
Altarion's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Altarion's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Altorian? Who's he? Lol.

That movie is awesome! I can't wait to see "This is It"!

And yes, girls are dangerous, on so so many levels! :E

1 point

That must have been quite embarassing for the parents. I would hate to be in their shoes.

1 point

People are stupid. Let them vote who they will. The idea is no matter who is in office, they will do everything for the good of the country, whether some people agree or not. I think Obama is a symbol of authority rather than an authoritative figure himself, but he is there now, and he might do good, he might do bad. As of right now he is a media magnet and my political beliefs tell me he will do no good for the country. But that is my view. I felt that W. did great strides for our country, although many beg to differ. It is all on perception. If you take away our freedom to vote, you are taking away our freedom to live. You are proposing that some sort of communist republic, where only selected individuals get to decide who runs our country. But that goes against the foundation of this country.

And if aliens are so damn unimpressed with how we run things, why would they come in the first place? Just to nag? Yeah, because other species of intelligence out in the universe have nothing better to do but spend presumably endless amounts of resources from their home world to get to ours just to complain about how we run our society. That makes complete and total sense. Get real dude.

1 point

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but you're welcome. (;

1 point

One leader is needed to bring people together under the same aspiration. And that's what democracy is about. With a complete anarchy, there will be chaos, which is fine to an extent, but chaos will be taken advantage of by others. A controlled anarchy should be the best, but in hindsite it wouldn't work out due to the lacking of protection from foreign threats. Therefore democracy/republics are the only way.

3 points

Well, ya. I mean, the Muslim society are always claiming the world is against them and they are a people of peace and yada yada yada life is so hard for them, but this proves they are the instigators! They want to be accepted and yet they are refusing to accept gays as equals by not playing a soccer game against them. I mean, that just makes total sense!

1 point

I think that the PSAT during school is the biggest waste of time ever. It doesn't even prepare you for the SAT. They are nothing alike!

1 point

In the moderator pannel of your debate there is an option that says "Delete Debate". You have to check all 3 squares and then click "delete" and your debate will be deleted.

1 point

I could not have said it better myself! (;

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

Hard Gay agrees, Yahoo kicks Google's ass! Just see what happens! (;
2 points

Yes. That just means Mexicans found a new way to get across the border. If they are illegal with their current means, if they somehow had the resources to build a UFO and fly here then you know they would still be considered illegal aliens! (;

1 point

Yup. I just took the College Board PSAT today. It was really dumb. A football player was copying me the entire time so I marked all the wrong answers on my scantron (marking the right ones in my book) and then went back and changed them all later. (;

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