
Classof011's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Classof011's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Man you are just as coherent as lool...

He said that churches exist so people can generate income through donations that just went into other peoples pockets. I was saying that the bible is not made solely for profit, as more than 95% of its sales are donated to charities etc.

3 points

By encouraging young people to have sex at an early age we expose them to a myriad of potential risks. Contraception is not always effective, and can result in unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Legalising the prescription of contraception will not prevent the problem of teenage pregnancy. This is not due to a lack of prescribed contraception, but to other factors such as inadequate sex education, a lower age of sexual maturity, etc. Young girls are far more likely to use condoms than birth control especially when these girls are under the age of 16.

The issue of the health of the girl must also be considered. We are yet unsure of the potential harmful effects of the birth control pill in women. Is it not irresponsible to prescribe this to young girls who are still experiencing puberty before we are fully aware of the dangers?

1 point

Yes everyone should have an equal chance without people asking you how old you are. Of course not counting jobs where you have to be a certain age to perform IE bartender.

1 point

So what you are saying is that as soon as I see a debate you have created I should copy everything word for word and then post my opinion? Sure I'll just do that next time ....

1 point

Second chance? I don't remember a second chance and as far as I'm concerned you are just taking away people that could actually know more on the topic at hand than you do. I do not doubt, I know, that you are way above me in the experience and knowledge of stuff that a 19 year old couldn't possibly know. But I know that there are some topics that I have a ton of knowledge on, but if you are going to ban me from your debates go for it there are quite a few others and I don't mind I just find it a little strange I haven't down voted anybody since the debate, its not worth it anymore.

1 point

It represents a bad part of America, it is a representative of slavery and racism. Something that nobody should show a liking to.

3 points

what if you are taking away an extremely good point? You are taking away an opinion that hasn't had a chance. If someone gets nasty with you during a debate by all means ban them but I do not see the point in doing so before hand. As the debate creator you should give everyone a chance, at least a chance in every debate to prove themselves a good debater. Who knows maybe what your debate is on that person wrote on for his phd you could be taking away an opinion changing post!

3 points

I strongly say that they should not. I find it very stupid. To ban someone who is 'off subject' or 'bad mouthing' is perfectly acceptable but to take away what could be the top scoring debate post is just wrong. Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion on the site and if they cannot post their opinion what is the point?

2 points

You cannot fear what is going to happen there are much more important things to worry about. Try not to run the future when you haven't heard the gunshot for the present.

2 points

Sounds good to me I mean we have more time to do what we want to and it is less hassle for parents isn't it?

2 points

Hey man if you are that good at water polo I have to say tough it out, especially if it is your ticket into college. If you cannot play at all anyway then I would say just get the MRI. But if your knee is not affecting your game play then I would say go for the gold ( scholarship ).

2 points

I have had the thought run through my head my I quickly shake the though disgusted with myself.

If you are fantasizing about killing people a lot maybe it is time to seek help, but if this is just your imagination at work then let it roam freely.

Murder always has consequences. If you succeed in alluding the police you cannot allude your mind or your conscience it is always there.

1 point

I have definately cussed before. I never cuss around children. I cuss whenever I hurt myself I.E. stub my toe or hit my shin on a coffee table.

But I do not like to cuss it is not invigorating to me at all they are just words that express how angry I am.

3 points

No he shouldn't he may be a good contributor to the site but he has done nothing in the creating and maintaining of the site so I have to say nope.

1 point

I would have to say the series Phillip Pullman put out ' His Dark Materials ' I got it for Christmas 2 years ago and I was thinking I'm 16 why would I want to read a series for young adults ( not exactly my taste ) and it turned out that they were all fantastic reads that I finished in a matter of 2 days.

1 point

I agree with all 9. They all ring true and sound perfectly sound. I am a big fan of Glenn Beck he is unlike the most bothersome Nancy Grace.

2 points

We get paid in full. It is called knowledge. Why would the gov pay us? They are doing us a favor since in a lot of countries kids do not get a decent education and most of them just to get a decent education have to pay for it.

0 points

Freddy all the way! That freak can get into your worst nightmares. How can you say Jason when all he does is walk in slo mo while freddy can attack you while your awake or sleeping!

3 points

Wish I could say I did but it is my choice. This is a stupid commercial. It shows none of the effects of marijuana. It is showing all of the effects of alcohol not drugs. Since when do people pass out from smoking to much ganja?

