
Cakemallow25's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cakemallow25's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I've not been on this site for a while and know I've been on here for like 5 minutes and I've already found someone who said they were the next Stalin, someone who said Hitler was their role model, like twenty strong homophobics... Like, what? Seriously, if the world was ruled by these guys we would be in trouble.

1) It wouldn't be 'by today's standards' - it was written over two-thousand years ago!

2) Witches are not in the Bible the same as Tarot cards and Horoscopes aren't in the Bible.

3) As I said before, most of the Bible is great! Like 99% of it is truth and great advice to how to live your life - it's just that 1% that atheists on this site always pick out to try and catch Christians out.

4) The last two sentences (if you can even call them sentences) are completely illogical. Btw, I'm thirteen. Compare my arguements and the one I'm replying to...yeah...

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Firstly, thank you for accepting what I had to say rather than going off on one like so many others on this site.

Secondly, I never said you could prove the Bible, I said no-one can prove anything - kind of the complete opposite.

You really don't get it, do you?

"he also criticised people for not killing their disobedient children and to beat your slave" I'm pretty sure Jesus did not say that.

"he said to the disciples they must leave their children and families which is child abuse" He didn't mean on their own! Children have mothers as well as fathers, you know.

"he also threatened that if you don't love him more than your family he will send you to hell for eternity" He said you should love everybody including him but that he was God Almighty so you should always follow him no matter what whereas family are humans and so do stupid things. You wouldn't idolise your parents if they became drug dealers would you?

It was not written by "evil bastards". It was written by humans but with the influence of God - something atheists struggle with. Some things would be completely unacceptable in today's community but these things were written by imperfect humans thousands of years ago who, as I said before, obviously put some of their ideas in as well. This doesn't mean that the Bible is rubbish - almost all of it is what God wanted them to write - but you do get the odd bits which are not completely godly things to tell the world to do.

2 points

You can't disprove the Bible. You can put out the theories of evolution but you can't go back a few million years and prove it. I for one do believe in God and evolution, but I don't believe anyone has the power to just state that the Bible is wrong and atheists are right. No one is trying to insist on trying to impose Christianity on people of other faiths, you just take it that way. In fact, people just explain how their two things could co-exist or work. That is the whole science thing - working out what could've happened - but you can't actually link two things together and come up with an answer and then state you (as in general, not you) are right and anyone who thinks anything else is wrong. For example: substances react when put together due to the molecule layout etc. How do you know that that isn't true and that God makes chemical reactions happen because he doesn't approve of certain things being placed together? I don't believe that myself, but you never know.

2 points

As Thewayitis said, the Bible was written by humans influenced by God. They obviously put their views in it, too. For example, if you were writing a book that could possibly influence everybody's lives in the future, you'll probably include a few things important to you like, in your case, it's okay to love another of the same gender. Obviously, in their times, that sort of thing was so bad, you'd probably get shunned by your family for declaring you were homosexual. The people writing the Bible thought that too and so included it. Jesus never said that it was terrible to be homosexual. He said that God was love and love was holy so why would he say that it was a bad thing and suddenly contradict himself?

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

If you had bothered to read the description, you would've seen that I made it perfectly obvious.

Well doesn't need an apostrophe or it says we will.

I know this arguement shouldn't be on here, but I had to give the information in the description to dollymix44. Feel free to ignore.

I know dollymix44 is going to disagree with me but, although they're hilarious, they get on some people's nerves.They can provide your telephone number so they can get you back and imagine if you're trying to earn your wages at this pizza place and then the phone rings keeping you on there for half an hour while you could be taking someone elses orders. Then, when you've made the hundred pizzas they ordered, you don't pick 'em up. Then you lose £109.99 for them that they would've payed which would've gone towards the window you broke last Tuesday. Next you lose your job for wasting half an hour on the phone, hours making the pizzas and money & ingredients on the hundred pizzas!

By the way, Mum and Dad, this is fictional - I'm INNOCENT!

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

I don't drool when I daydream and rarely daydream when he's there. When he's there, I concentrate on how CUTE he looks...!

