
Catticus90's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Catticus90's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

? I play roller derby and I still have girls three times my size on their ass.

Physically equipped, honestly. Put on some skates and go play with some derby girls then tell us small girls aren't 'physically equipped'.

4 points

Yes, regardless of social implications. For the exact same reason that babies should be weaned from dummies (or pacifier) and bottles. It can interfere with tooth growth, causing abnormalities (it can cause a cross bite or an over bite that can extend to the second set of teeth). It can also cause a higher rate of tooth decay.

There's a reason why they say until 3, exactly the same reason for discarding dummies and bottles.;/

1 point

If this is an age reference than I'm in my early twenties and I have failed to have any reason to visit recently. Some spare time but more interesting things to do.

1 point

Because her song writing is terrible and lacking substance. Like most generic, churned out of a shit factory, music that has a possibility of winning a nickelodeon 'teen choice' award.

2 points

I remember when I was child I thought pansexuality was the attraction to saucepans and the like.

5 points

1. The Christian job is to save souls and change peoples lives

Apparently. You may just be instigating a lie.

2. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven

If heaven is real, no proof.

3.The reason why we say your going to hell is because since you didnt accecpt him and you say there is no such thing as God

But as there is no proof hell exists you have no right to condemn someone. And for the record I never claimed God definitely did not exist.

4. Satan is telling you that there is no God

No proof for Satan, purely speculation. If God wanted me to believe in him he wouldn't have 'created' temptation or he would have at least revealed himself.

5.I will pray for you so you can accecpt the truth about God.

It might not even be true. Don't bother praying for me, even if it was proven true I still wouldn't accept it.

6. If you rather be a athiest then rather serve the Christian God then go ahead I am done with this debate and everyone else athiests like you brain wash people into thinking that there is no God

I'm not an Atheist I'm Agnostic but whatever. I brainwash people? No, it's people like you who claim that your truth is the only truth that brainwashes people. I suspect if you have children you force them into your religion. I won't force my daughter to do anything. If she wants to be a Christian fine. If she wants to be a Muslim, fine. If she wants to be an Atheist, fine.

7. If you dont change you ways you are going to be in a place of suffering that is hell for all eternity and you dont want to be in there it is horrifying and once people like you go to hell you will be screaming and saying I believe in God and then Jesus will say its too late because you decided that there is no God and now you had one chance and your chance was up. So if i were you i would start thinking about the descion you are making!

No, you think I will be in a place of suffering. I might be but logically probably not. You don't know it's horrifying, even if hell existed it might be okay. I started thinking about God's existence a long time ago which is why I am not a Christian.

2 points

God I'm bored.

You Would Win Best Documentary Feature

You are very curious about and engaged with the world. Everyone is interesting to you.

You have a variety of interests, and you delve into them quite deeply.

People are impressed by the sheer quantity of stuff you know, and you're learning more every day.

However, you're not just informed. You also are very informative. You share what you know in an engaging and interesting way.

2 points

I will say this again.

I do not believe anyone can be an atheist because no one can prove that God does not exist. To do so someone would need all the knowledge in the universe.

Based on your logic, someone cannot be religious either since a large amount believe their deity to be the only truth. You have said God definitely exists multiple times on CD.

1 point

Police can use guns, their special teams called out when guns are necessary. They just don't aimlessly give them out to every single police officer walking down the street. We don't really need guns because they're illegal and gun crime is very rare. Where as the U.S needs guns because gun ownership is legal and large amount of people own guns.

2 points

American football is essentially rugby. Except rugby players man the fuck up and don't wear protection on every inch of their body.

1 point

Yes, it was effective. However I still fell pregnant on contraception which is why I generally disregard 'studies' like this.

1 point

I don't really play for the console but for the game. I figured when ps3 and 360 started out they'd have exclusives. I bought my 360 first for halo 3 and then later the ps3 for Metal Gear Solid 4. But the exclusives for each console continue so I'm glad I have both!

1 point

You say others can feel free to choose their own religion and beliefs yet you claim that simple logic means you go to heaven and that God certainly exists. To respect others views you must only view this as a personal belief and not the absolute truth until proven other wise.

