
Ezekiel_roma's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ezekiel_roma's arguments, looking across every debate.

What do you think would happen to you then after the death of the human race?

No. Eventually I would be sick of living since every last one of my loved ones would be dead and I would be left alone in this world. Knowing that you may die in the near future makes the present moment more precious and life worth living.

I believe that the holocaust was worse since a fully living and sentient being is subjected to death compared to a premature fertilized human being.

I believe not since your rewards or punishments are tantamount to your actions no matter where you look at it.

No since Science can be easily be followed even for a Christian.

No since God is a being beyond capable understanding therefore his actions span beyond time we are capable of knowing and thus invalidates our own understanding of 'day'.

Killing humans would only lead to a cycle of hatred which would go on forever. The loved ones of Magneto`s victims would try to kill him and if they do, his children would try to avenge him. Therefore the cycle will go on forever until nobody knows what started their dispute in the first place. Look at it this way, if world war 2 never ended the present generation would still be fighting against each other even though the ones who started the trigger were gone forever. Therefore something must be done to stop this cycle of hate, either both sides get eradicated or both would work together for a better future.

I learn better with textbooks since tablets are distracting and I find it harder to memorize stuff using it. Tablets are also more susceptible to being stolen from kids since it costs more than a textbook.

They should`t since it is a way of teaching them the value of responsibility and cooperation in the house hold. It would also help them in the future when they move out of their parents house.

Engaging in sexual acts with animals may cause certain diseases which are harmful to the human race. It is also a sign of physical abuse to the animal since it would likely to be forced into having sex with a human.

Well as he is believed to be omniscient I think that he does.

Obviously, prayer would not be enough to get what one wants. One must strive for it himself. Praying and believing is only a part of being Christian. Like everyone striving to achieve something, action must be taken what ever your belief may be.

Yes since Christianity does not denounce such acts as inappropriate. As long as he does not do harm to others then it can be done.

I believe so since there have been scientific evidences of unexplained phenomena through out the world.

Both genders are smart. It just depends on how they use their intellect.

Yes. But maybe it would be proper for them to concentrate on the medical divisions in the military. I think they will be more productive there since they have a physical disadvantage among men in the battle field.

Yes but not totally. It would somewhat create a negative consequence over a negative action therefore the child would avoid that negative consequence.

Death of the sun .

No since everyone is intelligent. It is only in the manner of using that intelligence where one may be termed smart or stupid.

Evil is the absence of good. Therefore it reflects upon the absence of God. He also did something to prevent it. It was the sacrifice of his son to save humanity and the 10 commandments.

Evil is the absence of good. Therefore God did not create evil, man created evil since man refused to accept the goodness of God.

Religion does not depend on Science. Therefore it may seem so little to you but it means much to its followers. Call us fools if you want. I don`t care. Even if there is no way to prove it thus far. Its God`s principles that make us follow the religion. Religion on my perspective is not perfect but is a way to commune with one another and understand each other`s sufferings. Whether what deity we cling to may be true or false. It does not matter. Its how we interpret the message. I don`t need to find truth in everything that exists. I just want to enjoy life on how I find it to be. Like you, people judge you as someone different because of your beliefs. But you make the most what you see in life.

It means that God created the Universe using the laws of Physics. So therefore that may be termed as the big bang theory. He was probably the catalyst.

"What i mean is, everyone always says when someone dies that it is god's will. Well if it is his will, why cant he just poof the person dead on a whim? Why does he depend on diseases and other accidents to do it for him? Why did he need a shooter and bullets to take those 26 kid's lives? Why is he so dependent on the natural processes that he created spontaneously?"

As I have said, he does things according to the nature of his creations. For an example, a person has to die of some cause so that he may be termed as dead. If not, then that would question the validity of the death of the being. He probably just chooses to act upon the nature of things for man to properly understand natural phenomena.

"Until we somehow fucked up and he intervened to flood the earth. Then send his son to be sacrificed. and if you ask me, id say were worse now than back then. So why isnt he interveing anymore? Where is he?"

He may not be present in our universe but he is intervening since phenomena out of human control happens. He also acts upon a different timeline from us. That proves that change or evolution does not happen overnight but through succeding periods of time.

He knows every result no matter what choice we take.

One should not resonate on the concept of punishment alone. It was said to discourage a person from doing such evil to another person. Hell is for me is a state of being and not a physical place. When one commits evil, then one gains adversaries and through such adversaries, then hell shall be brought upon by them.

