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This personal waterfall shows you all of Arataii's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They look awesome. I'm not goth but I think the look is pretty sweet.

1 point

Actually usually guys spend their "adolescence and early adult life" breaking girls hearts. Breakups generally hurt girls more than they hurt guys. Some guys can be very callous.

2 points

Milk gets processed and pasteurized, causing most all the calcium and nutrients to become practically nonexistent. "Drinking milk makes your bones strong because of all the calcium it contains" is a myth. So milk doesn't really have anything good for you in it and it contains other stuff like hormones that isn't good for you and can affect your growth.

1 point

Whenever I randomly felt like subjecting my poor pets to different forms of attention torture, I always said "she/he likes it" to my parents too. They never believed me though, I can't understand why my parents don't think my cat likes jumping on the trampoline with me...

1 point

Nope, I haven't seen American Psycho... poor deprived me ;) can you still explain the connection w/out me having seen American Psycho?

1 point

I'm not goth or girly, I come somewhere in the middle. I'm a "sorta kinda reformed suicide girl" aka a tough girl. I know a lot of girly girls that drive me up the wall cuz they act so frikin braindead... they cannot stop giggling or applying multiple layers of makeup, like that's the only thing that matters to them.

1 point

Poor James...............................................................

2 points

Something funny? My whole childhood experience was funny... I remember when I was 5 my dad tried to teach me how to shoot a BB gun and I shot him in the thumb and he had to get it surgically removed... I remember snowboarding in some cornfields attached by a toe line to my cousins truck, I did a few faceplants when attempting to go over jumps. I remember owning guys twice my size while playing tackle football, I actually clotheslined one of them so hard that he was sore for a couple weeks. I guess I've had a pretty violent childhood :)

1 point

Out of 6 billion people populating the earth, only 1100 of them are billionaires? I actually feel sorry for billionaires, I would rather be poor... haha wait I am :)

1 point

I'm 5'0 and done growing... and yes I've heard all the short jokes. Over and over again. I have bluish/greenish/grayish eyes and dark brown hair (although some people call it black).

1 point

How do you drown a blonde? Put a scratch-and-sniff sticker at the bottom of a swimming pool.

1 point

How do you keep a blonde occupied for hours? Give her a piece of paper with "turn over" written on both sides.

3 points

It's important for overweight Americans to change their eating habits, but it shouldn't be forced on them, they need to do it on their own. It would be an easier process though if there wasn't so much junkfood and fastfood out there to tempt them. If any laws or restrictions should be made they should make them for the food industry.

1 point

Hmm that could be a little challenging... there should be plenty of millionaires/billionaires out there though so I'm sure it wouldn't be impossible to get one. You'd just have to exercise your convincing skills and grin and bear the wedding part.

1 point

You wouldn't have to be married to that person very long before you "hastened their demise". How does it require a tremendous amount of luck?

1 point

If you play with fire you're going to get burned.........

1 point

Marry a millionaire and poison him/her with putting arsenic in his/her tea. Then you get all the their money and don't have the burden of being bound in matrimony.

1 point

I knew I was an extrovert becuz I took the test thingy and that's what it told me... I could've figured that out though w/out taking the test.

1 point

I'm an ENFP. Extraverted, intuitive, feeling, perceptive. I don't quite understand that though cuz I'm not feely at all. Whatever.

1 point

Yes some subs can have a lot of calories but at least there are healthy options. Mcdonald's is greasy and has FAT calories.

Yes all foods have calories but some have a significant amount more than others and there is such a thing as bad calories and good calories. Subway is fresh foods that you can SEE being prepared. Even if a sub is a lot of calories, there is such a thing as splitting it with somebody or buying a half instead.

Subway's food is called healthy becuz all the condiments are natural and fresh. Mcdonald's (and other fastfood restaurants) has many "hidden" ingredients in their foods that may make the food taste good but is terrible for you and cannot be called "healthy". America has healthcare problems becuz people don't care what's in food as long as it tastes good. You are what you eat and when you buy Subway, you see what you're getting.

2 points

Freddy is way cooler because he's short :) Yay for short people!

1 point

You don't even want to know how many calories are in a Double Cheeseburger... it should make you lose your appetite. Subway has many different toppings besides mustard and meat.

3 points

Subway!! You get to see the sub getting made and you know what's in it. Subway is way healthier and I can go there without feeling guilty.

2 points

I happen to be homeschooled and none of those three things apply to me as far as I know.

1. my parents do not teach me, I teach myself and I have gotten along just fine since I happen to be in the national honors society for scoring over the 90 percentile.

2. over half my friends are public schooled and they all think I'm public schooled by the way I socially interact.

3. my parents have made me take responsibility of myself by making me pay for everything like, clothes, a car, car insurance and college. I have about 4 different jobs so I can pay for my expenses. I feel FULLY prepared to leave my parents and be on my own and I plan to move out as soon as I'm 18.

Also, there are many different ways to homeschool, the homeschool program I'm enrolled in has 850 students and has a building and part-time teachers that teach various classes like, Chemistry, Biology, Spanish, Art and Writing. They also offer Mocktrial and Drama, nothing is mandatory though. Homeschool students I know dual-enroll with the public highschool and also take classes or sports there. Students in my homeschool program also have the option of taking college courses. Not all homeschoolers are stuck at home all day twiddling their thumbs. There are many different options with homeschooling.

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