
Agomez2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Agomez2's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Blonde Jokes are racist because they are "attacking" a race and insulting them.

1 point

He is an all-loving God. If He didn't love us he wouldn't have told us what to do to go to heaven.

2 points

yes, but only if people will NOT abuse of them and give them proper care

1 point

i would be a tiger because they are strong and beautiful animals. I <3 them:)

1 point

by death the bible means hell.....................................................

1 point

(todavia andas con eso, Keztla?) well, i believe the friend should have kept his promise because it was his friend's last wish

1 point


He was God in human form. Kind of like wearing a costume.

5 points

Alcohol is not only poison, but it also causes people to do crazy things. It results into more deaths than there would be without the problem of alcohol.

2 points

even if this guy walked on water it doesn't mean he is like Jesus. Jesus didn't sin, but ALL humans do. This guy(in the video) has sinned, since he is human, and therefore can't be like Jesus.

1 point

Yes I do believe their is a benevolent God that acts this way. He is also a just God and judges people fairly that's why people who don't believe and follow Him are sent to hell.

1 point

but what if God exists and you go to hell because you chose not to believe in him because you wanted to wait until you died to find out the truth?If God doesn't exists and you believe in him nothing happens. if God exists and you don't believe in him you go to hell. but if God exists and you believe in him you go to heaven.

0 points

but that doesn't mean they should be physically abused .....................................................................

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