Also, I don't have much courage or experience with the boyfriend thing. I've liked someone who had a girlfriend, before, and I didn't care.

And then there's the problem with asking him out - one of my best friends, who has more experience with the boyfriend thing but doesn't like him as much or for as long, likes him too. She said it's fine if I ask him out but I know she'll be really upset and jealous.

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

I didn't mean that at all! I meant: does everything humans do have a direct link to happiness? NOT about whether girls go wild - 1)I'm a girl and 2)I'm not that dirty!

Everyone is a hypocrite whether they mean to be or not. Have you ever told someone to shut up? Then you're a hypocrite for doing something you told someone else not to do - speaking. You spoke when you told them to shut up, didn't you?

Most people use the term hypocrite as an insult and, most of the time, being a hypocrite is not a good thing, but when you're telling someone not to do something you're allowed/supposed to do, you're still being a hypocrite, but a good one. God is a good hypocrite. It's true.

I wonder, hmmm...

Oh yes, Jesus was the King of the Jews! Not Christians, coz Christianity hadn't been invented then, the king of the jews.

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

No, that's asking them IN - "get IN the f*g car", not out.

0 points


Oh, and you're a hypocrite for saying he's a hypocrite.

Just saying...

Just because you have a life and friends outside CreateDebate, doesn't mean you're required to get a room with them, you cheeky member of the male species!

What if you're barely thirteen?!

Oh, and technically, that's not asking them out, that's planned rape.

There are a few flaws in your plan...

It is so much better to admire from a distance because...

1. If you ask him out and he says no; embarrassing!

2. If you admire from a distance you can do all sorts: Imagine, daydream, dream and even base characters from stoies on him without him knowing - not that I've done that... (shy face!)

3. If you ask him out and the actual being-his-girlfriend part isn't that good, it's gonna be a disappointment if you've done all that daydreaming!

I know I've told you all this before, dollymix44, but as we made this together I might as wll put an argument down!

But you implied it;

"I would love to hear your comment after watching Forrest Gump. While everyone else is praising the film, you'd be explaining why life is not like a box of chocolates."

I shouldn't even feel like I need to explain how that is implying you agree with the phrase!

If you believe in heaven, you can't believe in ghosts because if you believe in heaven, you believe people's souls leave Earth.

2 points

While I love the film Forrest Gump, I have to say that, no, life is not like a box of chocolates because, with a box of chocolates, you always get that little slip of paper telling you which chocolate is which. I life, you never get told exactly what it's going to be like.

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I got 2) and 3) mixed up. (Embarrased face).

And true, he is a bastard.

1) Jesus was not actually called Jesus, he was called Jeshuah but it got universally changed because the word 'jeshuah' became a swearword term for prostitute at some stage. Jesus has over 7000 different names in the Bible and Immuanuel/Emmanuel is one of them.

2) Thank you

3) Tell that to the writer, not me - he obviously didn't get God's exact phrasing; either that or you just quoted it wrong.

That's right. I can't remember what it's called, but there is a way of taking control of your dreams and telling your subconscious to do whatever you want it to. The most common thing you tell yourself to do is fly. There are many books telling you how to interpret dreams. I got my dad to try a couple of times.

It doesn't make you look ignorant, but swearing puts people at a disadvantage because of first impressions. When I read swearing on this site, I immediately think negative thoughts and it makes people look less intelligent. It also makes me think that the person swearing was a cocky little so-and-so when they were young. Lots of these assumptions turn out to be wrong but it puts anyone at a disadvantage when it comes to first impressions.

But that's just me, because I've grown up in a non-swearing environment. However just coz people swear, it doesn't make me like them less. Almost all my friends swear on a regular basis and it doesn't make me value them less - they can say what they want as long as it's not offencive.

That's another thing: swearing is very in-your-face and threatening when put in a certain context.

No offence!

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Reasons what you said was wrong:

1) Not immuanuel, emmanuel (I think)

2) Hmmm... He is somehow the descendant of David through Joseph, but not physically. They probably said that in Acts because an outsider would've thought that. Maybe God didn't say he had to be PHYSICALLY descended, but the writer forgot his exact words and then wrote it wrong.

