
YouDontKnow's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of YouDontKnow's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Gotta get that Xbox Smartglass, plus kinect's voice control capabilities

1 point

Yeah!!!!!!1 Eat a dick Joe! _

1 point


1 point

Smoke those Marlboro Reds allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day

1 point

So long as anyone democratic or progressive (rather than conservative) is in office they will. Republicans very much run the 'Washington consensus' which is why we saw Bush narrowly win in 2000 and surprisingly get reelected in '04 amongst seemingly massive support even, and why now the general republican partisanship is gridlocked against any policy Obama or the house democrats put forward. So yes they probably will thanks to citizens united and special interest groups which have essentially a veto over our democracy.

1 point

Saying nigger is much better than saying 'the N word' because when you say the N word the other personal obviously knows you mean to say nigger and it has the exact same effect. Own up to the words you're saying, it should not be unacceptable for anyone to say nigger so long as it isn't directed at anyone in a hurtful manner. It was and to a certain extent still is part of our culture and modern lexicon. I even sometimes blurt out nigger or faggot when I stub my toe or fall, not to target either the blacks or the gays, but because those are the two most profane words I know and come closest to fully expressing my frustration in that moment.

1 point

You're totally right! We should adopt an optional system of taxation, so that you can chose what taxes and services you pay/receive, that way you can keep your hard earned money out of the government's clutches and drive yourself to the hospital and put out your own fires!

1 point

In some cases, overtaxation can be akin to robbery if none of the fiscal spending is benefiting the general populace. In the US however, we enjoy relatively mild tax rates compared to our European counterparts, but considering the US is one of the greatest countries to live in in terms of civil and political rights as well as a shrinking–but still sizable–middle class, I think it's fair we are taxed a enough to maintain the general stability and infrastructure of this great nation.

1 point

Seriously? First off, humans did not evolve from apes, they share a common ancestor. A simple Google search would have sufficed, this is plain just lazy. Since there are already numerous articles answering this cheap 'blow' to the theory of evolution, I will just post the answer:

"Humans did not evolve from present-day apes. Rather, humans and apes share a common ancestor that gave rise to both. This common ancestor, although not identical to modern apes, was almost certainly more apelike than humanlike in appearance and behavior. At some point -- scientists estimate that between 5 and 8 million years ago -- this species diverged into two distinct lineages, one of which were the hominids, or humanlike species, and the other ultimately evolved into the African great ape species living today."

1 point

Joke? That comment didn't even register on my plane of existence.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
-1 points

Actually, I recently captured and consumed god in order to absorb his powers, but it turned out he only had control over crabs.

2 points

Pretty much if you care about the existence of the lowlands (New York City, Florida, New Orleans) or whether or not the earth will be comfortably inhabitable in the next century like it has been for the last billion or so, than yes you should care more for the environment. If not, I strongly suggest you buy land in Kansas where the beaches will be nice.

0 points

Super PACs, bipartisan gridlock, and a politically apathetic population really undermine our electoral process. The fact that we have and have had the same 2 party system since 1852 really shows how token what little democracy we have is. What we really have is a self destructing autocracy or controlled opposition which generally leaves little room for radical institutional change (on purpose clearly).

The outlandish campaign contributions which factor in greatly to who wins the presidency (over 90% of elected presidents have spent more on their campaign than their opponents) almost makes the 60% voter turnout almost desirable. The fact that most–if not all–of campaign spending goes towards advertisements is proof of the widespread epidemic that is intellectual and political apathy.

If you don't think this is an ideal state of affairs, vote for candidates who advocate for the overturning of special voter/interests groups and for the transparency of political donations (i.e Progressive Caucus members!).

1 point

Afrobeat, it's pretty much a combination of my two favorite generas: Jazz and Funk, also the songs are generally ten or more minutes long and consist largely of a free form jam. Also Afrocuban, dubstep, soul and jazz.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
1 point

This is a difficult legal question. Most Dimensional Circuit Courts would uphold the ruling in Leventhal3 v. Leventhal2, which determined that a being with a brain comprised of two hemispheres could, for legal purposes, be considered two separate entities. However, unless your nervous system is releasing the proper levels of acetylcholine, consumption of an electromagnetic field has the potential to delay your case indefinitely. Our recommendation is to store the portion of your psyche associated with insanity in a proxy-flesh until your legal code is updated.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
1 point

This is a difficult legal question. Most Dimensional Circuit Courts would uphold the ruling in Leventhal3 v. Leventhal2, which determined that a being with a brain comprised of two hemispheres could, for legal purposes, be considered two separate entities. However, unless your nervous system is releasing the proper levels of acetylcholine, consumption of an electromagnetic field has the potential to delay your case indefinitely. Our recommendation is to store the portion of your psyche associated with insanity in a proxy-flesh until your legal code is updated.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
1 point

This is a difficult legal question. Most Dimensional Circuit Courts would uphold the ruling in Leventhal3 v. Leventhal2, which determined that a being with a brain comprised of two hemispheres could, for legal purposes, be considered two separate entities. However, unless your nervous system is releasing the proper levels of acetylcholine, consumption of an electromagnetic field has the potential to delay your case indefinitely. Our recommendation is to store the portion of your psyche associated with insanity in a proxy-flesh until your legal code is updated.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
2 points

No it was Bill Clinton you're thinking of who was an omniscient being. Don't worry you're not the first person to make that classic mixup ;P

2 points

It's very interesting the way you spun all those points to somehow create the sense of infringement on one's rights. First of all, part of the consent of the governed is that they yield some of their rights to the state in order to maintain a livable society. If you don't like this fundamental trait of government you should seriously consider moving to uncharted territory.

