
Amandefoe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amandefoe's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

No Katie ...I have no life . HE KILLED A LITTLE BOY ! !!!! After that , I have no respect for him . He -__-

1 point

Yeah ! Me and my friend are doing this photo expose thing on Vegitarian and Omnivore , and we looked up why people choose no meat , so we looked up the McDondals truth and they used this pink goo thing for their chicken nuggets . I wish you people could see it . Its discusting O_O

1 point

I do to ! And know how I'll get these radnom obsession with these things Twitter and Breast Cancer ....but now its them ! I looked up a bunch of their dances last night and there is another one and its called Dr. Feel Good and OF COURSE its innapropiate ! Thats because theyre adults ...and they can do that , but STILL ! I'm gonna learn it ! I already know a little bit of it ...I was doing it in Math lol .

2 points

Bad idea . Well not really bad ..............because kids need creativity . And most creativity comes from their fashion . Dont take that away . Thats just stupid

1 point

I KINDA like Pop depends ................

Because Country music is just these people in the woods singing about their failed love life .........I used to like it tho

1 point

Yes ! My fricken iPod must hate me for dropping it for some reaosn ! Because everytime I go into an app , it goes to the starting page , then shorts out ! And its SO SLOW . Thats probaly too many fat people are using up the connectivity in the world

1 point

Oh , I have stronger words then "Just a bunch of idiots" . Not trying to make a big deal out of it , but who walks about and just kills people ? Not me .........I think

2 points

No it's not . Just because there is no evidence of something that we believe in , doesn't make it stupid . That is a stupid thing to say . We believe what be believe because we CAN . Because no one has a right to say its stupid not to believe in something with no evidence . P

0 points

Art class should even HAVE a teacher ! Supervisor , sure ! But we are not being taught GOOD art if we are not allowed to draw , sculpt , make , etc , what we want . It should also be a pass-fail grade , because we are at least doing the work . Screw art teachers . They know nothing

1 point

I dont think anything GOOD has changed , but something defenatly changed . All the time on the news , I'm hearing that more and more people are not getting jobs . Or that it is getting harder to find jobs . So he has changed nothing except for that

1 point

Yes ! Of course I do ! I mean , wouldnt you fear death if one day , you were just sleeping and you die without saying goodbye or I love you to ANYONE ? Thats pretty scary . I was soo paranoid as a child too :/ But I'm not as paranoid now .

1 point

I guess I'm saying dont ban it..............mainly because my dad smokes and when someone is addicted to something and it gets taken away with out warning , that can make someone deathly sick . Look it up . So ........No........

1 point

Good job Darling . My dad smokes :/ and I'm worried . Because he smokes like ...2-3 packs a day ...maybe more now . :(

2 points

War is not good ? Wtf ..............

I'm sure we were not put into this earth to fight people for rights or whatever . We had are OWN rights when we got here

2 points

Of course it was . We had no reason for that , and because people we did that , Japan is not trying to create this "rocket" thing to send "up to the moon" when it was clearly for us .

2 points

I'm not saying yes , and I'm not saying no . We equal ^___^

1 point

There was no reason to respect him . He didnt respect others , so he didnt deserve anything good in return . Sure he believed in it , but that doesnt make it okay to kill people .

1 point

No..............robots are fricken creepy........although we would get away with a lot of stuff like texting . We could interfere with their system if we do ! Hmm........I dont know ! ^_^

2 points

Its not right to call someone stupid just because of religion . Its what they believe . If their stupid for believing something, then your more stupid for beleiving something else. It all comes back around

2 points

No . It's up to the person if they become big , thats their own fault . Its not the food mostly.......its the person on the other end

1 point

What does this even mean ? Its okay if people cry. Crying is healthy. ...........

1 point

Well actually depends on the maturity level. Because if there is a 14 year old, and (s)he is pretty mature about things like Social Networks, then i believe it is okay. But if there is a 14 year old who takes everything as a random sexual joke, then sure. I agree. Like I said....maturity level

1 point

I'm not showing off . And I didnt even take credit .


1 point


We are not doing too good . I think if we didnt hvae a government.....we would be fine .

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