I do not invalidate omnipotence. I only state that it is illogical for him to do so since it will violate his very nature of omnipotence.

I would like to write it more since I want things to go exactly as i dream t of .

I like Batman since first of all, he has the storyline closest to reality aside from Iron Man. Plus he is secretive and only helps the others in need with out fame and b.

Republic since there are more people in control and that a balance of power would be practiced.

I think it is alright since it is`t detrimental to society and that it only fulfills the fantasies of people.

Personally I believe that public transport is more efficient since the vehicles shall be maximized most of the time and the destinations would always be in one place. Further more it also adds to the proper utilization of energy since trains and other nature friendly vehicles are much more efficient and less hazardous to nature.

Somehow I find the Simpsons decreasing in its comedic acts. Well, for me I find Peter`s retarded actions and Stewie`s faggot antics most amusing.

He cannot, not meaning that he is a weak creator but it will violate the nature of his omnipotence. God acts upon the nature of things. An example would be the creation of the sky, if God creates a sky made up entirely of soil, then that would violate the nature of the sky and the earth since it is impossible for the sky to be made out of soil since there is already a substance that exists that is made of soil which is the earth. Same goes for God. There already exists a being that can do everything therefore he cannot create something that he cannot undo.

It does not necessarily mean rest like what we do when we are tired. The Hebrew word, shabath, translated "rest" does not really refer to a requirement to sleep or take a break due to weariness. It means that God stopped and ceased to let his plans into motion.

Then what is this new law ?

Yes since the continuity of the human race consists of innocent beings uninformed of the future vices they may commit. It is the system of our civilization that is rotten, not the race itself.

ezekiel_roma(526) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I made a mistake. This was supposed to be on the other side.

I believe it is since it believes in Christ. Even though there are practices not approved by the Bible, there is no purest form of Christianity so if one will consider Christianity as not a Christian religion, then I believe almost all protestant religions should be classified as such since we have our own interpretation of the Bible itself.

I believe it is since it believes in Christ. Even though there are practices not approved by the Bible, there is no purest form of Christianity so if one will consider Christianity as not a Christian religion, then I believe almost all protestant religions should be classified as such since we have our own interpretation of the Bible itself.

I think that he should first lower out the budget of those actions of America that is`t in utmost importance. An example would be the reduction of military funding since it is more important to take care of the civilians first before the military. Another would be the increase of taxation from the higher class Americans. Let`s face it, they don`t need money as much as an average person does, so even a 10% increase in taxes from the higher class is`t such a problem. Further more is the proper resolution of corrupt government officers and proper spending of taxes. As what Mahatma Gandhi said: There is enough resources on Earth to satisfy Man`s needs but it is insufficient to satisfy Man`s wants.

No. Peace can never be permanent. Even the slightest disputes can lead to war. Diplomacy is at least better than war in settling problems. But I don`t think that peace will be attained permanently by any means necessary.

I don`t think they should since they run through donations and they have no private businesses. If they would be to pay for taxes, then they would have to start their own business as well. It is also in the law that charitable institutions are exempted or at least reduced from the burden of taxes.

I don`t think that Atheism itself is a piece of crap. It is just a form disbelief in a divine being. Both Theists and Atheists are subject to ignorance, only in different forms are they presented.

It is a form of removing waste in the body similar to anal secretion. Thus it is perfectly natural.

I think it is good. It helps us dwell deeper into the abyss of human emotion and comprehend ourselves hence if we are subject to the same condition.

No since Nuclear radiation has detrimental side effects in which not only the Pakis would suffer from. It would also render their expedition useless since the land would have to heal first before being used. Approximately thousands of years.

It is the responsibility of the school to uplift its quality of education since the government is not always present in the vicinity. Therefore if the standard of education should be increased, then the school should increase its qualifications in being a teacher. Adhering to the increase in the quality of the teacher`s skills, a higher salary is its just reward.

You cannot raise a family and live in our society with passion alone. Money is a necessity to all.

Well scum bag teachers should first of all be filtered properly by the school. I don`t think it is the government`s responsibility since the school itself must create its own standards and thus these scumbag teachers are only present since they allowed them to be so.

If you give them less, then less students will take up being a teacher as profession and the problem in education would increase.

ezekiel_roma(526) Clarified
1 point

Personally I think both. No matter how we came to this existence, regardless of what or who may it be from. I believe that is our purpose, to know the unknown and take care of the things we hold dear.

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