All this really is, all you really are, is an example of how political and intellectual apathy can devolve one's views to the point of subordination to a greater power's agenda. If you really think your liberties are at all risked by the legalization of abortion, the blocking of domestic drilling, or by smear campaigns (of which conservative do a considerable amount more of than liberals as you have unwittingly proven), then you have a truly propagandized view.

I'm not even going to go into who makes up or what defines this elite economic class which I have been alluding to, but know that their economic and political power is far reaching and that they do far greater harm to our democratic society than the liberals do. Radically partisan conservatives (or neo-cons), are the corporate arm undermining our democracy through favoritism and lobbying. Progressive liberals are the main bulwark against this expansion of corporatism into our government. To suggest to circumstances are converse demonstrates a great degree of subordination to popularized ideals and manufactured consent, an epidemic which I'm afraid a large part of society (as well as myself to a certain point) has succumb to.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
1 point

I don't know why you disputed my post, since you pretty much just reiterated it from every angle. Like you said "In the absence of society however, my right to life, liberty, and property extends only as far as my own efficiency," as in your own ability. It is your inherent ability to do every one of those things you listed for some reason but not your right.

In the absence of society you are afforded no rights because rights only exist within a societal construct. Outside of that construct you are more or less free to do whatever as is everyone else. This is bad because as we see in nature, animals demonstrate no apparent mutual respect for life, neither do we to a certain degree.

So you are somewhat right in defining the purpose of a society as to "more fully protect such rights with greater efficiency." In reality though, society not only protects such rights but creates them as well. This is why different societies have different rights guaranteed to different citizens.

So I will repeat that Natural rights, meaning they are somehow inherent in the natural world, outside of society and apply to communities beyond that of humans are non-existant. I demonstrate this by again saying you have no rights in the absence of societal ramifications for violating those rights for which only society can afford and which the natural world cannot.

YouDontKnow(79) Clarified
1 point

If society were to collapse tomorrow you would have as much a right to life as you would healthcare. Rights–like you said–cannot exist without some form so voluntary social order. By "social order" I'm guessing you mean society. Under that logic, the collapse of society would mean there would be no social ramifications for stealing or murder as there would be incentive to provide mutual welfare, so neither the reciprocal of your argument nor the original argument itself does justice to your point.

1 point

Healthcare would not be a right in say Ethiopia or India, but in the US, one of the richest most technologically advanced countries in human history, some basic form of care should be guaranteed to everyone. IS healthcare a right? No. SHOULD health care be a right in the? In the US, Yes.

1 point

Natural rights (meaning they are somehow inherent in the natural world, outside of society) are non-existant.

I think it's fair to say an inherent right of humans is the right to life and to not be murdered, yet for tens of thousands of years, our prehistoric ancestors lived, fought, and died like any other animal. The average life expectancy was at around 25 and death was as much a part of life as birth. Even currently, natural life such as bacteria is killed in the billions yet we dont try to apply natural rights to them or the animals we raise to slaughter.

Rights are of human construct and therefore only apply to things like societies and civilizations and not to the natural world. Similarly you can't expect something of human construct to act the same as the natural world like the economy or morality.

1 point

Firstly there is no prestige in war. War is shameless, mutual destruction, and there is no respect or prestige in that. As for the US' previous conduct in war, there is not much respect to be mustered there either.

In the past the US has consistently sunk to the standards of our enemies, employing total war against civilian populations and utilizing mass and chemical weapons, the effects of which are still being felt to this day. I don't know whether this is an indictment against the slippery slope that is war, or against the overall moral depravity the US has shown in it's conduct of foreign affairs, either way both are seriously lacking prestige.

Places where US victory has been contested, places like Vietnam, and Iraq, there is no doubt that those were all lost wars because the conditions of victory for them were simply unattainable. There would have been literally no way for the US to extinguish the Vietcong or popular Vietnamesse independence groups entirely. And we couldn't retaliate against a force (Iraq) that had never attacked us (9/11). Nor could we have found and dismantled WMD's where there were none.

Let's be clear though. The US was and always has been the military victor. The US would sooner bring the whole world down with it than be dethroned as the major military might. We may have lost in Vietnam but the real losers were the Vietnames people whose population we devastated with our far superior tactics, technology and numbers. Like so many others before have said there are no real victors in war, only losers.

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