3) Technically speaking - no, just no.

What, you mean like two three-foot lockers in a column? That's still a lot - we get four in a column!

I would get married to a handsome, clever Christian man, we'd have about five kids and we'd live in an extended gothic mansion, the extension a modern one which I'd have built myself. I'd drive around in a baby-blue Mercedes Benz C Class 1/57 with white leather seats around the beautiful Sussex countriside, where my family and I would live. My job would be an architect but would only design massive houses and schools and stuff, and, for a hobby, I would be an author and illustrator.

But no one knows that and aren't meaning in a harmful way. Everyone uses it to mean laugh-out-loud rather than worshipping the devil.

As an English citizen, I can't vote, but if I could it would so be Obama. I'm not going to list all the reasons coz it would take FOR EVER but there is one thing Obama is doing well: trying to get America a free health service. I know people said he broke his promise of getting that, but he tried and that's what he actually tried to do. I'm so pleased he won the election!

That is what happened for my mum with my brother - embarrassing!

I think this is the disagree side - hopefully the 'jolly good' part is meant to be sarcastic!

I'm English and don't liike the idea of the Scots going off on their own! It would be the end of the United Kingdom, the end of Britain! We would be more like the Used-To-Be-United-But-Aren't-Now Kingdom, or a Two-Thirds-Of-Britain! We can't be a little united island if we're split! Also, we might end up having cross-border wars! It would be the end of Britain's sea-defence, because people could attack from the Scotland-England border and then we might be invaded for the first time since the battle of Hastings in 1066 (which, by the way, was in Battle, not Hastings - Battle is near Hastings, but not in Hastings (I should know, I'm local)).

If Scotland want to have it more their own way, they should have to try to get more power in parliament!

How on earth can cane be winning? What's with you lot? Are you mad? Capes are loads better! (Cue the dramtic music) You can stand in a defiants pose, the wind in your face and your cape billowing out behind you...

I'd much prefer a dark, handsome man in a cape than some geezer with a cane! Capes make you look like a hero out of an old novel, but a cane just makes you look like a power-freak or a grandad!

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Yes, but I meant you as in American people, not specifically YOU. Thanks for answering my question - I've wondered about tht for years (sad, I know)!

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Firstly, that's not manmade, and secondly if dogs didn't poo they'd get severe constapation and then their intestines would explode. Seriously, would you rather have to pick up the occasional poo from your dog or have to pick up the poo-covered corpse of your dog?

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

An apostrophe is for an abreviation of a word or when something belongs to somebody/something.

For example: I don't know what TheAshman's apostrophes are thinking - they're all over the place!

Note 'apostrophes' not 'apostrophe's'.

Or were you joking? If you were, sorry. If not, I feel sorry for your English teacher when you were at school.

Yes the earth is:


Loads better than the media portrays it

A terrible place because of us humans

Totally awesome


No because, to determine what happens in the rest of your eternal life, you need to provide some stuff in your life on Earth. If your life on Earth was righteous, you'll get a good eternal life, but if it wasn't, won't.

So if you kill yourselves before you've done much in your life, your eternal life will not be as good as you want it to be.

2 points

I would have several jobs:



Architect, but only planning BIG houses,

Mum of 4 or 5 children,

Head of children's groups at church

Yeah and when you hear about all that charity work he does and you watch any interview he's been in, you have got to say he's a good person.

I suppose I can see why people say his lyrics aren't the best but that's only because he's trying to get a message across. Personally I think some songs are just beautiful.

And none of that is coming from a belieber. I am not a fan, I just like his music and him as a person. He's a really nice guy.

As well as being completely unnecessary, innapropriate and offencive, that is HILARIOUS!

Your debates and comments are just too hilarious to not love you back!

Dads dance terribly - so true

Smart people don't have a life - not true

German boys have short blonde hair and they always wear primary colours - I met someone EXACTLY like that once (so funny)

All boys with a british accent are hot (I think you mean South-England accent) - some are, some aren't

The Americans make the best films - mostly true

Geeks wear glasses and braces have spots and read books in their spare time (aka my sister (without the braces))

Need I go on?