1 point

And you think if people turned a blind eye and let her have custody it would fine, she wouldn't repeatedly inject her child with botox? Of course she would. Me saying 'hey, you need to do better at your ballet!' (purely example) is nothing compared to injecting my child with botox 'because I was doing what every parent wants, their child to pretty'.

I'm a liar? This is coming from church mouse, the notorious word mincing liar? Don't even go there. You lie in every single post you make and manipulate other debaters words.

Here you go this is what you said Tom and Jerry is violent as most Disney movies are

and you said this Disney is not all its cracked up to be.

This was in a discussion about removing children from parents custody and bad parenting and you don't think I had a right to assume whilst bringing up Disney in this manner that it wouldn't be in reference to the discussion?

2 points

It has nothing to do with the severity of the general insult. That's like saying one loss of life through murder is worse than another because in the second murder the body was dismembered.

You complained that somebody insulted your country. I just pointed out that you did the same all but days ago.

2 points

Forget the long run, it's worse in the short run. You can't directly die from cannabis. Alcohol poisoning is a frequent problem and causes many untimely deaths.

2 points

Thank you, I said nothing along those lines. Although I have come to expect frequent word mincing from church mouse.

1 point

An employers rights have NOTHING to do with a past inmates custody rights.

Well they do considering most jobs applied for ask for previous convictions which candidates are obliged to answer due to the application disclosure signing. Especially in government sector jobs where criminal background checks are carried out particularly in the case of vulnerable people such as children. Which is when previous convictions are allowed to be scrutinized by law.

And they regained their societal rights when they paid their debt to society.

Ask the victim if the debt is suitable to the lifetime trauma they are subjected to.

You have a lacking faith in medical examination. Its not as easy as your suggesting and people who handle these things are well trained. Most recessed urges reappear only after being released. DESPITE that however, the LEGAL obligation to trust ones presumption of innocence has more ground then ones fear of what may.

A justified lack. You assume most recessed urges appear after release but you have no evidence to suggest that they did not always had those urges and lied to gain release before re offending.

That 13 years of age where their say in legal matters isn't respected anyway, regardless of the matter.

So if a ten year old says 'no I don't want to see daddy he raped little girls' it would not be respected. Nice one.

I never said they should just be left alone with the children, daily checks are necessary to make sure the children are in a safe environment. Just like people should be allowed to see offenders in their area, authorities need to be aware of lawful action.

Custody of a child and limited access are two different things. Seeing a child in an controlled and monitored environment, such as an access centre, is not gaining custody. To gain custody is to have main guardianship of the child.

The one with no relevant basis?

Of course it has relevant basis. If an employer has a legal right to refuse employment based on previous convictions when applying for a job working with vulnerable people such as children then it bares much relevance.

What I would let them do is irrelevant. What the law allows him is the ultimate decider

Would you happy with that decision? That's what I was aiming for with want. Baring in mind this an argument about custody not controlled access.

"I assume you don't have children, because I would take a rather take a bullet then let anything like that come in the way of harm of my daughter"

Good for you. Doesn't change the law's standing.

I just laughed because I clearly had too much wine when I said 'I would take rather take '.

2 points

You don't have to smoke cannabis especially with tobacco. People eat it, that does no damage to lungs.

2 points

I don't believe that the U.S or the UK can justify cannabis being illegal whilst cigarettes and alcohol are legal for the simple fact that they are more damaging or harmful than cannabis. How can you justify legalizing alcohol that kills hundreds of thousands each year and making it illegal to smoke a drug that has had deaths only in the two figures for a period of ten years?

0 points

Like you called the entire UK uppity 2 days ago because the home office banned some guy no one cares about or knows here. Double standards alert.

2 points

You think forcing your child to play sports is worse then giving them botox for a beauty competition? That's rational coming from the person who thinks parents are bad for letting their children watch Disney movies.

1 point

I was asking for the definition of the word Autism. Sorry I have to be so precise

Have a definition then if that's what you seek.


noun /ˈôˌtizəm/ 

A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts

As for your family member, I hate to be so frank but he/she needs to get slapped into shape. Like what Savage said. Or they just like disability checks.

