
Anarchist100's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Anarchist100's arguments, looking across every debate.

That was back when the democrats seemed to care about liberty, since then the party has changed in such a way that no rational person could deny that they are a statist authoritarian party, and it's not just the democrat party, the whole country has become more authoritarian, that's just the natural direction of governments though. If we don't remain constantly on the lookout for violations of our God given liberties the government will follow the same path as all governments do and become authoritarian. Which is why the founding fathers included the 2nd amendment in the bill of rights, an unarmed population can't stand up for their right's, and even if they could they might not even want to, because the government has made them dependent on them for protection, you don't want to anger the only people standing between you and some violent gang, now we need our guns more than ever to restore our liberty, because the government can do what ever they want to an unarmed population.

I think it's worth pointing out that Robin Hood was not a socialist, he didn't rob from the rich and give to the poor, he took the money that belonged to the people from the tax collectors and gave it back, so it seems that he was more of an anarchist than a socialist or a communist.

Man Israel is not synonymous with the Jews, If Israel has a laser gun that doesn't mean the Jews have a laser gun it just means that a country with a lot of Jews has a laser gun.

If being gay was genetic, there would be a lot less gay folk.

I'll debate with you but only if you use reason, and logic not rather than insults to defend your opinion, and we will respect each other.

If you insult people you disagree with for no reason other than you have a different opinion you're a bully.

I have never been banned this is the only account I have ever had, I am not abusive, I said some really bad stuff to you after being insulted myself, how are you not abusive? You call everyone who disagrees with you a fucking moron? If this Andy person has any respect for the art of the debate he'll ban you.

What did I say that was a "deeply offensive personal attack" I only ask you why you're so rude to everyone, I did go on that insult spree but only after you insulted me! You're a fanatic please don't bug me and I won't bug you, have a nice day.

All I did was ask you why you insist on ruining this debate site with your hatful close mindedness towards opposing opinions, I don't claim to be debating right now, I claim to be wasting my time on a fanatic, lets just not talk to each other for now, goodbye and have a good day.

1: I only ask you why you do what you do, I wasn't intending for any of this to happen

2: I never really insulted you until you insulted me, I went on that spree of insults but only after being insulted by you.

3: You just don't seem to see any reason here, this conversation is over, have a lovely day.

I'm not attacking you, you're not debating if all you're doing is insulting each other.

I'm not defending "Dana" I'm defending the art of the debate. Which you people are slowly and painfully killing.

you're kind of a spammer, as in you're extremely rude and fanatical. No it's not normal to insult everyone you disagree with unless you're a fanatic.

anarchist100(105) Clarified
0 points

Could you please do something about this stupid "Nom, Dana" thing, they've ruined this site with there constant hateful arguing, one even admitted that he and or she believes that it's normal to insult everyone you disagree with!

I am not a troll, and I didn't even insult you until you insulted me! I ask you why you do what you do, because it's ruining this site! No it is not normal to insult people you disagree with unless you're a fanatic! I really just feel sorry for you, you're just a victim of this demonizing, polarized, partisan culture that we live in.

I don't know where you grew up, or what gave you that idea, but that's not how it works, your insults and utter disrespect for people of different opinions demonstrates that you are incredibly dogmatic, you care more about you identity as what ever you are then the pursuit of truth, you see an attack on you ideas as an attack on who you are, your faith is blind you're a fanatic, you no longer are capable of reasoning to find the truth because all that matters is that you stay who you are.

1: Because all the time I have been on here you two have been insulting each other and it has ruined this site!

2: I do not ever insult a person who has not insulted me, and you can quote me on that.

1: Debating is the exchange of logic, not the exchange of insults.

2; How am I a troll? whenever someone says something you disagree with you insult them! You don't even give them a chance! Give me one instance where I insulted you without being insulted first myself.

Please shut up, I have never insulted anyone without them insulting me, Insulting is not part of debating, and debating is not the same thing as insulting, I'm sorry I said what I did just now, but we all have our limits.

I look at your post history, If you don't believe me that I spend very little time here just look at mine.

You've ruined this debate site, plus you're a rude moron! I've always been a hell of a lot nicer to you than you deserve, but you are a rude little son of a bitch! Whenever someone disagrees with you, you insult them, WELL GUESS WHAT! YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON! YOU ARE A FUCKING FANATIC! I HOPE SOMEONE COMES TO YOUR HOUSE AND BEATS YOU THE FUCK UP LIKE YOU DESERVE! YOU LITTLE FUCK!

I spend very little time on this debate site. unlike you.

I'm not a troll, I'm not taking advantage of your argument, and I'm not trying to find higher ground, YOU LOSERS HAVE RUINED THIS SITE! Sorry I can't ignore it.

1: Well sorry but when you call each other morons all the time any rational person would think you probably hate each other

2: You really do. Stop fighting with someone on this debate site and get a job.

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