
Derecola's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Derecola's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Google is your friend... just don't look at work. If you're really daring, try an image search.

6 points

While I'd tend to agree with your argument, the way you structured the debate is a bit silly. Education is important but I seriously doubt they need to know what a Cleveland Steamer or Donkey Punch is.

5 points

Re: 2

Just because you can have casual sex, doesn't mean you're able to pull it off. The majority of people are sad sacks who don't know the first thing about banging random folks (they want to).

This view of being single is based on a movie or the top 1% of guys with game... not real life for most people.

2 points


Didn't we learn anything from Time Cop and Back to the Future?

7 points

The one I'd recommend to others: Be awesome to one another

2 points

A gas tax holiday is really no different than the stimulus checks. It's cutting governmental revenue in favor of a short term itty-bitty reprieve that will have much more damaging consequences down the line.

2 points

Even if everyone sent their money to the nearest electronic retailers, do you really think dumping that money would really stimulate the economy? It's already been offset by the rising price of consumables, which are only going to increase further, so that money isn't going to foster anything.

Answer me this... what REAL effect does dumping $168 billion have on the economy? It doesn't impact consumer behavior and it certainly doesn't impact long-term spending habits. How do you measure a "kickstart" anyway? What are your terms of deeming it successful? Please cite specific examples of how this will help "the economy" rather than talk in broad, high-level terms.

Oh and don't forget the increase in taxes we'll eventually pay to offset the increase in budget deficit this creates!

1 point

Ability to sort debates by newest argument.

Currently I can do Most Heated or Most Recent, neither of which addresses finding debates that have moderate activity that aren't brand new. I like to know what's getting action RIGHT NOW even if it isn't a popular topic.

2 points

No... and that's the problem with the homo-sin debate. Homosexuality may be considered a sin by many religions and while I wouldn't argue against that (because I'm not part of the faith), my opinion about it being right/wrong doesn't hinge on it.

1 point

Of course not. Anyone with half a mind in economics knows it's just a shell game. I hardly have to argue a point when a Nobel prize winning economist does it for me.

I used mine to pay my mortgage... how's that for economic stimulus?

3 points

Graying out the vote button after you've clicked it. I'm easily annoyed and that pop-up to tell me I've already voted seems unnecessary. Graying it out would allow people to easily see what arguments in a debate they've voted up/down.

2 points

I'd like having an option. With a pure points system, I have a helluva time finding out where the "new argument" is in debates I've participated in. I know there's a timestamp but I don't want to have to scan all the posts and figure out which one is the new one.

2 points

Definitely. This should be priority number one.

1 point

Is 'nothing' an acceptable answer? Seriously, I can't see myself being impacted all that much. I drive 4 miles to work, I don't eat out all that much and my cost of consuming really isn't all that elastic. I want what I want and I'm willing to pay to get it.

1 point

Arrington's site talks about him being on the cover of Time. 'nough said.

Supporting Evidence: Click (
2 points

I'm sorry but that thought just doesn't do anything for me.

1 point
The economics of a hype-brid is likely to pay off unless you keep your car for 5+ years.
Supporting Evidence: Do Hybrid Cars Save Money? (
1 point
This is a self-selecting population... I'm never coming back here again!
3 points
Yeah... because driving experience is what determines if people are going to drink and drive. :rolls eyes: There are plenty of middle-aged drunk drivers, do you really think letting kids drive a few years before will keep them from driving drunk?
0 points
What exactly is that technological leap? Other than a blingy interface, what does it offer feature-wise that other smartphones don't?
11 points
Either lower the drinking age to 18 or raise the age of military service to 21. Most European countries have lower or loosely enforced drinking ages and while they still have issues, they don't have the proliferation of binge drinking America has.
0 points
If you want to overpay for rounded corners and a non-conformist color, get a Macbook.
If you want a good deal on a capable machine, get an Inspiron.
1 point
The Republicans seem to think so too.
Supporting Evidence: Republican votes skew Democrat primaries (
3 points
Srsly? Can the other side even be debated successfully?
7 Samurai > 300 Spartans
What chance do the Spartans have against 300!?
Supporting Evidence: Duh (

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