You don't already use the metric system? Oh my word, you're stuck in the dark days, my friend (actually they're just easier to convert and harder to estimate)!

But do you have those great big lockers? If you do, you're lucky! We only get a 1x2x3ft locker - teeny!

It depends who the author is. If you have a good book from the same author/illustrator and the cover of that book is the same sort of style as this one then the chances are that book will be the same sort of thing as the other.

Also, you cant not judge a book by its cover - we all do it naturally. If you have a Jacqueline Wilson book (Nick Sharratt is AMAZING) and then you have a v...e...r...y l...o...n...g book on the history of canals with a plain front, you'll obviously read the Jacqueline Wilson one. Then you'll realise your sister swapped the covers and what you thought was the history of canals is actually the Hetty Feather trilogy!

Maybe we don't exist? Maybe we are all part of a dream...

You never know!

I have two possibilities - not that there are only two possibilities, just that I'm writing two.

1. We were created to amuse God. He got bored so he created us - you never know!

2. Our purpose is to create happiness, just like everything is to try to create happiness. Pick anything and I could tell you how it links to happiness (man made, mind). Please challenge me on this one.

2 points

Ask yourself this: Whould you rather be given an unwanted life where even your own mother wishes you didn't exist or be killed in a painless way before you are fully conscious to save your mother's life?

I wouldn't say I love him, just that I like him. If you think about what he's done in a few years of his life, it's incredible. Anybody who's not a hermit has heard of him and that's not something you can say about just anybody.

Also, if he was rubbish at singing, how on earth would you get him being signed to Usher?

By the way, this debate could be used as an outright hate campaign against Justin Bieber which is not right (not that it's right to create a hate campaign against anyone, but you know).

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
2 points

Make sure you put your argument on the right side! Now you're HELPING the people who don't like Justin Bieber!

Well, they have to have some kind of lips or their lips would start fraying! Also, in like cartoons and stuff, frogs always have lips.

I dunno, I just felt like being disaggreable!

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Everything you are saying is true - there are so many things it says in the Bible which aren't possible but what you have to realise to be able to understand the Bible is what's metaphorical and what's not. I doubt Adam-and-Eve is true but I think it was a bit like a parable in the way that it's not meant to be taken literally. Also, some things are just dated. For example, the word now equivalent to day in the language the Bible was first written in (Hebrew?) did not mean the same thing as it does now it literally meant 'period of time'. Also, remember that this was written AGES ago and so they might not have all the facts word-for-word. It might've been passed down generations a few times before it was finally written down and so might've changed...

Just a thought...

Wow, dollymix44, I love your detail! Thanks so much for contributing, your opinion is really important on this debate. But, seriously, I didn't expect your arguement to be that...good! Love it!

2 points

Good characters are too small and soppy and boring. Oh and you can't shout at others maliciously and rub your hands together - not even make people you hate get scared and cry! MWAHAHAHAAA! (Lol! XD)

I am also in a school play at the moment and I get to play a wise and mysterious professor who is really awesome to play! I can like point my finger in the air and be really posh - but on the whole I prefer playing an evil character - like when I was the evil baddie in another school play and I had eleven male 'servants' - I was the only evil girl; SO MUCH FUN!

So yeah...

Wow, dollymix44, I love your detail! Thanks so much for contributing, your opinion is really important on this debate. But, seriously, I didn't expect your arguement to be that...good! Love it!

2 points

Well of course they're not meat! They have not been fertilized and so have not been made into an animal. They don't have:








Therefore they are not meat!

Also, vegetarians would eat egg but not meat and vegans would not eat either.

Very true... I was always a bit confused in E-Safety, in ICT at school when they said it was okay to meet a stranger! I mean, for all you know, the realy nice person you met over the internet might be a fifty year old perverted man who 'liked' teen girls! Yeurgh!

How does this have ANYTHING to do with the eductaion systems of Britain and America?

So it leaves a trace. It tells us in it's own little way that it is there just like God tells us in the Bible and through Jesus.

Sight - We can read the Bible written by eyewitnesses of God. We still see miracles performed today.

