
Angelito002's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Angelito002's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Beatles, why? many new or old artists would say that the Beatles influenced them.

1 point

Es bueno para tu cuerpo, por tu huesos, tu pelo, tus dientes.

1 point

I don't have any ( yet ), tattoos are a way of self expression.

2 points

The stairs because, if there's a emergency in the building the elevator stops and you are screwed. Now the stairs won't stop, it has no annoying buttons, as well as you get a good workout.

1 point

Star Wars is just awesome nobody can beat it. Sure tha animation from Lord of the Rings is high tech, Star Wars is a classic.

1 point

I have alote, but I love "Sirena" by Donna Jo Napoli.

It is a romance but it is a good one.

2 points

I love my name because its unique, when I meat new people and I say my name they are like"what? I'm not able to say that"so some people call me kat. My name is Neftali.

In the contrary people said I have a pretty name :)

1 point

You do have a point I never thought of it that way.tHANK yOU

2 points

Usualy pedophiles do things theu do, because of there background, or the way they grew up.

They probably experienced tramatic things that messed up there minds as young children.

2 points

People look down upon them because they are different looking, or they act differently than most people do. People see them as litle freaks or weirdos

1 point

Usualy song lyrics comes from the writers thoughs, and feelings. They are teling the truth about how our unperfect world is. No one is perfect.

2 points

ummmmm, maybe? it depends on what you mean by size.oookay.

1 point

yes, i have long hair to and i want to have my hair like that, but it depends on the shape of your face.

1 point

you do have a point, no one can beat it.

i wonder how music started?

1 point

Both are realy good music. I would listen to both, but rock/metal are my favorite.

2 points

Yes because it would lower the chance of a teen getting pregant.

1 point

To me a great president is someone who is wise, someone who knows what the people need.Not someone who wanted to be president just for fame.(although not all presidents were like that)

1 point

I love to know that i am doing a right thing for a stranger. You might not know what they do with the money, but it is a good thing. When ever me and my mom drive and whe see a homeless i always tell to give atleast a little bit of money she has left.

2 points

Speaking more than one language can open so many doors for you. Some jobs take people that can speak more than one language. Plus it is kind of cool to speak a different language.

3 points

I am into alote of music, espicaly alternative rock.

My favorite is Pink Floyed and his album The Wall

3 points

I'll go to the beach any time of the year, you would get a better scenery, less people bumping into you. Plus it is very relaxing.

1 point

I have alote of favorite books, genres like Right now I am reading "little bee" by Chris calvin. I like this book because it has two womens prospective on each other in seperate chapters.

I am not picky when it comes to music, I like all types.

My favorite movies are movies made by Tim Burton. As well as The Star Wars trilogy.I like alote of movies.Why?because I am a dork :)

I don't play alote of video games, sorry.

1 point

Skittles, because they taste like fruit. Nerds are just too sour.

1 point

It would be nice to be rich, but money can't always buy you happiness. I think being with someone who cares about you, and you care back is a good feeling that money can't buy.

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