
Wartsauce's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Wartsauce's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Nobody cares about Trump. He was a weapon, nothing more. He did irreversible damage to the left's brains, reputation and ability to monopolize minority groups at the voting booths. He flushed them out where everyone could see what they really are. For that, the sane part of America is grateful. But, the path to victory is Desantis in 2024. He's unbeatable by the left.

1 point

Dude! You LOST, but like your orange leader

How is gaining back the House and the Senate a loss? We look to gain back the Presidency in 2024 with Desantis as well.

3 points

This time, the dems are playing to the country

Only a Democrat would think some political hearing that almost no normal person knows anything about will trump the inability to afford gas or eat.

1 point

None of that explains or even relates to Trump voters booing Trump.

1 point

None of that explains or even relates to why Democrats cannot destroy the Republicans in every single election despite having a compliant media and censoring them on social media.

1 point

And in that short of a time has sky rocketing gas prices, no food on the shelves, inflation through the roof, a new war to fight, a major screw up on the Afghanistan troop withdrawal and can't coherently get through a sentence. Imagine the media response if he were a Republican.

1 point

He's guilty as sin

I'm waiting for a Democrat to successfully articulate exactly what Trump is guilty of and why I should care if he's far better for our wallets and markets than the stammering moron in office currently.

1 point

Remember when the left warned us that the right would use a virus to control you

I do remember. In fact it was a "right wing Fascist dictator". He locked down over a pandemic, set curfews, arrested people for not complying with quarantine and began mass censoring people. And then in the movie, the left actually are the ones who charge the capitol building.

1 point

Of course, I do.. Rush Limprod and I go back a long way.. He was very libertarian back in the 80's. Then he got caught using drugs, and turned into your regular, run of the mill, right wing drug warrior..

Last I checked, you do drugs.

1 point

Of course, that includes right wing talk radio that DOMINATES the flyover states, right??? Or the most watched cable news network on the air, amirite???

Sure does. But right wingers aren't like left wingers. Most of us don't trust Fox News either. We just find it more trustworthy than left wing media, and that's no compliment, trust me.

I spose when you add those in, NOBODY would trust our media.

Over 90% of the mainstream press is left wing, and in the poll, Fox News actually brings the average up sadly.

1 point

Left trends racist slur about Tim Scott on Twitter

They don't like blacks unless they stay inside the fence and in their place.

1 point

The Covid experts go full circle and conclude the original right wing position

This is why we trust ourselves over political agents of the state.

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