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1 point

seriously get over it. Someone put that there would be less child molestors if prostitution was legalized, i disagreed. I'm saying it shouldn't because we a humans are already near moral bankruptcy.

1 point

I was replying to someone elses thing, so get a grip. It doesn't always stay in view.

1 point

really what's with this breaking apart everything i put down, just restate your opinion. And then, shut the hell up.

1 point

That's funny, but that certainly wasn't what i was talking about. We as different races segregate ourselves as well. We stay with our "people", and live the same way. If a white person has a job available they would sooner give it to the same person of their race, even if the other person was equally (or more) classified for the job.

1 point

Violent movies dont have the same effect, beacause then there would be more people going around shooting everyone simply because they've seen a violent film. Porn does mess you up though, even adult porn. Just as drugs mess you up, porn has addicted many, and makes many want to act out said fantasies. And what if that person is watching child porn, they will want to act out the fantasies.

1 point

You dont need to simply cuss to be disdainful toward someone, and i read your disdain clearly. And you are full of it, you are trying to appease the child you seem to think i am by writing this nonsense. And by righteousness i mean standing up for what is right, and you cant say you're okay with pedophiles and then say you are standing up for something. And when i put that you seem to think that i am standing up for a cause, i am saying you were correct.

By scrutinizing everything i wrote, it shows that you really dont care about what you yourself have to say. I dont care about you reading back everything i wrote, that gives me little insight on your opinion, except it shows me that you put yourself on a pedestal. You try to put me down with your SUPPOSED superior intelect. instead of telling me something i dont know, you analyze my grammar and proper word usage. Get over yourself.

1 point

what are you, a skinhead. Did you live in the time of Martin Luther King Jr., did you know his family. May your words die fast, and may the world be rid of another hateful (and obviously) racist person.

1 point

Making a positive change, to me, makes him a good man. For those that prefer inequality, and seperatism, he wasn't viewed as being the good man he was. And what proof do you have of him sleeping around? Is this judgement simply because he is black. Even if he did, he did more good than harm.

"To err is human, to forgive is divine." ~Alexander Pope

Even if he did the things claimed, it is not for us to forgive, but for the people he hurt to forgive. But, he surely didn't hurt the black community, only the sensibilities of the racists.

0 points

They let hate lead them instead of common sense. Thoughts about how to truly beat all, flew out the window when they decided to senselessly kill Jews and others. So in the end they were stupid, their motives to destroy stronger than their desire to conquer.

2 points

What benefit does it have. The harm may not be physical, but viewing anything distasteful is harmful to menatl well-being.

0 points

child molesters aren't looking for grown women. There are married child molesters, and they obviously dont want to stay at home. And legalized prostitution would only advertise these sins as if they were a good thing. It may be good to the economy but we would be without restraints and morals.

0 points

it shouldn't be beacuse if the prostitutes want to quit being hurt, they should quit prostituting. I dont condone violence, but i do condone the use of common sense. But, maybe the legalizing of a few more brothels far away from where i live, would be better. Prostitution has been around so long, i doubt it would end. But, at least keep it behind closed doors.

1 point

and to disagree with you on the child getting arrested for wathching his mother get beaten. That was not what i was talking about, i'm saying that if a child sees their mother beaten, will they take nothing from it? will it not take from them the innocent view they once had of the world, and they might repeat the abuse.

1 point

Duh, that's what i was saying. For pedophiles to view child pornography is just adding gasoline to their fire. and i wasn't talking about regular porn (prostitutes on camera) but about children that haid no choice in the matter, not people that know better.

1 point

i dont know if your deaf, or what. But, you obviously dont know music. Best white singer is mariah carey (And she's part black). Madonna and britney have to act crazy so that they will always have the spotlight. Tell me who cna hold a note better Beyonce, or britney. And for your info. Estelle is a rapper as well as a singer. and she has good producers that make her songs sound good just like britney and madonna. That's why synthesizers were created.

0 points

I can write down a bunch of questions to ask you, or do some deep philosophical writing, or cry and whine about the bullshit you keep writing. But, I'll simply say you make no sense. To say that you are trying to make a citizens arrest by appearing to be okay with pedophiles is crazy. Standing up for righteousness has no conditions, you either do or you don't.

To question the truth behind my words shows how heartless you are. And by cynical, i mean that you are cynical about my motives. For your info. that is another meaning of cynical copy and pasted right here "1. Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others" So looks like someone is showing only what they want others to see. For some reason you seem to think i am an advocate for a cause, that i simply speak for children that cant speak up for themselves (i do), and i speak for myself. You judge to harshly a person you know nothing about, because you debate with me doesn't mean you automatically know me.

And you gave no credit to what i wrote at the bottom "Were you the one that did it, or was it done to you?" You seem to hold pedophiles close to your heart, you have a sort of comradeship.

And being a child is also defined as lacking maturity, and your little outburst at the end shows your lack of maturity.

1 point

but the thing is that many white people cant sing and are simply icons. i.e. Madonna, britney spears. And for black actors being popular, that is crap, how many super famous black people are there vs. white people despite population? in movies they simple want their token black person to pull in black viewers.

1 point

that's kind of the point i was making, being voted for president is based of many things, not just race.

1 point

You are amusing to say the least, and are very clinical and cynical in your thinking. I very rarely show emotion (even through excessive exclamation marks) but i'm afraid that this is too close to home. It's easy to say things about something when you prefer to remain ignorant. You take things literally, if you had a creative mind or could see the irony in my statements then you would have the right to criticize the way i feel. You are just another of our countries uncaring bastards (ahhh, white people). And you cant sugar coat something if you're speaking plainly, and i can assure you i was writing as plainly as possible, sorry if you simple-minded people find it hard to comprehend. You really have me laughing, must have taken you a while to write all of that... and y i'm no advocate for some cause. your blatant Ignorance is insanity because you choose to dislocate yourself from reality, and you prefer ignorance to truth and common sense. So, you are hereby labled as insane. How can heartless people like you sleep at night, when so many children are being degraded. You also try to play the boo-hoo game at the end you're not the only one you dumb-fuck. and you justifying and condoning it shows who you are. "I have witnessed it first hand" same here, you idiot. question is did you do it, or was it done to you.

1 point

Yeah, that's why i said that your own "facts" are bias and not in themselves facts but are personal opinions. And how dare you speak of Mcdonalds in such a way (kidding).

1 point

I kind of agree and disagree with you. There is such a thing as blind faith, like a child has for their parent when they are younger then they open their eyes and find that their parents aren't so wonderful. but, belief and faith should coincide, you must be able to make sense of what it is you have faith in.

Holy is also means pure, and the word of God is a pure form. But, for a person to say that they are holy or pure is a complete stretch of the truth.

1 point

No, because everyone has freedom of choice, and that would mean the end of democracy which is already suffering. Hell, obese people are helping the economy by buying so much food.

2 points

I'm a liberal when it comes to gay marriage and real meaningful progress. I dont condone murder of babies, a liberal isn't always an extremist.

2 points

America has been broken so many times, if it hadn't been fixed by liberals there would still be slavery, segregation, women not being able to vote, and so much more that the narrowminded people of our society would have rather kept in place.

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