Hearing - You can turn up to any church service and a reading telling you that God exists will be read

Touching - Everything we touch has been made out of substances which were made by God.

Taste - By receiving communion, we taste a symbol of the blood and body of Jesus Christ

Smell - Incense; yeurgh! (I don't like incence.)

God is identifiable with each of the five senses.

Air isn't visible. I'm pretty sure that exists. Also Jesus was visible and Heaven will be visible when/if we go there.

3 points

It all depends on how you look at the Bible. Do you take it all literally or metaphorically? Do you think of it as exactly what God said happened or what prophets said about/for God? You can't read the Bible and expect it to all have happened exactly the way it did but maybe it was just another parable? Maybe it was metaphorical? Take Adam and Eve, for example. I don't believe that happened exactly as it says it did. I don't believe that a snake came and spoke to Eve and that Adam and Eve started the whole of human life on this planet - and I don't believe that Earth was created in seven days. I do, however, believe that God created Earth and I believe he created science as well.

I'm not trying to force beliefs on anybody, by the way, this is purely what I think of the Bible.

Oh, okay! I had gathered it was purely up to how good they were/are as a student (from DVDs etc). Thanks for enlightening me!

I can believe what I believe and no amount of swearing is going to make me want to change my views. You're the one who should grow up telling me what my religion means to me.

When Hitler was loosing, he killed himself in his bunker. We know this coz the family who was also staying in his bunker (I think the were the Gerble family or something - the ones in charge of propagander) all died the same night because they said there was no point in living without Hitler. The parents of this family, murdered their children by forcing those poison-pills down their throats. :'(

cakemallow25(79) Clarified
1 point

Personally, I don't know a massive amount about the American scool system because I am British but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that Americans get a test at the end of each year to determin whether they'll move up a 'grade' or have to do the whole 'grade' all over again. In Britain, your grouped by age. Each child goes into a year group and stays in that year group until they've stayed in it a full year. Then the move up a year regardless of how well they did. However, we get put in different 'sets' (classes) depending on how good we are at that subject. For example, I'm in set 1 for everything apart from PE.

There are some subjects where this 'set' thing doesn't apply, like RE, Drama and Art, but it applies for most things.

Whoa, that was a lot!

I did not say anything of the sort. Just because some people of the same religion as me believe that, it doesn't mean I do. Personally, I don't believe in hell. However, I am still a Christian. I believe Jesus wiped out hell by sacrificing himself for us.

However, I think you just want me to say that I would like you to burn in hell as you seem to like insulting me and my religion. I won't.

Us British ppl are so quirky and weird and, where I'm from, you get (British) people telling you all the time that they're weird (including me :P) and British spelling is just another of those perfectly unneeded little touches to make us all dread spelling tests!

2 points

Thank you for being so disrespectful towards what I believe. You've really shown me what a mature, kind and loving person you are. I don't have a problem with what you believe in so long as it doesn't affect me so I don't see why you should, either. Once again, thanks for making my first message on this sight a horrible one - it's nice to see someone telling me what I believe in is "a load of shit".

5 points

You wouldn't get humans without religion. Maybe other animals, but us humans need our personal beliefs. Can you imagine how boring the world would be if we all believed the same thing?

Also, religion affects everything we do and think. I can't imagine a world without religion just like I can't imagine a world without...speech or humans or language. If we all believed the same thing, this website wouldn't exist because there wouldn't be enough subjects to debate about.

Nothing would be the same.

How can you even say that? God is...God! Only he can judge because only he has the right to judge. He knows every one of us through and through and so he knows us well enough to be able to say what we're like.

Also, I expect he just likes knowing that we're worthy of being forgiven and we're sorry. Do we have the guts and/or honesty to know when we went wrong? Think about it like this: he gave himself/his son for us, he gave us the world and, when we die, he promises to give us the perfect home.

Even if I was wrong about my religion, I'd still be glad I was a Christian and followed a loving God, even if it turned out he didn't exist!

What can you say? Sisterly love is a phrase known to many - brotherly love? Uh uh! Sisters are so much less irritating!

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