1 point

Do rapists look and pick out the lesbians from heterosexual women? I dont think so. Human Rights falls under this category again.

1 point

Some students are not as enthralled to go to school as you are Frenchieak.

Just go to summer school. I know I start to get drowsy by 7th period. Think about having a lengthened class ( maybe one that you do not like ).

What about other kids that have jobs that they have to go to after school? How many employers are going to just give lenience to kids when they have a line of other would be employees that can be there at 4 o'clock on the dot every day that need the money?

1 point

It would mess up everyones schedule. Kids are in school long enough. An idea that was never picked up was the idea that we have 1 week of school off a month and cut out summer vacation.

Having students stay longer in school only makes them want to sleep and not pay attention to a higher degree. Kids are already half asleep by the end of the day. It would just be a bad idea.

3 points

It is called human rights people! It has already been proven through tedious studies that children adopted into same sex families turn out just the same as any other kid. So I have to say yes because to me the answer is obvious.

3 points

Why wouldn't I? It wouldn't matter to me if I got great recognition just as long as what I did really did save the Human race. If what I did was just an attempt to save the human race and might not work I dont think so. Have some crazy people try it out first.

3 points

Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for supreme martial arts skills, after obtaining his awsome karate power proceeded to round house kick the devil in his face for his soul back. The devil a fan of irony now plays poker with Chuck on Wednesdays =]

0 points

That picture is from Slumdog Millionare =]

0 points

I do not remember Thomas Jefferson talking about Ganja.

1 point

Wow way to take it to a level that made me think. Yes now that I read that you took the debate from a joke to kind of being serious. I agree now that I read your post.

5 points

Well if I had to wait until I was 21 I think every other brat should have to as well. I mean there is a reason for everything, if the drinking age is lowered it would hinder kids' development.

1 point

I think it is a possibility to just become a spirit to float around the world not really having a destined path. We would just be like the wind.

1 point

People feel the need to eat out. It is an American past time just like football. Resteraunts will be 2nd to last to go the last being Walmart.

1 point

I have to agree with you. Every time I see the words greatest civil rights leader my mind wants me to have a quick reaction and say Malcolm X or MLK. I do not know much about X but I do know that MLK followed in the foot steps and teachings of Gandhi. MLK did not live to see equal African Americans, Gandhi accomplished his life work during his life. That is deserving of merit.

1 point

Well if there was no Gandhi would MLK have taken that same approach? MLK looked up to Gandhi and studied his tactics vigorously.

1 point

Ya I remember that from Mr. Thompson's class, geuss the book was wrong.

1 point

Why don't you state why Marco Polo should be the greatest instead of throwing another citation up, give a reason. I seem to see a more prodigious number of citations coming from you with less opinions, and STOP USING WIKIPEDIA FOR EVERYTHING. Thats all.

1 point

Owned by intelect

1 point

Lol your citation of wiki says in the third sentence on Ferdinand This was also the first successful attempt to circumnavigate the Earth in history

1 point

I am sure you know what He meant. He discovered America in the aspect that no one in the Eastern Hemisphere knew of its existence. They thought that the world was flat for Christ's sake. His argument was that Columbus found the new world which in my opinion makes him the greatest explorer yet.

3 points

Star Trek is made up you seem to radiate incognizance.

1 point

A side dish of -finga in ma' chili- from Wendys

1 point

Yes terrorist attacks are possible.

1 point

How could you crank out some jammin music on full blast on some sub wolfers and then attempt to watch a tv show? Unless you have seen that episode 100 times and you could just knew what they were saying >.<

2 points

some of Joe's stuff is pretty off the wall but I mean hes quadrupled what you have posted so some of it has got to be crap. If a dog eats a diamond you gotta go through some shit to get the good stuff =]

1 point

I do not see why not. Since space has no limits maybe there are different levels to space like maybe if you go into a dark hole ( assuming you survive ) maybe you would pop out into a different space, with different galaxies and all that good stuff like all those science fiction shows tell us about.

1 point

If I had to choose I'd say Wal-Mart I mean to start off with thats the place where dreams come true =P. You got you're games you're clothes food jewelry Pokemon cards!!! A whole isle dedicated to drinks ;) not dr pepper either. I mean come on! what more could you want! ( I only said Wal-Mart because wolfie boy took the mall (-.(-.-).-) )

1 point

I love honey bunches of oates =P

1 point

lol you get me every time =]

2 points

Bro that is insane that is exactly how I think I would want to die

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