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ajrosen16(213) Clarified
1 point

Space is finite, just ever expanding for an infinite amount of time. (Probably)

1 point

Neither are the best game ever however I prefer Minecraft.

2 points

Of course they do something unconscious couldn't send complicated religious messages. Even if it could it would have to be translated by a conscious being and in that case its still true because this one conscious being is telling every other conscious being, the message is still originating from a conscious being.

1 point

I don't understand. Was there some problem in Asia I didn't hear about? Maybe you could explain exactly what it is about the youth in Asia that we are supposed to be thinking about.

2 points

If you are referring to slang in the English language that is just a way that the language can evolve and grow, it happens with all languages and its not just teenagers. If you are referring to the actual English language (grammar and spelling and etc) then I think you are wrong. At least where I come from all of the teenagers speak perfect English. It is also important to keep in mind that on the internet teenagers relax their language so that they don't have to type as much.

1 point

Science makes assumptions all the time. The scientific method tests assumptions but those initial assumptions are made by scientists. Take Einstein for instance he assumed that nothing can travel faster than light and every other scientist for a few decades agreed with him even though they physically couldn't test it.

1 point

Its not unrealistic because they are women its unrealistic because most female action stars do all their badassing in basically no clothes at all and honestly no one smart enough to be an action star would do that.

1 point

Did you know the woman who created PPG also created MLP? How interesting is that? Plus I know a ton of bronies who enjoy both those shows, they have the same basic premise anyway, a group of heroes fighting villains.

1 point

Transformers has its roots traced back to action figures designed for 6 year old boys, there isn't a huge difference.

1 point

The odds of living a life where you never need insurance are so incredibly small. You will need insurance at some point and that is a fact.

1 point

That is an excellent point but what about religions that specify multiple gods like Hinduism. They have many different gods each with their own role, it is very clear that in Christianity there is one god and in Hinduism there are many. How can they be the same?

1 point

Quantum mechanics changes energy into matter and vice-versa all the time. It is my understanding that god is infinite, however, the universe is not infinite and therefore cannot be god.

1 point

In the incredibly wise words of Dr. Perry Cox, "People are bastard coated bastards with a bastard filling."

1 point

We should really do what china does. Any amount is rounded up to either the whole dollar or .5 of a dollar. That way there is only 1 coin and everything else is paper. This system makes it much easier on the consumer plus if advertised prices include tax its almost a perfect system.

1 point

Not if god already knows what you are going to choose. If you choose the option that god didn't think you would choose then god was wrong, and isn't god supposed to never be wrong?

1 point

Obviously before meeting anyone I met online I will preform an in depth background check. However, in all seriousness what is the difference between couples that met on the internet and couples that met in real life. Hint: There are no differences. unless their entire relationship is online there is no difference whatsoever.

1 point

The heart is an organ that pumps blood and is controlled by your brain, it does not control your feelings. The brain is so incredibly complex and impressive that saying "I love you from the center of my brain." should really be considered much more romantic than "I love you from the bottom of my heart."

1 point

Unless you are impossibly unlucky and just so happen to load the page seconds after someone messes with it then no it is not but wikipedia has a HUGE number of people constantly checking and rechecking the information on its site.

1 point

People will starve without these farms, its not like we have a huge food surplus, plus america isn't even a crowded nation in the grand scheme of things. We need these farms, not only are they good for business but there is no denying that they keep people alive.

2 points

Fate limits the number of possible outcomes and free will expands the number of possible outcomes. They can not coexist like that.

1 point

Yes cloning should be legal. There are positive things we can do with cloning technology and if we ban cloning none of those positive things can happen. Its simple just weigh the pros and cons.

1 point

I would have to say PC because PCs are far more customize-able and far more powerful than macs, plus there are many different varieties of PCs that are made to suit your individual needs and macs are all the same, they just come in different sizes.

1 point

Even if we still use the same programming at that time Y10K will not matter, Y2K didn't matter. Computers are very very good at counting and the computers that didn't get the upgrade before Y2K just kept on counting up the year.

1 point

I'm currently in China visiting a friend of mine and we have been to Beijing and Hong Kong Along with many other areas along eastern China and I have yet to see a single apple product. Everyone here has a Samsung or a Huawei phone. I don't know where you live but maybe it's just your local area where apple is more popular.

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