin the impeachment process to remove the president from office for the Conviction of High Crimes or Misdemeanors.

If the Claims are ruled to be true against the President and are bad enough to be impeached over, the legislative branch can vote to remove him or her and there is nothing they can do to counter it.

Although it does not happen often, Andrew Jackson was impeached from his Presidency, showing that it is not only possible to be done but that it has actually been done before.

2 points

The claim that militias could not have protected the states if they tried to is just incorrect. State militias were able to successfully fend off the biggest and most powerful army of the time which was owned by Britain. Regardless of if they were trained properly or not they were able to fight them off and keep the United States safe. They simply came together and fought against a common enemy which goes to show that a standing army is unnecessary.

The creation of a large republic would not not necessarily be beneficial to the country. While it would lead to less decisions geared toward certain groups, it would also lead to groups pushing against each other. When groups push against each other and nothing progresses, a gridlock is formed. It says in Brutus 1, "Constant clashing of opinions; and the representatives of one part will be continually striving against those of the other.” This quote is saying that each of the representatives won’t be working to make the country better but instead will be striving to prove the other wrong and get what they want to happen. When this happens the country will become dormant and not be improved.

Although the Necessary and Proper Clause gives the right to do what is in the best interest for everyone, that does not always mean that they will. Many of the representatives within congress do not accurately represent their people but instead push for many of their own ideas and benefits. In Federalist 10 it says, “ The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man…” This quote means that it is people’s nature to side with the causes and agenda of the faction or group that they belong to. For example an elite representative might push for lower taxes on the rich in order to benefit not just themselves but their group as well.

2 points

The federal government should not have the power to tax citizens or the states. If they were given the ability to do so they would tax unfairly and to the point where it is harmful to people. A claim in Brutus 1 says, “this power therefore is neither more nor less, than a power to lay and collect taxes, imposts, and excises, at their pleasure; not only the power to lay taxes unlimited, as to the amount they may require, but it is perfect and absolute to raise them in any mode they please.” This claim is saying that the federal government, if given the power to tax, could tax any amount they want without any reasonable explanation. This would not only hurt the people or citizens of the United states but could ultimately leave them with no money or power to do anything.

2 points

A standing army will not only be unnecessary to protect the United States but also could be detrimental to the success of the country.With a standing army the ruler could decide to take over and become a tyrant with the help of his standing army. In Brutus 1 it says, “It might be here shown, that the power in the federal legislative, to raise and support armies at pleasure, as well in peace as in war, and their control over the militia, tend, not only to a consolidation of the government, but the destruction of liberty.” This claims that the ability of the federal government to make their own army whenever they want goes against the freedoms the citizens have. Also, he states that if they are not allowed to assemble militias that it goes against the free will given to them and their liberty as a whole. If the federal government left us with no militias and themselves with a standing army we would have no way to defend ourselves if the started a tyranny.

2 points

The Necessary and Proper Clause was very ill-defined and gave too much freedom to the Federal Government because it gave them the power to do anything they wish and claim that it was necessary for the success or benefit of the nation. As stated in Brutus 1, “but the legislature have authority to contract debts at their discretion; they are the sole judges of what is necessary to provide for the common defense.” This could lead to the federal government taking over and abolishing the state government as a whole or even taxing very large amounts of money by just saying that it is necessary.

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