
Countrygurl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Countrygurl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Trump and Jesus both love you, yet you turn your back on both of them. How could you be so cold?

0 points

He is a raving manchild just like you so I'm not surprised at this.

1 point

Don't you have an Antifa protest to attend or something? I mean, I'm sure a bad ass revolutionary such as yourself has beaten up plenty of crippled elderly veterans and women and children who believe in border security and low taxes. You at the very least, probably flailed your skinny marxist noodle arms at them while screaming mindless slogans in their face.

1 point

Bootstrap, you need to learn to go play quietly when grown ups are talking. Homosexuality obviously has to do with the brain, because it is a mental illness that causes you to be attracted to other men's butt holes.

1 point

You smell like a filthy basement which belongs to a single mother being inhabited by a fat, sweaty 40 year old marxist virgin.

countrygurl(72) Clarified
1 point

I have better things to do than sit here trying to get someone arrested for being a jack ass on the internet. He probably can't get an erection unless it's some weird animated japanese pedo porn anyway so how could he rape me? And Marxists are too lazy and weak to kill anyone or commit assault unless there are 30 of them against one elderly person, woman or child in an Antifa swarm.

1 point

What is the difference between fascism and socialism in practice or even in rhetoric?

1 point

I don't believe this, Jesus was not a communist .

1 point

The amount you work out is unhealthy then and you have the exact opposite problem. You are over-stressing your body by working out so much. You also could just be a lying fat ass who is making t5his up. Either way you're still a loser.

1 point

I can't be a Nazi, because Nazis are socialists and I am a libertarian. Think about it like this, if a dirty mexican came into YOUR home with the intention to rape you, wouldn't you have the right to cut off his balls? America is our home and illegals are raping our fellow Americans.

1 point

Homosexuality should be considered a mental illness, it is not something to punish but something to treat.

2 points

You are probably so fat from sitting on your ass and being fed and clothed by the state that a whole tribe of hunter gatherers could live inside of your belly button and forage the crumbs you drop and you wouldn't even know it.

1 point

Ron Paul is a real conservative unlike many republicans. The right has always been about freedom and liberty.

1 point

I personally prefer mac so I won't be associated witjh PC culture.

1 point

Bigotry is just a buzzword buddy .

0 points

wtf are you even saying you nut case? .

0 points

Why do you believe in the teachings of Marx? Is it because you aren't smart enough to do anything but work for "the man" so you blame capitalism like a self-entitled screw-off?

0 points

I couldn't agree more. Communism is basically the perfect "beast system" formula.

1 point

I think they should be sent back to mexico sterilized, and I think the men need to be sterilized more than the women because most of them are rapists.

1 point

You are a shining example of what happens when you have no standards or principles, you just go around attacking people without making an argument and hoping to belittle others to make your spiritually bankrupt and empty self feel better.

1 point

Why should someone be taxed more just because they earn more money?

1 point

God does, have you not heard of the curse of Ham or noticed how in the bible God constantly picks and chooses which races to keep around? This is because people are just different and Mexicans are descended from demon-worshipping Aztecs who sacrificed children to demons and called them their "gods".

1 point

Do you deny the fact that the majority of spics are bastards, especially when they come here illegally?

1 point

I prefer manga .

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