Slapped into shape? The child has severe learning difficulties. He didn't speak until he was 5. He currently attends a special education school because he has the mental intelligence of a 5 year old. He understands little of emotion and basic human social skills he is severely autistic. I refer back to my argument if it were due to bad parenting then how come his 3 brothers are thriving academically and socially?

Don't you find it a little weird when there is something wrong with a child he is automatically diagnosed with Autism?

Yeah, I took my daughter to the doctors last week because she was wheezing, automatic autism! Just kidding, she was 'fine', I disagreed but the next week, different doctor, she was severely ill with bronculitus. That argument works both ways.

Enlighten me?

If a negative upbringing is the blame for autism then why is it generally the case that a child with autism is a sibling of perfectly healthy siblings. Does that medically not say anything about the rationality disorder?

I do for a fact know. That's just ridiculous saying otherwise. You think if nobody spoke in a household a infant would learn to speak? Shesh.

I'm sorry I didn't realise that your parents only communicated in bedtime stories. I thought parents spoke to their children normally on a regular basis and infants learnt basic human speech. You only made reference to bedtime stories making you intelligent. Perhaps elaborate if you don't want people to make assumptions.

What are you trying to say?

Exactly what I said. Parents not taking illegal drugs in front of their children is not 'very high values' it's just basic parenting skills. Even people who take illicit drugs often refrain from the exposure to their children. Your parents didn't do anything special.

It's not ridiculous. If so how is it?

Because you have no factual evidence that the majority of autism cases are just bad parenting.

Prove it.

I see the proof in experience with autistic children in my family. You can't prove autism is a make believe 'excuse' for bad parents.

Autism: noun \ˈȯ-ˌti-zəm\ a supposedly developmental disorder that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships, by impairment of the ability to communicate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns

I don't see how your last paragraph made any sense to Autism and the definition of the word above?

I could not find this definition anywhere on Google (I generally conclude a definition source as unreliable after the 3rd page). The only definition I could find for autism was the one I posted and many autism pages stating the scientific neurological evidence that autism is factual and proven.

My paragraph was an example of a scientific study proving that children and adults diagnosed with autism have different brain functions to an average human being. If you fail to connect the logic then that is only a reflection on your intelligence and judgement.

1 point

What I hope for is irrelevant. In the US we have a legal presumption of innocence. Unless a crime is being committed or in suspicion of being committed, we have a legal obligation to uphold the the rights of inmate(who has paid his debt to society in full).

If this were the case then why do employers have the right to ask for previous convictions and perform criminal record checks on people? And then refuse them a job based on previous convictions. The same should uphold for child protection, a convicted child molester almost certainly would not be granted a job at a nursery, why should they be granted access to their children? They sacrificed their right to be trusted and placed as the guardian of children when they abused that right and took away a child's innocence with the potential to ruin their life forever.

Like I said in my reply, tests are taken simply to allow inmates to be allowed back into a populace. If a medical diagnosis is a given that the inmate has no mental illness relating to children, we have NO legal grounds to deny and intrude on ones rights.

These checks aren't accurate nor guaranteed. I claimed I was fine to get released from a mental institution, I wasn't and threw myself in front of a car. Their mental health evaluation missed the mark and they bought into my manipulative lies. If a convicted child molester were facing release they probably wouldn't admit to an urge to re-offend.

An option however is a child over 13 years old can choose which parent to live with, and in cases brought by jail time, the child has the right to deny a parents custody.

That applies for a small age range of children. That's 13 different ages with no say.

Simply living is a risk. We can't deny ones rights simply because they can.

I'm fully aware of that, but this is a heightened and aware risk.

Because I am aware that rights are the most important aspect of a populace's societal impact. Intruding on ones rights without legal grounds cannot be done.

I refer back to my employment argument.

You failed to answer my theoretical question regarding a spouse who raped children. Would you let them, upon release, have custody of your children or want them to? I assume you don't have children, because I would take a rather take a bullet then let anything like that come in the way of harm of my daughter.

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